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  1. Here's my feedback for ranger spear, tested in roaming context : The good the base idea of the weapon is good. By that, I mean it provides an alternative that can be squeezed in the power ranger choices, thanks to its melee/range hybrid nature. Note that I'm only talking about the concept here, not actual numbers. giving the ranger an unblockable pierce without having to slot/use signet of the hunt is a good idea. all in all, the spear has a fast recovery (11.5s average cooldown against 14.5 for LB, 14 for GS, 13.5s for hammer) The bad I do have the impression the damage is frontloaded in the #4 skill (well, actually it accounted for about 20% of my total damage in duels and small scale fights I could partake in). The reason it feels bad is that this skill is a movement skill, and the only hard cc on it as well. So if it also does as much damage as the #2 in an actual fight, we might have a small 'balance" problem in terms of relative usefulness of each skill the weapon barely has any boon, and that's when you couple it with some traits that are active for all weapons. I'm kinda sad it has not interaction with 2-handed training I would have liked to see a "cd reset" mechanic for the #2 on the weapon, in a similar fashion to GS and old sword, even at the cost of a slightly higher base cooldown. (something like "resets cooldown when using a skill from stealth"). The ugly honestly, I don't see any use for this weapon outside of roaming/sPvP power ranger. Which is sad, since it's already the niche ranger had the most options for in terms of weapon choice. I would have liked a condi equivalent to GS, but hey this is not santa's wishlist, just a "feedback" thread. self-revealed is too long untamed unleashed has a delayed strike which can reveal you if you stealth just after cast the unleash
  2. Here's my feedback for the warrior spear. Tested in guild-organized 30-men zerg : The good actually fills a niche the warrior had struggles with before. Access to easy cripple with #2, to immob+hard cc with #4 and to a push with #3 allows the celestial spellbreaker to participate in the 900 spike, where before it was just utterly useless. The bad I don"t see any reason as to why the burst skill does not allow movement. The skill has a long cast time, does not have an enormous amount of damage for a 3/4s cast time, has a very small effect radius and no supplementary effect I would be good for the CC on the #3 to occur before the/at the same tame as the backward dash, to allow the weapon stow to cancel it the animations are, well, meh. Since we are on warrior, I guess it's to be expected, but I would have loved a bit of "parangon" touches from gw1. The ugly I do have the impression the 5fth skill does not have much uses. Other people already showed this, but the speed at which spears fall cannot hit someone that just presses their advance key (which you should always be doing in competitive anyway). when trying to hit someone that is not at your height level, the fifth skill reacts as cancelled (= goes into a 4seconds coolddown), instead of not launching. While I tought from the stream that skill shouldn't have a LoS required, I now understand you were talking only about the follow up attacks, and not the skill itself. Too bad, I was looking forward warrior getting its own barrage.
  3. Here's my feedback. Context : I ran my tests through reset blob. Well, I'm sure a lot of people here will share my problems with the weapon 1. the fifth skill is far too slow, borderline unusable. This skill is impossible to time with the bomb (+ the fact that it is a 600 range, and not 900) 2. the fourth skills should only have a low coefficient on in its last hit. I kinda want to be mean here, but how come we have a skill that hits 6 times over one second and a half and only has an effect on its last hit ? That means that the weak 180 pull in a 240 radius with 600 range only happens 2 and a half second after we decided to use it ? 3. the power coefficient is not enough for a weapon with more than a 1s cast time and only one single condition And I'm lucky, when I did manage to hit people that were not in their invul phase of the downstate, I could hit multiple targets at once, which meant I could build the power up quicker. I do pity anyone that would bring this weapon on boss fights. in conclusion, this weapon does less power damage than the shortbow, less condition damage than the short bow, with only one single damaging condition, is slower than the shortbow, with 300 range less and a mechanic that could be fun if it were not linked to a 1 and 1/4s cast time that you should multiple times -- to a really meager result. Which means the weapon brings nothing more than what the SB offers, except its short dodge.
  4. link to support that statement ? it always has been useless. Multiple reasons for that : most big guilds acutally don't care if they win or lose their MU. What they care about is the content they will in the current and for the following week you gain nothing for winning or losing, except choosing the people you fight the following week. ==> those two points indicate that what players expect from WvW is not measured accuratly by the skirmish system. currently, there are 6 divisions for EU. Which means that a 4-week period is not enough for a team that was randomly put in the 6th tier to go up to 1st tier. Actually, the very fact that original tiers are distributed randomly makes the scoring meaningless if you want to compare teams and guilds the way of playing in WvW are very diverse, and I honestly doubt there is a way to measure all those ways in a single score. most information you'd want to compare guilds outside the skirmish system (nbr of kills, nbr of deaths, nbr of hours played, etc.) is already available through the API I mean, I don't know why you would even except the current system to be structurally different from the old one.
  5. I don't get what you want. Points matter now as much as they mattered before. Communities didn't wait for anet to start to compare guilds kills, and there is no other scoring system other than the skirmish system that is expected or announced. Winning/losing a MU has only an impact on who you'll be facing the following week, and is still a team-wide effort rather than a guild-effort, and seeing how the last time they tried to make this matter finished, I'd be surprised if they ever tried again. So, what points to you want to be counted, and for what occasion ?
  6. Well the point was already made multiple times in other topics on this forum. But you have 2 reasons to want to add a "new weapon" : - thematic hole - gameplay hole the riffle and pistol don't really help with gameplay coverage of ranger. They are both projectile-based weapons, and ranger already has plenty of projectile weapons. Thematically, the ranger is not only a "defender of nature", it's someone that decided to reject civilization and is one with nature. Now, the game is already front loaded gameplay-wise and anet will increasingly be mandated to do some redundant weapons if they want to continue to add weapons to the game, so it's not that impossible we will get one firearm in the future, with a roundabout lore explanation. But surely we'll get other things beforewards, for example we still don't have an OH weapon with a block.
  7. Will we have this tread every week until anet announces discontinuation of service ?
  8. titles were available until yesterday
  9. that defeats the point of the WR
  10. I must say, the loading screen for WvW is beautiful, now that I had the time to look at it.
  11. well, still no synergy with spellbreaker then
  12. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/spear-factor-warrior-thief-and-engineer/
  13. like currently still like currently same as now 1 month, and they will change it if they find it too long or too short I think you are mixing up a lot of things with this. The only "tools" they ever talked about are mock ups of screens that allow alliance leaders to track the WvW actiivty of members of the guilds of said alliance, and leaderboards. It never was into question that alliances go over 500 players. Never. If you want to know what's the plan with alliances, it's because anet want to have more control over team balance. And to gain control, you need to increase granularity and lock teams. The rest is statistics and their ability to do math. Which means that for every thing else, I don't see why it wouldn't behave differently that what we have now., or even why you would expect that.
  14. Believing that WvW players with multiple accounts do it solely for rewards or for "winning" is a proof you actually did not even try to interact with them. You want to know why they have multiple accounts to play in WvW ? The essential is that they want to be on multiple servers at the same time. To each their own, but you have multiple reasons for this : - they want to self organize content in openfield. - they want to follow multiple guilds on multiple servers - they are trolls that just want to hear/know what is said about them, and for that they often need an api key linked to an account on said server. - it allows them to still interact with people that blacklisted them This is also what also what gives those players/guilds the ability to "stop playing" for one or two weeks in order to maximize the chances of their main server to drop. They can just go play on another server. Is this really "any form" of march manipulation ? Honestly I don't think so for the reason that there is no factual difference between that and someone taking a break from the game. What would be match manipulation is 2 servers coordinating to arrive to a settlemate and stop another from going up the tiers for example. It would also be logging to your alt account in order to pull tactics before your main server attacks. Both of which are actually pretty rate. But choosing for which server you will play each week according to the content you will find in the MU ? Nah, it's too much of a red line for me to consider that a match manipulation. Alt accounts are not a problem in itself, nor does it impact the fairness of MUs that much. Also, Before you start accusing others out of yourown behind, I have one single account. Would not stop me from transferring over and over again if I wanted to, and I would not care that much about loosing numbers on a bar since I would have my fun. Also, How come it is the one that states "says who" and "that's just you presuming" that is attacking others as soon as he is given valid criticism.
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