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Vash.9183's Achievements

  1. Going to bump this since the bugs mentioned in my post above still exist. Since I've made this thread, Coalescence of Ruin has also went from having a 4 second cool-down to a 10 second cool-down although it remains bugged (bugs explained in the original post above). I was hoping that maybe since you've released the big patch recently, that maybe you have some time to look into the issues with this skill. I'd greatly appreciate it if you did :)
  2. [moderator: content edited]Thanks for relaying the message, Fire Attunement
  3. Arena Net, were you made well aware of this bug? I believe this isn't being taken seriously. We're approaching several months of CoR (Coalescence of Ruin, revenant hammer skill 2) remaining bugged. It does NOT follow the target anymore. It followed targets ever since herald was released with HoT, but became bugged when you added the red warning triangle indicator for enemies to see when you cast CoR on October 1st 2019 patch. It may help you to know that in World vs World the Dragon Banner skill 1, "Dragon's Might," is pretty much the same as Coalescence of Ruin and it follows targets with no issues. Perhaps having a look at how "Dragon's Might" functions on Dragon Banner will help you fix the targeting issue on revenant's hammer skill 2 Coalescence of Ruin.
  4. The mentioned bugs are still persisting after the October 29th update/build.
  5. This bug has been persisting for quite some time now. Revenant hammer skill 2 "Coalescence of Ruin" is ignoring targets and obstacles. An active thread on it can be found here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89013/coalescence-of-ruin-targeting-bugged-after-patch#latest
  6. Any news? Sorry if bumping with a second post is a big no-no, but I'm just being hopeful haha. :P
  7. Can confirm Coalescence of Ruin is bugged after the update- at least in WvW. 1) The skill is ignoring targets now. The casting sequence will only perform in the direction that you are facing, regardless of target. This is a big problem in WvW since not only is the enemy team/zerg almost always moving, but your ally team/zerg is almost always moving as well. 2) CoR isn't only ignoring targets after the update, but also terrain and obstacles. The casting sequence disappears if the terrain isn't a flat plane. It can also cast through walls and doors- damaging anything on the other side.
  8. https://imgur.com/1jxbyoEForgot screenshot, here it is.
  9. Around 15-20 minutes ago, my duo queu for unranked popped and we accepted. When the map results picked the map, it never left the screen and we never went into the match. Seems I'm stuck with this as it is on all characters. Have attempted relogging. Attached screenshot. My duo-queue friend is also bugged still, his account is SniffyCube.6107
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