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  1. No worries, I think that you took things a little bit too literal with some responses (such as everyone liking skins) but I appreciate the response. The post is more of a list of some thoughts mixed with feedback, the dungeons mentions are not so much put everything in them, but do at least something with them, I saw the update to currency as though they wanted to but in reality it's more likely just tidying that up and putting it aside. Thanks again for the response.
  2. That's true actually cheers for clearing that up, I'd not considered the skeletal rigs, my bad. I'd assumed that things such as trench coats contained their own rigs for the lower half and contained their own animation sets as this would have been more optimal for performance when not using such armour.
  3. Ah right I see what you're saying, but my idea is more just let players pick any transmog from any armour set(not including outfits), not recreate them so they all fit, it agree that would take too much time. There's pieces that wouldn't work like a medium trench coat chest with light armour skirt, but if that's down to the player I don't think it's really an issue as it's purely cosmetic.
  4. That's a fair point on the outfits, there's a few in mind I can see looking a little weird but it would be interesting to see how they could work, possibly just allow switching the head item as this part is normally seperate anyway. I'm not too sure what you mean with removing armour weights, I'm guessing you're refering to the comsetics section where I mention being able to transmog a mix of styles? This would purely be cosmetics/wardrobe only, don't really see an issue with this as items are already split in to parts, obviously some stuff just wouldn't look right but that would be down to the user. Rare items wouldn't be rare for long yeah, but it's something extra to excite the players other than unidentified gear drops. They could use a similar system to the new infusion they released in strikes, a way to guarantee it but it's bound, and then also as a rare drop. Not actually played that many dungeons, as a new player myself it'd be nice to have a more of a reason to go play them and also for new players that start playing through steam release.
  5. Hi, I'll start by saying that I really do enjoy the game, but there's certain areas that I feel could use some improvement and would help benefit the game. This will basically be a bullet point list of things I'd look at improving and how I'd go about doing so. I'd like to hear anyone else's opinions and/or ideas they also have for the game and use this as sort of a thread for them. The levelling experience: So I feel the main problem here is the down time in between player story missions, this could be fixed by pushing players a little more towards dungeons. Instead of having their game guide say 'reach level 30' it could say 'complete X dungeon', maybe the first dungeon is forced to progress the story and to give players some understanding of how they work. I understand that there's some risk by forcing players into content they may not want to do, but I think there's also a risk in not guiding a player in between level milestones. Personally (and this may be better suited to an alt levelling experience) I think that not having the down time at all would be good, I think the grind to level 10 is nice and quick, its a pretty good start for new players to get in to the game and learn the basic combat skills and dodging. After they have finished the level 10 set of missions I would then guide them to the dungeon (this would mean making dungeons a little easier as i'm not sure the lowest level dungeon is around 15) and after completion they have jump up to 20 to go straight in to the next story missions (or just a big xp jump), I'd repeat this throughout levelling. Alternatively, you could instead remove levelling altogether and make all progression be based purely on story progress, at this point though you're making tomes of knowledge obsolete and things start getting a bit clunky so maybe worth ignoring this point, something to think on though. Another thing I don't like (and most mmo's do this) is the useless gear you go through as you level, I think a really cool system would be to remove the level from all gear, basically it all drops at 80 level stats, but obviously there would be no level requirement on it so a player can equip these as the level up. They then get to keep the cool gear they've found levelling when they hit 80. You would do this in combination with scaling the stats based on player level so they don't just have full stats to go to end game zones. This would play really nicely with jumping in to content that scaled players up to 80 like fractals and WvW, they would scale up the proper stats to match other players, I know there is already some scaling up on items but i'm not 100% sure how this works say a player is wearing armour that has +5 power. Dungeons: So we already had some changes last month that combined the currencies which was a nice little update, but I feel like there was nothing really pushing players to go play dungeons and this was more a way of making things less convoluted for newbies. I don't think there's any daily dungeons (at least I can't find them in achievements) and this would be step one in getting people to go do dungeons. Another thing I think would work well, you could add stat sets in to dungeons as rewards, for example sorrow's embrace path 2 could have a chance of dropping vipers gear on bosses, twilight arbour path 1 could drop marauder weapons etc. these could be rotated daily or weekly, or even just remain as set rewards, I feel it's nice having somewhere that a player knows they can go to get specific gear for a new build they're trying to gear. Crafting: This is more of a side note to the above dungeon loot drop notes. If loot was more obtainable through other means, crafting on exotics would probably lose some value, and I don’t think this is a bad thing as prices can be a little high for new players hitting the end game. One problem I find with crafting in this game is that the cost of materials that goes into making something normally equals the price the item sells for, due to the fact that levelling crafting is so easy. In other games your skill in crafting held more value as it was something less players had done due to it being harder. One way around this I think is allowing the sale of crafted ascended gear (not dropped ascended), it would help bring more value to a players crafting skills as ascended recipes are a little harder to get than exotic. Loot: Personally I find loot in this game really boring, always getting unidentified gear and then having to go through the process of identifying and then deconstructing stops being fun rather quickly. It’s nice purely for the fact it saves inventory space but that's about it. The only way around this really is more loot in the pool of dropped items, what if you had a chance of runes, sigils, insignias, weapons skins, even ascended materials like elonian leather squares, it adds to the excitement of checking if what you had dropped was worth something other than getting unidentified green gear again and again. Environment: Not a big deal really, but there were recent updates that sorted some boundary issues in missions, it would be nice to see the open world get some love with boundaries too. There’s a few areas in Seitung Province when it comes to fishing spots, you’ll go for a fishing node and get dismounted for your skiff for slightly passing it, there is so much ocean that allowing players a little more wouldn’t hurt, there’s also some areas elsewhere in the game where just a bit extra space would hurt. Cosmetics: Lastly, just a few ideas for cosmetics that would make everyone happier. Mixing armour styles, being able to wear a heavy chest piece with medium legs and light helmet would be crazy good, people have mentioned that clipping would be an issue but armour of the same weight clips anyway (could be solved with letting players customise in 1 style, just light/medium/heavy), and at worst it’s just a visual problem if a player even decides to go through with that customisation. This benefits both players and Anet, more transmogs would probably be used, and it also gives players more to do, being able to go after another 2 full sets worth of styles adds replayability. Everyone loves skins, there’s actually a decent amount in game at the minute, but putting skins in dungeons as extra loot, that boosts player numbers as more would be farming for them. Put rare skins everywhere, rare drops from chests or mobs, spices up the loot. Glider skins, would be nice if they were tied into equipment sets, currently if I switch sets and had yellow wings and swap to a loadout with blue orbs, I have to then go change my glider and dye it to match. Finally outfits, if these were to be split into parts (helm, chest etc.), so players can combine them with existing armour, it opens up so much more customisation. Again this benefits both players and Anet, a player might see an outfit they like the chest piece of but not the legs, they’d be able to buy the outfit and use just the parts they want as transmogs (as well as still having the outfit page for the full piece of course as it exists now). This means that you’d be able to be a magical princess with a unicorn horn and have your feet our in invisible shoes if you’d like. If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read, I look forward to seeing other ideas and any responses.
  6. It's a few tweaks to abilities and players are assuming they know how things will be before actually playing it, crazy, they're reacting as though human female is getting removed from the game. The toxic players that are sh*t talking the devs and say they are quitting the game, good. Maybe you'll take that time to go outside, into the real world for a while, realise that actually the devs probably care about your opinion more than anyone else in your life does, then you can come back to the game and enjoy it for what it is, a game. Things need to change or they just grow stale, something new to play around with whether it's slightly better or worse is still better than nothing changing at all. If things don't work they can be reverted, but we won't know that unless we try, and that's the way to move ahead. Edit: To clarify based on a response, when I say better or worse is always better, in terms of the outcome of skills being good or bad based on design changes, it's always better in the way that devs are looking at improving the experience, it might not go that way this update but eventually we should be in a place where players have more choice in what they play, I don't think the devs are intentionally making builds bad on purpose like some think. For example players say banner warrior is dead, they'll be kicked from raids, there's nothing unique any more etc. If things become more unified down the line, it means that maybe you get to take your warrior on a raid and not be expected to play banners and can have fun with different builds. Thats my view on it anyway, I believe this is the right step towards opening up all characters to all content, especially as we near a steam release, new players don't want to get to the end of the game enjoying a certain class to find out oh, I should have instead gone another class to do raids becuase they do these things better, and if I'm wrong and classes do actually become unplayable then I'm sure we'll see things get changed back to how they were soon enough. edit edit: nvm they f*cked up pretty big, not even making new banners nice to use, no skills while holding them or pulse quickness, meanwhile engineer gets a 1 button 30k dps build, I can take a good guess at what classes the devs play. F
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