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  1. I've been itching for some fun PvP and I'm debating on returning to the game. I haven't done much in the WvW, PvP, and PvE scene since the release of the game so I'd like to find a fun group of people who mainly do that and are willing to teach me. I'm not sure if they ever released the alliance WvW update but If not I'm on Crystal Desert. Looking for a guild that plays around 5pm-12am CST which is when I'm off work and free. Looking forward to talking to ya'll!
  2. Will fishing be engaging or will it just be a afk activity like typical mmorpgs? Personally I liked how Archeage did it's sports fishing along with the fishing boats.
  3. I mean the cash shop isn't the worst in the mmorpg genre but its the fact they barely add any new cool looking gear inside the game besides the legendary stuff, then rely on people to buy costumes/weapon/armor skins off the cash shop.
  4. Well ill be honest the "features" are extremely lack luster for something you need to pay for and i doubt were going to see anything else interesting compared to what info we already have. People will get mad and defend guild wars 2 regardless but its the fact I've been coming back on and off since release only to find the most updated thing is the cash shop. I'll be playing it more then likely but still sucks to see ArenaNet not fully caring about its players and only looking for ways to make money off of them.
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