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  1. How about more objective types for pvp to increase variety of desired classes and increasing interest?
  2. They are frustrated with stacks of confusion, which tells me that whatever skill virtuoso does that stacks confusions by the boatload, that is the one.
  3. Guess its time to jump onto virtuoso to see how effective confusion condi stacks are
  4. In WVW Revenant is a massive contributer plus they got too much power, its why you stack guardians and revenants they both need huge nerfs to boonspam. Anf warrs are not as known for boonspam now ele necro and mesmers have buffs and are known for giving buffs.
  5. Revenant a mixture of thief and guardian you got the buffs of guardian tons and tons of buffs and mobility like a thief.Its ridiculous what they can do and its game breaking. Revenants contribute to the boonball and i despise boonball so much
  6. a new player will die a lot with most classes its just some they die less easy on certain classes like necro because its easier to learn.
  7. This precisely and also we need someone to fix that and of course a overhaul of many classes and power creep created years ago and reinforcement of counters to certain spec types so that they are kept in line: You a very agile class? well agile classes need to be countered by something and they need to lose something for so much movement. nerfs are needed to keep them in check.Rangers are one of those kind of classes that have kitten amounts of everything destroying everyone and everything because they got evade frames blocks teles stuns plus tons of damage. .This whole game as a whole is a issue because some classes are so overtuned with what they can do and some classes cannot and will not ever be able to keep up. Not every class is equally tuned and those that are overtuned are enjoying being at the top in classes
  8. Its a little bit of both clearly classes with extremely high damage with high mobility and high block/evade is a bit overpowered while also giving itself tons of buffs. Anyone who doesn't have the level of mobility of a guardian/revenant with buffs and mobility of a thief which guardians/revenants/eles/thief and ranger have, you are vastly underpowered due to how effective mobility is.If you got superspeed and teles and evades and your opponent doesn't, its a lose/lose, and i think we need to nerf evades, teles and spam of superspeed and buffs like blocks/aegis and severely cut down on the buffspam some classes can do.Boon corrupts were nerfed severely but buffs were not, and it made a new meta of boonspam zerg meta where you buff run in and kill kitten and that has even effected SPVP. The game just keeps getting worse and worse with power creep in these aspects and some stuff that gets nerfed just causes one class to dominate.This is why everyone just spams mobility unblockable buff and then 1 shot and GG, because that is what this game turned into.
  9. its true they definitely don-t know how to balance the class.This class used to be: A: A roamer class meant to 1v1 B:A class to claim points because they are so fast.
  10. What do you want thief to do outside of stealth then? stand there and be training dummies? what kitten do you want them to do? I'm not saying i want them to be unhealthy n all that but they got to be good at something.People want it to do no damage have no stealth have no teleports, but that just makes the thief a training dummy rather than a fun exciting experience. I am all for positive hcanges to make the game better but please enlighten me how you plan to prevent them from being unplayable? especially since thieves are all about going in and out of stealth and attacking in secret.How do you plan to prevent its lore type from being destroyed? how do you plan to explain that part too if it all the sudden has a bunch of buffs such as prot and such and no stealth?
  11. Let the salt rain then for haters then, its about time they fix problem not by destroying a class then having that class either go uncontested OR something else goes uncontested because that class is missing. Its sorta like this: Thief>ele/necro/mesmer Don't know for sure what counters thief maybe ranger? or warr? Ranger>Necros don't know what else don't know what counters rangers maybe warr? Necro:Used to counter heavy boon classes such as warr guardian and revenant but now boon corrupt got deleted so we got boon meta. Ele:Since ele can do sidenoding i imagine they mostlikely do good versus rangers maybe revenants? They became solid roamers. These kind of things need to re reinstated again where certain things get countered by certain things. Maybe we just need to go back to having specific classes for SPVP balanced around or something i'm not sure i miss seeing thieves roaming around jumping around with staff smacking people and eles with hammer cata roaming and doing thier proc thing, and mesmer chronos with teles. Maybe the problem is stuff just keeps getting overnerfed that it ends up creating more unbalance.
  12. Sounds like a hater of chrono. I am personally concerned with over nerfing mesmers.Over the years for a while they were an outlier but then got repeatedly nerfed because of pve/PVP and heavily with impunity and i don't want mesmer mains to quit the game. Now if t here is a problem, maybe the solution is to buff their counters such as thief.
  13. They did that to scourge too nerfed it repeatedly hard but Thief gets a bad rap for nerfs. I remember when dagger used to hurt a lot
  14. People always complain about thief cause they don't wanna learn and hate having a class built around stealth and running around, yet there are other classes who do it too but have damage included. IF other classes get level of speed then their damage needs to be massively nerfed too.People always complain about how people are able to avoid everything yet thief is a class designed around stealth its in WOW too.You don't have to like it, its literally a style type in D&D as well.
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