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  1. Trash weapon as I predicted. On top of what was said before in another post, it is impossible to maintain your stacks of crushing abyss reliably in combat. Each time a stack apply it should refresh all the old ones. edit: I went to try it in WvW a bit more and this thing has as much pressure as a support weapon without the defensives capabilities, I think scepter in a way would be more useful because you could have a decent off hand weapon, not because scepter is any good. Went to try few of the other professions and it felt so much better. On rev it feels like trying to chop wood with a knife. Please put someone else in charge of revenant weapons in the future. It is the second useless weapon we get now.
  2. I completly agree with that, that is why I left SPvP a long time ago and now WvW. It seems like they always buff or give more to the professions they play and nerfing the competition. Prioritizing one style of gameplay over others. Like I said, I have no faith in the balance team. I am sure they don't even look at some parts of the forum because it is not on their priority list. Then on PvE side, last expansion story was so mediocre it feels like they don't even put an effort into it. It has been on a decline for a while. There is few good parts but they could do so much more.
  3. Looking at the name of the skills it just scream to me the shadow army and Menzies lord of destruction and Balthazar half brother. We did not see yet what is going to happen in Janthir yet. We saw some titans so old prophecy enemies (I know they come from realm of torment but maybe we have to go in fissure of woe at some point). Revenant could have chanelled that style of battle from exposure to the fissure of woe in dragonfall. A bit like how we got to use Palawa Joko power for a moment while escaping prison and rescuing the spearmarshal. Scepter was just weird, there is nothing Kryptis about it and a trash weapon in this state.
  4. Well it depend on how you see the weapon. If you want it to poke, yes I agree range is a massive problem. If you see it as a charge weapon when the zerg dive in it could have his uses. I was just trying to develop someone idea to give spear his own identity while giving it a clear weakness to counter. I would rather they give more range, faster casting speed, some cover conditions, slight decrease in energy cost, immobilize/chill at the beginning of #4 and maybe #5 being unblockable at max stack.
  5. In the same line of what you said. At max stack the mines could corrupt boons, #2 transfer two conditions, #4 immobilize the pulsing part, #5 could heal 0.5% per enemy hit. Something like that would allow some good combos and justify the long wind up time while giving the counterplay for the others to either keeping the revenant from reaching max stack with dodging #5 or interrupt it. You would not change casting time and range in that case. I would still add some cover conditions so torment does not get cleanse so easily and vulnerability to autoattack so power builds could have a little one more incentive to use a spear vs greatsword/swords.
  6. If the range was 1200 maybe it could be useable. At 600, you going to die way before you can use half of your skills in pvp settings with all the burst and cc coming your way. The only way to kite/deter is on a 10 sec cooldown. By the time you can reach you maximum potential on the weapon you won't have any energy left assuming you will land all those hits which I assure you won't. If they are going to keep those cast times the attacks need to be either unblockables or #5 need an evade since most of your time will be spent using that skill. Also the fact you mostly do only 1 condition will be easy to cleanse. In the end you will be the equivalent of the guy getting shot at in the Cairo market scene in Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark. (If it help you visualize, that guy is also in black)
  7. Well explain why all the other professions spear casting speed feels normal. We are getting flawed weapons 2 expansions in a row and this is ok? Look at scepter, it was already bad at first and they nerfed it even more. The art/animation team does a really good job but I have no faith on the performance of the balance team for revenant. The gameplay does not feels enjoyable/impactful (from what I have seen in the demonstration) and the numbers don't look that good either.
  8. They release new ranger pets every expansion, it would be nice if we get new legends from time to time, does not have to be tied to a trait line or elite spec. We don't even have access to racial skills.
  9. For lore it could have something to do with the shadow army in fissure of woe. That part does not bother me too much.
  10. It looks as slow or slower then hammer without the range, damage and defensive capabilities. Ramp up is bad on revenant, unless you exclusively use that weapon 90% of the time but even then it as to be worth it. Mace + axe is quicker and require less energy and probably do more damage. Shortbow has more condition, longer range and more reliable cc. In the current state from what I see from the tooltips, they will need to reduce the energy cost AND the cooldown by half to even be considered as a viable weapon. In a rotation you won't have enough energy to ramp this up to his full strength. #4 need to pulse immobilize if it even wants a chance to land that cc at the end. #5 should add more damaging conditions as it ramp up like confusion and burning instead of more torment. #5 could have and evade while casting to justify the long casting time. If they want this to be hybrid weapon, add vulnerability to autoattack and the melee attack chain should add another damaging condition. It is a cosplay weapon, not actually useful comparing the the other alternatives and animations so slow you are just a sitting duck if you are attempting to use it outside pve.
  11. Which is a bad design choice because only few professions can blink. The mechanics should not require a certain profession or set of utility skills to complete. It should only make it easier if you have access to them. You lose diversity and fun for the sake of "difficulty". These days some professions are going rather extinct in group content. I really much prefer freedom of what to play then freedom to decide how to deal with a bad mechanic.
  12. Then what is the point of making him spawn a ton of orbs of the same kind instead of 1 you can interact with. I am rushing to the direction the orbs are going to land to pick them up quickly and the game thinks I don't want to pick them up. If we are to be expected to collect 6 orbs after each attack there should be a larger delay before he start to consume. Even if there is no bug, the fight is still not enjoyable because of small little design choices.
  13. For one you can't use vindicator dodge during deimos and cerus fight because some force pull you toward the middle of the room and interrupt your dodge. Another one is the reward (empowered eparch weapons) after clearing 25 times the cm are not even unlockable skins, it is just normal exotics so I spent 500 ecto, 100 integrated matrices, 2 fractal journals and 1000 ufe for a piece of junk atm. Still keeping it in case they decide it is a priority to fix that. You can also make the enemies disappear during the "console" minigame but considering how annoying/waste of time that part of the fractal is I consider it more a feature. If eparch's orbs spawn near you, you cannot pick them up by walking on them sometime. It is just few proof they push content without too much care for the quality of it I mean just the other day doing Silent Surf I got stuck into one of the pylon because the hook gun sent me inside the obstacle and that is a fractal that is out for quite a long time.
  14. They should just stop designing mechanics around what few professions have, that is when you are going to see people favoring or demanding certain builds. If they need a specific kind of skill for the encounter, then give it to everyone as a special action skill or a bundle/limited time transformation. Back in core game the hardest foe was lupicus in arah and for me it was a fun encounter because you did not need anything but dodging properly, some mobility skills/stability or blocking certain attacks. which everyone had access to. You could bring for example a teamwide projectile block(which was profession specific at the time) to make it easier but it was not needed. The moment you force a type of skill not everyone have access to or set a dps requirement that not every profession can achieve reliably, you get what we have now. People should not be punish or have someone else compensate/carry because they want to play a specific profession or weapon type. I would rather prefer they spend their time making the encounter look cool and epic then having so much mechanics at the same time that require bright color markings to even see/know how to react. Also can we stop with mechanics that choose player at random or luck based? It is just wasting our time and more frustrating then fun. (And if anyone was asking themselves while reading this, yes I did get a clear on LCM)
  15. Just make a grandmaster trait that change the current resistance into the old one and you fix mallyx
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