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Lilith The Fallen.1590

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  1. My executable file has disappeared completely. I looked in Recycling, nothing in there. Have reloaded GWSetup and run it, but my start menu isn't updated or corrected. Now thinking I may need to uninstall and redownload, fun, since it takes so long to download all the maps etc., already. When I tried opening the Setup executable, it let me in, but everything is off and blocky and the music even is ... off. Super annoying new quest just for me to fix logging in. grr..
  2. Just a quick note, from a rabid horror and Halloween girl... I have to take a minute to say how bummed I am that this year's Shadow of the Mad King Festival is a full 14 days shorter than last year's Festival! I may be the only one (though I don't think so) but I look forward to Halloween all year. For years when I wasn't playing anymore I would come back for Halloween. I've been antsy for The Shadow of the Mad King to begin, but now only 2 days before it began last year, we get an announcement listing the dates as being a full 2 weeks less than last year's Festival. That makes me feel so sad!
  3. I see it!!! The adventurer's scarf that I bought says medium, that's my issue! Thank you!! It definitely seemed like too many things were issues for it to be bugged, and I suspected I was simply missing something that should be clear, but could not figure it out. Thank you both!! 🙂
  4. Thank you! When I went back and rechecked the wiki, I saw the sprockets were definitely part of actual recipes, thank you! But that's interesting, so, if an item can be used to craft, but you don't know the recipe, they just won't show up in the discovery panel at all... That makes sense, since can't discover anything made with it. But the Mantle item, I still can't figure out the issue.
  5. GW2Crafts.net instructions directs to "discover" the adventurer's mantle, which is listed under level 475 as being: Discover: Adventurer's Mantle Orichalcum Helmet Lining (1) Orichalcum Helmet Casing (1) Rampager's Adventurer's Scarf (1) Cleric's Adventurer's Spectacles (1) and here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Adventurer's_Mantle_(heavy) , on the wiki... I don't see anything contradicting that it can be made without a recipe? But even so, if I didn't have the recipe, I would think it would still show up as an item, in the discovery pane, but be red for the attempt in question, wouldn't it? I wrote this off but I feel like I ran into it more than once, and I can't recall the specific items right now (sorry, I was trying to level my crafting in armorsmith and then back to leatherworker and dont recall). I'll try to find them again and see if they are items that require a recipe vs. being discovered. I had actually thought that if you discovered a recipe on your own via the discovery panel that wouldn't necessitate having the recipe itself, but I can see where that would probably be an incorrect assumption!
  6. Hi All, I've tried searching for this on the forums but i'm not finding anything with my searches, hoping someone can enlighten me. My leatherworking craft level is 449 and my armorsmith crafting level is 500, and I'm trying to locate items that I own to use in the discovery panel. Multiple things keep not showing up in the discovery pane and that's very frustrating. I'm hoping I'm just braindead and doing something wrong and someone here can help me with what I'm doing wrong, or why I shouldn't see those items available in the discovery pane at the appropriate crafting table. I can't recall where I saw the info, or even if I'm recalling it correctly, but I vaguely feel like I saw mention of bugs with items not showing up for crafting, but it sounded like it was few and far between items, rare occurences. At any rate, I have 217 Watchwork Sprockets. None are showing up in Discovery, though all show up in search of Crafting Materials. I created an Ornate Armorsmiths's Backpack and it shows up in my inventory and even in the crafting panel, it recognizes that I have one, but it isn't showing up in my discovery panel. Tried to craft Adventurer's Mantle at Armorsmithing, I have all 4 items yet the Rampager's Adventurer's Scarf doesn't show up in Discovery, though again, I can see it in my inventory. I don't think the invisible bag is meant for this purpose, just selling, but to be clear, the items are not in anything like that. Any suggestions for what is going on, and/or how to remedy this, so I can craft the things I can see on the wiki and on gw2crafts.net that I should be able to craft? Thanks to anyone who has any information for me whatsoever 😉
  7. Thanks Guys! So I tried everything you mentioned that I had available to me, and nothing worked : ( You can't get close enough to any of the allies over where they are trying to hold back the Risen, it knocks you back (orange border). Finally, I went back and just decided too try and fight scruffy again, even if I couldn't do anything to kill it, and either my first death after that triggered them to respawn, or, more likely, getting scruffy to 75% and it calling the static storms again triggered the conduits to respawn, yay!!! I finished the part tonight without having to reset the whole thing. And though the suggestions aren't the thing that tripped the respawning, it was the hope I got from your suggestions that had me try the last thing that did end up working! Anyway, just wanted to thank you again, Bugs were not the death of me this time (and I was finding it so ironic that the next part is called "A Bug in the System", too....) ; )
  8. Thank you both for such helpful suggestions! Kaltyn; I've been on the bottom several times and around it, (at the end I was throwing myself off of it just to die quicker so I could get out, and try again, since I can no longer go into the orange areas to get myself tossed out) I think I tried to interact with a console down there last night, though, since I think that's the only place I could have tried it, unless there was one I could have reached at the top of the stairs, and that didn't work for me at the time, I will look more diligently for one down there and give it another try. . Based on your suggestions, I also don't think I tried to jump to one of the places the former consoles were at, my springer has high vault, though I suspect it is too high to reach that way, I might not have checked because I thought it wouldn't help since I destroyed all of the consoles already, but sounds like a good plan to see if that somehow respawns any of them, I'll definitely give that a try too. I've been over where they are trying to hold back the Risen, and tried to walk back, and killed several Risen, and at various times tried to let them kill me (to get out of the instance) but I didn't try to speak with anyone, I'll definitely try that next! For option 3, I don't have any friends who have skyscales, I don't actually know many folks online besides those I've brought there, who are wayyyyyyy worse at the game than I am, haha! I tried to look carefully to see if any were still around, and I didn't see any, but I'd be thrilled if that worked, if I ended up with that as an option, general plea to the masses or some such 🙂 For option 4, I tried that, but for another area, Tyria I think... but I'm not entirely sure, since I was a bit scattered trying everything I thought might nudge it in the right direction, since I soooooooooooo don't want to do parts 1-6 again. I'd be happy to restart part 6, but I don't feel like I should have to repeat the other parts, and I feel pretty sure that resetting the chapter would start it all over, which I imagine you believe too (and thank you very much for helping me here!). Harfang, yeah, no friends who are even as far as I am, or who play at any point besides one or two days a bit on the weekends (my boyfriend, when he's here). I'm NA, I'm pretty sure, since I'm in the USA. Thank you so much again!
  9. Hello All, I've searched and searched for an answer for my problem and I'm not finding anything anywhere. After about 3 hours trying to complete The First City (yeh, I am not skilled game player 😞) I quit out the other night, frustrated beyond belief. I thought I would try again this evening, however, when I go back and reenter the instance, I am immediately upon the platform with Scruffy 2.0, and all of the inquest power conduits that I destroyed are, well, still destroyed. There aren't even any bridges to get over to them. I tried to walk back but I can't. I have to wait and be killed and exit to Istan. But when I try to go back and restart The First City, I'm in the same place. If I reset the chapter, I suspect I will not only have to start the First City again (which I expect) but I suspect I will also have to redo all five parts before it. Something I would highly prefer to avoid! Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong, do you know if I *have* to reset the chapter, and if so, will it take me back to the beginning of all the parts (I feel certain this is the case)? Is there any way to win the Scruffy 2.0 battle without any static conduit bundles? Alternatively, is there any way to respawn the power conduits (which I doubt, but again, deseperately trying to avoid hours and hours of starting the entire chapter over (I'm sure someone will post that it shouldn't be taking me that long, I refer you back to the start where I let you know, I'm not *such* a great player ;)) Per the wiki: "At 75% and 25%, he will become invulnerable and spawn two (at 75%) or four (at 25%) Static Storms, orbs of electricity which will slowly circle the platform and pull you towards them if you get too close. These must be destroyed to make Scruffy vulnerable again; jump across the platforms towards the Asura Gates lining the walls of the room and destroy the Inquest Power Conduits to spawn a Static Conduit bundle, which grant the following skills:" By that information, I do not think it's possible for me to defeat Scruffy 2.0 without the power conduits, which are gone. Thank you for whatever help anyone is able to give me!
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