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Everything posted by RasSativa.5109

  1. as you can see it is a competitive balance. Willbender is the only one getting a free pass. as far as competitive changes go
  2. This will just destroy the reason to play heal scourge in PVE. In competitive its fine to remove it but on PVE it will destroy scourge; I guess Druid is is the only allowed spec to pull downed ppl. The cele nerf is very welcome since it was bloated on roamers. The reign of cele harbinger is gonna be over. Ranger might be in a good position in your eyes but Longbow burst Souldbeast can one shot from ranged with no or any counterplay. In the next PVE patch i would like to see nerf on overall benchmarks since a lot classes are hitting way more then 44 kdps and i remember you ldeliberate nerfing MIRAGE since he was hitting 44k Once. Maybe look at mirage as a spec in its whole Other changes seem good
  3. having resistance up will reduce CC but its a boon that not many classes posses
  4. The buff is not good enough since 2 or 3 healers completly negate the buff. I know projectile hate can be used but then there are a lot of unblockable projectiles that are free to use. As a more melee player you are somewhat at a disadventage if a DH or Ranger or virt can tickle you without you needing to run for 3 seconds for cover. The ranged meta is stronger on this specific gamemode EDIT: i would make the buff not relevant to only standing on node but just the entire gamemode
  5. Part 1 of my feedback consists of a few bullet points: - If a player downstates on the payload. It should not count as holding the payload back. This slowsdown the game and make it feel like 1 downstate player can hold back 5 enemy players for 2-4 seconds - Healing builds and bunker builds are way to strong. There should be a reduced healing towards allied players. That way 1 or 2 healers can fully tank a damage oriented team is just a bit demoralizing to play against. if heal classes have reduced healing towards allies it would not make em to strong. - Ranged builds have to much free place to shoot with almost no cover from ranged attacks. I would place more walls and carts on the main road so you have more cover from long ranged attacks. A minor feedback: the map team should be lowland shore vibe - a very nice vibe. The gamemode feels good and fun and fast paced if you are not playing against 2 healers and 2 bunkers. Change downstate and healing would make matches not take full 15 minutes to end up close to a draw.
  6. I'm a mirage main most of the game's i play. In WVW and PVP i(d say mirage is balanced with power and condi specs. In PVE mirage is suffering from a identity issue. it is supposed to be the condi elite spec off the mesmer profession. It gets outclassed by a condi vrit who has to do half of the things to get higher dps in most off the pve end game. The alac mirage has gotten nerfed into oblivion up to the point that mirage is only viable on a few encouters. in my honest opinion. Fix the alac traitline so every ambush gets alac wich opens up alac mirage to a lot of weapons. you can fix the balance off the weapons then. Give mirage another traitline wich increases condi damage if you run it and make it on the same collumn as the alac traitline. in that way there is a trade off on running alac or dmg. you can put it with the axe traitline if you want. Last but not least. nerf or rework condi virst so there is incentive to play mirage on some instances. I don't really need power mirage imo but if you want to implement it then i suggest buffing a lot of ambush weapon attacks so you can run an ambush build. this is my thaughts on my fave spec.
  7. After playing heal chrono before and after the release of rifle, i would say rifle is a bit better then shield/scepter. It does have some small issues. From the beta it seems that the healing is a bit lower then what i tested then. It doesn't compare to Scepter on revenant with a 2k barrier at all times next to the easy healing output of herald. It also doesn't compare to staff warrior with gigantic healing output of some skills. i just would buff healing on rifle 2 and 3. Rifle 4 seems ok to mee. Rifle 5: journey is a waste of a skill. You gain barrier and Resolution wich is good. But then your cooldown is longer if you activate the portal. WIch in raids/strikes/fractals isn't taken by anyone so there is no point in reactivating that skill. My sugestions: make the portal 5 man (in PVE) and give either extra barrior or resolution on reactivation so you actually would reactivate it. Riffle 5 feels like a gimic and it should have never been a thing. Change that skill up it makes the riffle feel clunky. Also give ambush on mirage alacrity.
  8. So to see it from anet perspective a elitespec that is played for 0.9% in raids and maybe does a bit more damage then it used to do is getting nuked. Not only that there nuking other specs in that profesion to the point that there is no reason to play mirage anymore. its not anly dps mirage you nuke, but also alacmirage wich does not see any playtime after the 6th nerf.
  9. For heal mesmer we will need to see what the changes bring. I dont like using mantras much but seems like they will get a nerf. is it possible to fix illusion off life to actually revive in pve. the mirage nerfs are harsh and will tank alacmirage once more. Seems like the purple class gets the big axe today
  10. Still not a single nerf on harbinger in wvw. Seems like anet likes an overpowerd build that is unkillable. Take a close look ar some specs in certain asoects of the game. They outperform and mak the game unfun for players of lower level
  11. Some other Points i have heal mesmer is the lack of any revive possibility's next to a enhanced hand revive. Make the ilusion of life just revive allies instead of only temporary (cause in PVE that wont be the case). That way people can run more manipulations and the aegis from manipulations is good.
  12. So i did some testing on the new weapon. here are my notes (mostly tested in PVE - end game content) Rifle works on chronomancer and only chronomancer. Make the ambush attack on mirage also give out alacrity. Make the healing a bit more on the ambush since you don't have wells to give out massive healing. Skill 1: The healing feel weak but thats fine skill 2: maybe tweak the healing or the clone generation but i don't have any issues with this skill Skill 3: healing and booning is fine - no issues Skill 4: In my opinnions it needs to spawn in 2 phantasms (like staff) and maybe give a boon or some cleaning next to the stun that would make the skill and riffle give out more clones Skill 5: The barrier and resistance is great. The flip on the skill is gimicy and worthless. make it a 5 man port (so you can save your subgroup) and give out barrier or the flip but a lower amound then you get on activation. this way you can flip for porting or for extra barrier either instantly or delayed. Overall the weapon is a good adition for healing on mesmer but healmesmer still needs some work. the changes that happend on 28th novermber were fine. but there is still something missing. On chronomancer you are bound to the wells with delayed healing or you can use mantras but they take long time to charge with meh healing. After the mantra is charged you need to spam it out to actually heal again. if the weapon gets some good tweaks to clone generation and healing and maybe barrier it will be a lovely weapon.
  13. Can you also fix the inconsistent thether mechanic? IT the world cleaver phase sometimes the teather of the aspects jump between 3 members before finally going trough. Then the person only has like a 2-3 second window to kill the add. If thats the healer. though luck better gg and restart. This randomness makes up for a lot of whipes sadly enough
  14. These changes to scourge will have a dps the same or better then previous benchmark. Since the burning and torment has even a higher dmg scaling. The torch cd are lowered without the trait. With current patch dps scourge is around 32 kdps for me Alac scourge will have higher dps and easier alac uptime. Now i can have full alac uptime with 50% boon duration. Dps on my alac build was around 24 kdps Alac heal scourge will be even more off a beast. In current patch i tanked Soulles Horrow on alac HsCG and was able to do 5,2k barrier on avg and a healing off 3k (swapped out the vamparic trait for extra healing upon exiting shroud). Now we can even give protection wich will be great. It was the only defensive boon missing. The build will become overall less spammy and you gonna need 1 shade up for goot dos and can spam 3 shades for bursts. Scourge will be just fine or better then before. It will play different wich doesn’t mean its bad.
  15. The scourge changes look worse the longer i look at them. Put the dessert empowerment back to his normal trait but sloth in the alac. Change it to 5 man since there should not be a 10 man skill anymore. Also why arent the sand shade nerfs not in the notes? scourge will be destroyed Quickness deadeye looks fun but it should habe been integrated on the amount of malice you use. Banners gives no quick so why would you ever run a banner? i also don't the nerfs on the dps on staff mirage. You just don't like a alac mirage that does decent ish dps?
  16. As someone who plays coni-alac mirage on fairly regular. i think the nerfs are a bit to harsh. Yes condi mirage builds full dps and has 100% upkeep if you know how to play alac mirga. By halving the alac duration you will lower the dps of condi alac mirage (staff - staff) lower then other alac builds. i suggest either lowering the alac to 0,75 secs so the build is still competitive with other alac builds. I know not many people who can have full alac upkeep on staff staff and have a dps around 27 kdps. since alac mirage is somewhat tricky to pull off, a nerf on the alac upkeep time will just make the build less popular overall. I think there needs to be a tone down on the alac mirage build but this nerf will probably kill it. but i know anet really likes to kill builds that only cathers to the top 10% of players
  17. The deadeye nerf will make pylonkite (the only instanced pve match were deadeye shines) harder to pull of. Reducing the playable area by roughly 25%. Making kiting north pylon harder to pull of on Deadeye. But they want to make riffle more appealing in PVE... I would say keep range on kneeling but change dps or the kneeling itself. U will destroy the identity of deadeye.
  18. Deadeye changes are wierd and don't seem to fit the theme of the spec. Dragonhunter and ranger have longer range then a "sniper". It feels like the changes are made for PVP instead of PVE. There are good dmg build out there for deadeye without rifle. If you want to change rifle think dropping range in favor of movement isn't the right way. Especially if you are scraping your knee over the floor at a pace of a snail. I think other changes could be better to help deadeye in pve. or at least put the range back in the way of a trait. For elementalist. Put the alactrity of tempest either in the beginning or pulsing during overload. Everytime you go in overload and get interrupted by boss mechanics you drop alac upkeep. It really doesn't work good at all.
  19. First of all, i like the hammer skills, some feel clunky but i dont mind it. I play a lot of specs with hammer and ele’s hammer isnt the worst of them. For the jade sphere: it misses something that makes me wanne utilize the skill, either it could follow you or you can overlap elemental fields and make 4 fields of elemental boons. the utility skills feel of and dont see a real good reason to use them. this specs feels like a good boon support/bruiser type. But it misses it mark. I see some high dmg being dealt but thats not with catalyst skills. For me catalyst could be saved by tweaking hammer a bit, but not a lot. make jade sphere a combo field of a duration where you can place more fields of another element. or make it follow you fix the utlity skills to either enhance the combo fields and give them dmg, boons or more duration. Or completely rework the skills.
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