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Everything posted by Tnanever.3192

  1. ...right - they still suck at balancing. Nobody is saying we should have a different broken meta from the broken meta we have now. We're saying we want decent balance where skill and strategy can usually be expected determine the outcome amongst roughly equal level players - and not, "I picked this class so i win" garbage.
  2. Wrong. Go play a low tier class in PvP for a few days, then a meta tier class, then see the results for yourself. You seem to have a hard time accepting that the balance is very trash right now. You will pretty much always lose to meta classes while playing as low tier.
  3. Truly a garbage post from you. Let's address your "points": Statistics? I guess the meta meme team winners are just figments of our imagination? Competitive player? Ok - go play a lower-tier class in solo queues for a few days, then play a meta class for a few days, then let us know the results. Stop lying to yourself, it's unhealthy. Why do you bring up skilled vs unskilled players? Literally nobody ever, probably in the history of the game, said those two players should have equal win ratios against each other. Absolute strawman by you - sad. Why do I play garbage? I don't - that's why I play other games for PvP. This game is for PvE at the moment, due to ANet's incompetence . You, like other posters, seem to purposefully ignore the concept of thresholds and magnitude. Having only something like a 5% or 10% absolute class advantage is not fun-destroying, but this game's PvP is nowhere near that. There should be roughly equal chance of two roughly equally skilled players to beat each other - let's see your scourge or thief fights against catas or vindicators. That's gonna be a laugh.
  4. Uh...comprehension problems? That would be you. Players aren't obligated to provide what is (in your erroneously-derived opinion) "constructive criticism". Notifying a company that their product is broken is normal and useful behavior. We don't have to design their game for them. What's really revealing is that you think that not spending money on a broken product is a "threat" - LOL WHAT???? You're insane.
  5. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't realize they stopped doing development and ceased sales 10 years ago!!!!! Thanks for letting me know.!!!!!!111
  6. What are you not understanding? This is a PvP thread in a PvP forum, literally created by ANet to discuss their (very broken) PvP. You don't decide how much ANet invests into fixing their broken PvP feature, but they've decided to create the feature and dedicate a forum to it. It's very strange of you to keep coming back here to whine about people using their PvP forum to point out flaws in their PvP feature. How can anyone take you seriously if you can't even use the correct forum for your posts? LOL.
  7. You keep missing the point, or you're just strawmanning now. Your argument is completely irrelevant because there are several reasons not to keep spending money on trash, not only the one reason of wanting to make the product better. You keep bringing up PvE in a thread about a PvP problem. Why? Is this part of your misunderstanding or strawman tactic? Clearly this feature is broken and is pushing some customers away. How can any sane person have a problem with customers pointing out defects? Very very strange.
  8. 1 - Irrelevant point. Any person unsatisfied with a broken product can and should stop purchases (for more than one reason), regardless of your feelings of how effective it is at changing things. 2 - We're talking about players using a game for entertainment. The company is using it as its livelihood. It's not an overreaction to heavily criticize a heavily broken product, and your feelings on "overreaction" are meaningless because you're not getting paid to produce the product. Since you're just a player like the people you're criticizing, keep playing and paying if you'd like. Nobody is suggesting otherwise.
  9. THAT'S THE PROBLEM - there should be no class that kills any other class regularly, given roughly equally skilled players. What you're describing is bad balance, which this game has. Winners should be decided on player skill and strategy, not arbitrary class choice.
  10. Denying them additional purchases until they fix their broken product is now an "overreaction"??? You're a strange person.
  11. You seem have no concept of thresholds or scale. Cleary this isn't chess, Einstein - but you've completely missed the point and problem. The game needs to be balanced to the point where all classes are competitive and FUN to play - losing 80%+ of the time to some garbage flavor-of-the-month "meta" build is not fun, and not remotely balanced, and reveals bad development/management. Games should primarily be determined by skill and not bad developer decisions. If at the top end, the game was balanced enough to where the the lowest performing classes lost only ~10% more to the very highest performing classes, that would be great. We don't have anything like that whatsoever right now, genius. All you did was type a wall of text defending garbage.
  12. You can return the favor to them by making sure to close the store page automatically whenever you happen to see it pop up.
  13. Really? That's your comment to the guy ? Look at anet not fixing it 500 times per day for weeks or months.
  14. Because the company has no idea what they're doing. I don't think most of them even play PvP, so have no clue what's going on. I suggest not spending any money on any of their products unless PvP is brought to a reasonable state, where skill is more important than arbitrary choice of class/build.
  15. You're making poor excuses for them. There are levels of badness, and these types of levels are not a show of professionalism or critical thought. Having to continuously nerf things to the extreme, only to have them now too weak to compete, shows that one or more things in their development cycle is broken, and/or people have received too much leniency for making these bad decisions that kitten off players, which at the end of the day, reduce their revenue. They're literally losing money because of this kind of stuff, and it's really weird that people like you try to make excuses. Hmm...you must play one of the meta classes, don't you?
  16. Not spending another dime on this game until you fix PvP. Of course there's always going to be some imbalance, because this isn't chess - but the level of imbalance and the duration it has stayed in this state is either flagrant incompetence or purposeful. This extreme level of "meta" garbage needs to stop. There seems to be no thought regarding the total amount of damage, blocks/invuln/vanish, and mobility a single class can have (catalyst and mesmer, for example), while others are left in the trash (scourge with its useless barriers, for example).
  17. Myself and several other players are unable to start the quest when getting on the airship. Nothing happens. Maybe something to do with today's expansion patch.
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