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  1. Do you think this is the way to make the announcement of WvW beta? last time you even sent a mail ingame to avoid people from having issues, or to plan a bit. For today there is no official announcement, not even on announcement forums, not even a pinned post in WvW forum. And on top of that just the day before.
  2. Anet wants to improve the GvG scene, but guilds still doesnt have WvW stats @ guild hall, and Mist Arena only has 1 arena so there can be only 1 fight. Although the best thing to do would be to have spawnable arenas... I think redesign of the mist arena to have multiple fighting pits should be the first easy step. And changing guild hall stats to wvw is more work, but i find having pve stats @ gh a completelly useless . (What can the GH fighting pit used for? It's a real question, I only see it useless with the pve stats).
  3. I've got people ranting me because literally "why was I not fighting the enemy side noder catalyst with a support tempest", or because i was "fighting" off node (support tempest) because I was being HARD chased by 2/3 enemies and depending on the enemy skill I can not tank a group of them on node. When is usual that you get the enemy focus (it also happens with dps), you give 3 chances and you see the team is not reacting, furthermore sometimes they rant you (because of course you have to carry them and kill everyone while getting the enemy focus)... Yeah it burns out, so i prefer to avoid it.
  4. Then instead of putting all the cons of the bad matchmaking situation in mid/low rating players. How about high ratings gets to wait 30 if needed to play just with high ratings, Disable duoQ for plat+, it is not done because is not fun, as it is not fun been in groundhog day, with people and new players not wanting to even do the minimal effort of ctrl+t or just t. It's easy to propose a solution that doesnt affect you, the funny thing is that high ratings is the problem of this bad matchmaking,. So as you don't want to wait for your PvPs you are allowed to stomp on lower rating matches. Because we all know new players love to be stomped by higher rating players, and its fun but following your assumption you lose the people that doesnt play stomped matches you most probably lose a good chunk of mid rating players, and what will happen when new players are more often placed against high rating players?
  5. Yeah... except is most new ppl 700 rating or below?( best case scenario 800 ). Because that afk hardly gets to 1100 (after 150+ has only been like a handful of times on top of that rate) . If ratings were true, it had to be throwing on purpose. So if the match is clearly lost (and matchmaking is not working well) people should not be forced to waste their time.
  6. Not the first neither the second (and definitely not the last) an afk leaving when the match is still something like 100-200 an still has top damage with the rest of the team full tryharding without support all trying to do damage. So if afk is punishable being irrelevant to that point should also be.
  7. Participation is making WvW consistently meh, make last chest give some extra tickets for the 2 or 3 first repeats... I'm not sure of that idea but might work. On the other hand reward tracks should be based in something like experienced earned, to avoid people of afk playing. If you want reward track you need to get wvwexp. and lots, if you really play the gamemode and make an effort you get reward tracks. Although I'd like to see a system in which that exp could be shared with scouts in an easier and better way. I know is a long shot, but some way of like making a queu of people offering themselves as scouts and if people know them and see they really are scouting offering some exp share.
  8. If people are taking djin buff while losing, going 2 v1 (with low mobility specs) while the team is trying to def mid, etc, etc etc... AFK is the the least of the problems. If the match is lost just let it finish.
  9. In the end I think havoc groups will get alliances, because having a zerging guild and havoc guild in the same alliance will be beneficial for both, better than 2 zerg guilds or 2 havoc guilds in the same alliance.
  10. Completelly agree , those pvers with no morals, we wvwers only kill players. Who is the heartless one that killed the dolphin!
  11. In fact i Saw @Dawdler.8521say something some people doesn't seem to get, the idea Anet has with alliances is to not have relink each week, and selected alliance will swap you on next relink. Guilds/alliances allow 500 player to play together, if it is not enough space for all your friends... but something I've seeing because of playing in a country server is that the problem usually is different from what is presented in the forums. People want to force other people from the same server to play with them, maybe the people that doesnt go into that 500 people server community guild is because they prefer to play with some other people, just MAYBE.
  12. So a German speaking alliance, and Free agents speaking English? Btw alliances are 500 slots how much people do you need to talk your same language? I'm playing in Baruch and can't wait for alliances to come, I want to be able to have a little possibility to chose who I play with. Not like right now that you are forced to stay with some people in the server, and if you move people could move too. Btw Teamchat is for calls and WvW related things, you wan to chitchat? alliance and guildchat. Anet is trying to get more player in the game, and in the wvw gamemode, because if they dont it wont last long. The only ones holding back against getting new people are older players that doesnt want NOTHING to change. Well thats a good way to kill the game, dont think anet is gonna take that path.
  13. Although I get why you say it... it's way harder than it seems. For example the case stated before you hard carry kiting far against multiple enemies and you will not see it on end match stats, or you could think someone with good stats is doing well like a daredevil top damage and 0 offense stat which should be a throw on the daredevil side. Those are examples but how to rotate can affect your stats, and it completely depends on your team builds and enemy builds, so it's not that easy to check. In fact there is people that has thought i've thrown a game because I was not going to go to side node with support against enemy sidenoder. You would need humans analyzing all pvp matches to check for example who is just pew pew from outside node to make some damage and griefing, and who is doing pewpew outside node to avoid enemy burst on node and then jump on node to continue damage rotation with weapon swap and avoiding enemy cap. I'm inclined to think it would be better not allowing making duoq with players with much rating difference, increase the pips on wining and don't give pips when losing. Without reward on losing griefing in most cases would not make sense, and you already force people to at least try.
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