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Posts posted by OGDeadHead.8326

  1. As mentioned above, hammer needs a mobility/gap closer skill of some sort.


    Pet Unleashed skills: Not sure if the "on disabled" should be there to apply the secondary effect?

    Perilious Gift: Make sure it works one way or another even if the pet is dead. Also, should probably apply at least regeneration to the pet after health's been drained from it?

    Exploding spores: Seems hard to land the knockdown even when in your face of your enemy? It seems you literally need to stand right on top of them?

    • Like 10
  2. You really need to be able to set at least one of the pet skills (of your choice) to autocast if you want to. Swoop on birds, for example, is on a very short cooldown, and would be nice to set to autocast.

    • Like 11
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  3. So I'm researching the options for moving the whole families collection of games to a NAS storage on a 10 gigabit connection, with SSD caching HDDs on the NAS itself, and possibly caching of frequent used files on each client PC connected to the NAS.

    Now I'm wondering if the scenario below is at all feasible:

    • NAS unit with GW2 installed to it
    • Win10 clients accessing the NAS as an iscsi drive
    • Two (or more) different client computers running GW2 from the SAME installation directory at the same time (different accounts of course)

    I can see issues when it comes to the local.dat file - anyone got any real info to share on this subject (and please refrain from speculating if you don't actually know). Thanks!

  4. @Mikali.9651 said:stood in LA shouting that I will do Villainy of Galrath quest solo for 1,5k platinum. At that time, that quest was very hard

    Sorry for necroing this old thread, but I was searching the web for my old Villainy of Galrath quest back in the day, and this thread came up.Did this quest solo on my beastmaster ranger with a seriously optimized build for the run (Balthazar's Spirit on my pet). Sweet memories of a time long gone.

    I very much miss the days of the original Guild Wars, were you had a ton of skills to choose from to try and optimize for the mission you were going out on. Such an awesome system, and the biggest let down in Guild Wars 2 that didn't keep and expanded on that system.

    Hoping for a combination of the best of two worlds in GW3.

  5. While I agree with most of what OP posted, it's gone too far now, and we'll just have to come to terms with the fact that Anet will NEVER fix these issues. A sad fact that made me lose interest for pvp in this game long time ago (and the game in general).It reminds me all to well when the same issues, more or less, were brought up in the original Guild Wars. They waited until the game was more or less dead until they started to fix issues with pets in that game that had been complained about since release.So no, I have zero hope for improvements in this area.

  6. @anduriell.6280 said:The strong dependence of WS for the cleanses is a mayor pain point for the ranger. If you main ranger the impossibility to find a viable build without that trainline burns any ranger very fast.

    In true Anet style, they'll nerf WS long before they would dream of boosting any other traitline when it comes to condi cleanse, in a classic shortbow/longbow way. Because reasons.

  7. @Hannelore.8153 said:Keep in mind that Soulbeast is just as effective at healing as Druid. This is because Celestial Avatar has a limited uptime, so its strictly burst healing, while Core Ranger and Soulbeast can have better healing over time (Health Per Second - HPS) to allies.

    Please show me the soulbest build that heals as effective as Druid, with better healing over time. I'd like to see it.

  8. @Fueki.4753 said:Stealth has no business being applied to characters in combat.

    Stealth was the worst decision Anet ever made putting into the game. I loathe it, and have done so ever since release.The game would be far better off without stealth - period.

  9. @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:Many users have reported poor DX9 performance on the new 5700XT such as this - https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/cmqnbw/navi_and_dx9_performance_we_saw_some_threads_in/

    As a sort of solution you could use D9VK for GW2 which makes use of Vulkan instead of Direct3D. Project page - https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/d9vk

    Or d912pxy (which I find works better):https://github.com/megai2/d912pxy/wiki/Installing

  10. @"sorudo.9054" said:i tried it again, all it does is stop GW2 from launching.

    It's working fine if you know what you're doing, and it for sure gives a nice boost to your framerate in places where it matters - crowded locations like Mistlock Sanctuary, a place that for me could dip the framerate of the "normal" game to as low as ~20 fps when there are lots of players around and with all settings maxed out.With this proxy it runs the very same scenario at around ~30 fps. Something that is easily checked by just renaming the d3d9.dll temporarily to get back to the original dx9 version and compare.

  11. @"Jon Olson.8439" said:Currently we believe that display aspect ratio and the fuzzy text problem are unrelated. We have an active work item tracking the text issue, but at the moment there is nothing new to share.

    I'm wondering if you're able to reproduce this issue at all? I'm also wondering why this can happen even though you don't enable the DPI scaling feature ingame, what other things did you change realted to this in the "DPI scaling"-patch that introduced this bug?

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