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Ixliam.7859's Achievements

  1. I'm mostly a solo/meta event player, or duo with my wife.. but yet I got the turtle a few days ago. I joined up with a few runs offered by Vexona, and while two of my runs ended at 1%, the third one (pre-nerf) nailed it. Managed to get everything else on my own, got the Jade Maw just on a random DE meta map. For the strike, I joined a pug, and while 3 of us had never done this (and I've never even done a strike, or a fractal), we finished it with about half the party dead on the final fight. Its mostly just mechanics and time, really. I came back after only playing casually in each expansion and quitting, so I haven't done any strikes, raids, fractals, and it had been a few years since I've even played. If you put a slight bit of effort into it, and take some of the players who offer help that are out there, you can get it. I just suggest to do it now while the iron is hot, as 6mo-1yr from now it may be harder to go get your turtle, than right now when everyone wants it.
  2. I got the egg, however haven't unlocked the turtle mount yet. Don't have enough kale (yet) so just growing my own. Pugs when I did it got to about 20%, then Vexona's two runs got it to 1%, then the next run we nailed it with almost 2mins left on the timer. Can't thank her enough for organizing these, think she's got the formula figured out with everyone bringing extra CC and getting 10 stacks from the events, each group having alacrity/quickness.
  3. Probably "Oh we forgot to add it to the vendor table"
  4. [&CQ82AAA=] Here is the link to the item btw, courtesy of that_shaman
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/ The discord link is on the side.
  6. It just got posted in the eod-spoilers channel of the reddit/GW2 discord. Apparently someone (you can look there for the name of who found it) pulled it from the api now there is access.
  7. Someone found this on https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FM3xHqFXMAY-ds6?format=png&name=900x900 Recipe: Piece of Dragon Jade 4 Chunks of Pure Jade 30 Research Notes 2 Globs of Ectoplasm 5 Orichalcum Ingots Required Rating: 400 Now where you get that recipe from, who knows. Was pulled from the API
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