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Everything posted by Ding.6235

  1. One of the main complaints of WvW is boonballs/boon-spamming and they nerf WoD, what a joke.
  2. Honestly I never thought about using stun reduction food as I'd rather just dodge the CC, however I am not opposed to the idea and will keep it in mind in the future. I could probably have some in my inventory in case I find myself fighting a warrior but honestly nowadays I don't really see many warriors, and plus most of their CC are extremely telegraphed such bull's charge, rampage abilities, shield bash, etc. Sadly as someone who mainly played warrior in the past, I feel the least threatened of all professions when I see a warrior. However like I said I'll give it a try in the future as it'll for sure be useful against ele shocking aura, other random stuns, or even hammer spellbreaker chain CCing (even though I legit have not encountered one in years but I if do, my 'just dodge lol' approach probably wouldn't be as effective).
  3. I generally use 30% or 40% endurance gain food if there isn't any ascended food to scavenge.
  4. I've used this build since the celestial change because I wanted to try something that wasn't marauder gear and dwarf stance and I actually really like it, maybe even more so than shiro/dwarf. It plays slower than shiro/dwarf as you want to play and kite around the bubble while utilizing the blind on the heal and trying to optimally manage your energy such as spamming 1 while in bubble for constant pressure than switching to shiro when under 10 energy to quickly burst with scorchrazor and sevenshot while on impossible odds. It's also almost impossible to die to condi and ranged projectiles on this build, I definitely feel more confident taking outnumbered fights (and win more) on this than I would on dwarf. Most rev players will just say "what's the point, just play dwarf stance lol" which I agree in some ways but ventari is honestly not that bad and offers a different way to play rev which some people may like. However it only really works with celestial which is quite expensive for people to just go ahead and try out. Recently though I switch between this and dwarf stance/retribution depending on how I want to play, when I want to play more aggressive I go back to dwarf/shiro. Overall I do think ventari is viable, it doesn't lose to condi builds, you can give perma alac to siege, the projectile hate is annoying af, you're tanky while still doing decent damage with good boon uptime, and more. The only problem I have is of course the lack of stab, usually you can just wait the CC out but if there's enough pressure you may be forced to spend 30 energy (riposting shadows) to get out which may cause some issues regarding energy management and invite the opponent to pressure you even more (if they're good).
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