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Everything posted by Visbale.6951

  1. I agree with you, but let's be honest, the fight is poor in mechanics and the boss has few attacks that present danger. Adding a counterplay to the only attack that brings you danger on the platform would make the fight much worse/easier than it currently is. Next step would be what? Not receive fear from eyes using stability? Jesus Christ... I've played this fight countless times and I can say that like Sunqua, people thought it was very difficult, but actually it's extremely easy, people just need a little effort and learn how to fight. The only thing I would like to see changed in this fight would be the bug fixes (thank God, some of them are coming), and HP reduction. Killing a boss that has the same HP as a Dhuum CM with 5 people is tiring and overwhelming. I wouldn't even consider adding this fight to a daily run with currently boss HP.
  2. Sup! Yeah, I'm with the same issue. I have a R7 5700X and my old card was GTX 1660 TI. When I upgraded to a RX 6750 XT the problems starts. I can't even rotate my camera without stutterings. Just like you, i realize that my GPU usage goes to 60~70%, but her frequency core barely hits 700MHz. Did you figured out, after this last month, how to solve the problem? If I remember, the full version of Adrenalin driver has some options that "force" the GPU frequency. Did you tried those options? #edit I tried to force GPU frequency to her top. Running at 2700~2800MHz and didn't work, memory frequency isn't possible to change, so... I sent to the support some informations and videos comparing how smooth my GTX 1660 TI are (using Msi Afterburner) and how disappoint is playing with a AMD card, and guess what guys? One person at support team said me that might be MSI Afterburner overlay... Man, I was very angry seeing that...
  3. I'm sorry, Mr/Ms Game Master, but all your augment turn to senseless when you say that Mystic Coins doens't have good profit on CM fractals. Lemme question: If the content doesn't give us a good way to farm them, why did you would remove them from fractals? People stopped Raids cause they can't farm a good gold there, and when you finish your legendary sets, there's no more reason to play a content with: toxic players and junk rewards. (cof cof, ascended - legendary insight/divination). Those changes that you are planning make me happy, because you are thinking of spreading new ways to get Clovers, this is awesome! Buying Clovers on Strikes and Raids is a really good move, this can make those game modes enjoyable and useful to make legendary items, but remove Coins from fractal it's so... (????) I don't know what to think with this decision... It's like: Hey guys, there is a new options to make Clover! Come and see! And then: Sorry, you can't make Clovers with those new options cause we're endind the way you can get Coins! (?????) You got what I'm trying to say?! Thats why you're seeing to much people complaining about that, cause there no much way to farm this material and with those changes we'll get even less! Only people with multiple alt accounts will have more access to them, just loging every day on them alt accounts... If you're planning to limit farm of Coins on Strikes to 10, you could easily to do same things on Fractals and Raids, doing weekly achievements that will reward players with them. You guys didn't thinked about it? And plus, I always ask myself why ANET don't make others useless materials in something useful? I mean: what can I do with Legendary Insight/Divination, Pristine/Fractal Relics, Emblem of the Avenger/Conquer when i already finished my achievements/legendary sets? Now they are only junk, stored in some character/bank of mine. Even Ascended items are useless in some point of the game, cause you spend more gold buying Ascended Salvage Kit, than receive good materials from them. Instead of give us the chance to buy Clovers only with Mystic Coins, you could give us the opportunity to spend these other useless items, and also, the opportunity to receive Coins salvaging Ascended Items. What you think to change the decision to buy Clovers with Magnetite Shards/Gaeting Crystals, and instead to this, give us the oportunity to buy them with Legendary Insight/Divination without the use of Mystic Coin? And the same porpuse to Pristine Fractals? With these planned changes I have no more reason to do Fractal CMs, cause i'll only get coins that I can't spend in something that can't give me profit or will be useful to craft legendary items. Hope you read what i'm trying to say. And please, give us a chance to do something with those junk I mentioned, I'm already tired and really annoyed of keeping this garbage in my characters/bank. Well... Good talk. Cya. 🙂
  4. Please consider improve attack/stop commands for pets. Pets now have all abilities that SoulBeast mode have, i mean: i dont have anymore attack/return options to control where/who my pet will attack. Meanwhile, i have only return to me option, that i cant keybind and i cant send my pet for the target until my F1/2/3 skills recharge. Solution for this problem: make "Return to me" be flexible. I mean: while my pet is attacking something, the option return should show up, and while my pet its in "peace mode", the option attack should show up. And please, a possibility for keybind. And now a little bug: F1 abilties countdown doesnt work, the seconds are invisible(?).
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