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mia.8209's Achievements

  1. Returning player here, just moved over to European servers (am European but used to play on NA servers) and I'm wondering if there are any guilds focused on gold making in it's various forms, especially running Silverwastes? Would be nice to be in a guild with like-minded skritt who obsess over how to get the shinies, trade tips for making gold and maximizing profits! Also looking to get into T4 fractals, I did some fractals before going on hiatus but never got up to T4, I have ascendent gear but need AR/some help learning the ropes. :)
  2. Just seconding some comments I've seen: show more actual game play, landscapes/maps (GW2 is gorgeous and that's a huge selling point - it's one of the reasons I prefer it over ESO or WoW). Show how much content - especially endgame - there is, show the massive player zergs in map metas and WVW (when I played WoW I never stopped hearing people lament the end of 40 man raids and huge PVP battles - things that actually happen in some form in GW2 on a daily basis!). Also font, font is everything - if I saw a video with that font I probably wouldn't be interested, it looks unprofessional and cheap.
  3. Whether you like it or not, participate it in or not, Fashion Wars and cosmetics are a huge part of GW2 and the end-game incentives to keep playing. If not for legendaries and glider skins and now most recently mount skins a lot of people - not all, certainly, but a lot - would not keep playing after they reached level 80 and finished out story modes and other non-cosmetic goals. It's true for GW2 and it's true for a lot of other games, MMO and otherwise, and Anet clearly knows this. You can argue until you're blue in the face why this doesn't or shouldn't matter, that people can just choose to ignore it if they don't like the price etc, but then you're also arguing against the very longevity of games in general. This applies to Anet too - clearly cosmetics are a part of the business model to keep people invested and investing in the game, and no one wants to pay for things they don't want or won't use so this is a pretty obvious shakedown: pay for skins you don't want to get the ones you do want. It's ugly, it's greedy, it's disrespectful to their player base and it damages their brand and reputation - there's no two ways about it. I can only assume and hope that they'll be backtracking and finding a way to repair the damage done here, because in the great wise words of Tyra Banks: we were rooting for you, Anet, we were all rooting for you. How dare you.
  4. Please bring back the Arcane Outfit, I've been waiting on it for months! I'm planning on using it for a new character and I don't want to level it until I have the outfit. :anguished:
  5. Overall great. Negatives: no map meta/world boss events, repeatable hearts are not enjoyable, lack of rewards and gold-making despite increase in gold sinks.
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