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Everything posted by fedorov.1480

  1. I think the same thing happens with the staff bursts but I need to test more.
  2. Staff bugs if everyone can report them in game hopefully they'll fix. Full counter does not reset staff burst... Fixed Spellbreaker staff burst uses T2 version so takes all your adrenaline.. Fixed Magebane Tether doesnt work with staff burst.. Fixed *Line breaker unblockable is 1 stack not the 3 listed in the tooltip.. *Staff block still cancels randomly a ton in wvw.. P.S. buff damage on staff
  3. Looking at the tooltip during the stream at the 1:05:31 time stamp, it does 0 (no damage even listed) damage and only weakens enemies, the buffs, heal and usability are great but staff only has very very low damage on #1, #2 and burst (nerfed zerker burst damage also) too. I know the skill works like Ancestral Grace but we need some damage at least as a warrior for adrenaline etc.
  4. We've wanted this change for years and years, can only wish.
  5. Warrior since original beta and never post, but I played a lot during the beta with staff and liked the direction. The bugs and trait ideas have already been gone over so mostly limiting ideas to each staff skill. Balanced strike, Reverse strike, Inspiring whirl (autos): Instead of regen on Inspiring whirl, make it heal for a static amount (500ish). Regen is already on the bursts no need for both. Also make Inspiring whirl a whirl finisher. Valiant Leap #2: Only change would be a leap finisher, this is the best skill on the kit currently. Line Breaker #3: Where to start....no one likes the ally targeting especially on a melee spec, or the slow buggy 1200 "dash" that misses most of the time. I can see ally targeting on a range weapon but not here. I'd rather it just be one enemy target skill but having all the boons, heal, damage, unblockable, stun break, and debuffs would be too much on one skill as is. If combined lower the heal and damage numbers some as well as the unblockable and stun break. I'd like to see the cd lowered to 15secs in wvw as well. Just some possibilities below *At the very least, give the warrior the buffs and heal if no target is selected, or if/when it misses your intended ally target. Also as others have stated do not use rush's animation, ever. *Since it has a nice trail while running to your target, make the buffs and heal affect allies you pass through. Better yet since it leaves a trail already have it act like scourge "trail of anguish" skill. *With only skills 2 and 3 doing damage, the damage needs to stay on line breaker somehow. Snap Pull #4: Two suggestions would be either increase the range to 900 if left as is, but better yet have it pull downed players and push enemies away at the same time. This would be a great support ability. Bullet Catcher/Defiant Roar #5: Aside from the block canceling bug, the only changes here I'd suggest is to have defiant roar happen automatically after blocking. It may as well since you only have about 1 second to cast defiant roar. Make it a full block like shield is and not even have the flipover. Or Increase the block duration to 3 seconds and have it a full block like shield, heal allies per attack blocked with a 1 sec cooldown and get rid of the flip over all together. If left as is leave the flip over skill up for 3-4 seconds so you can time the heal better. Also, have inspiring focus activate when defiant roar activates, not during the block phase. Path to Victory (core burst): No changes, leave the regen here but increase the duration Rampart Splitter (zerk burst): Only change here I'd like would be a daze instead of immobilize as well as a 2stack 2second burn. As is, the core burst is almost equal in damage, weakens, and heals for much more. Just my overall thoughts as a mostly wvw'er but it was pretty fun to use on core, zerker, and sb for sure.
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