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  1. Add another fail to the list. I'd be curious to know the success percentage of this meta since release. If i had to guess i'd say 20% or less, and that's being generous.
  2. I disagree. I've attempted the meta 4 times now, all fails. The last two i got into groups with actual organization. Both times the timer ended with the boss under 10%. Everyone seemed to be doing well with the mechanics, nuking the tail when needed, not getting flattened, bosses around the edges died at the same time both times. Still fail. I can get it if we're messing up the mechanics, but to have stupid amounts of distractions (moments when we're just dealing with whatever instead of being able to actually hit the boss) in a meta event where it's an accomplishment to just get everyone working together only to have it fail because of a lack of damage after an hour or longer of dealing with it... No thanks. Once everyone has what they want from the event they're just never going to do it again if it's got a massive chance of failing due to conditions outside of their control. This is a recipe for an empty map
  3. I'm in this boat too. Checks on everything except "Choose to speak to the Kestrel at the Speakers camp", no quest marker. Did the heart and the spy says to speak to someone on the western arch overlooking the speakers camp but i went up on both arches in that direction and there is no one to talk to.
  4. Im fine with fights that require a time commitment, have tight dps checks, and a bunch of things you need cooperation to do properly... in raids. In open world where there is... 1: No guarantee everyone on the map is participating in the meta, 2: no guarantee anyone participating will be able to contribute enough dps, 3: no guarantee everyone participating will even stay for the whole thing, where after a certain point it doesn't appear to let anyone else join to replace those who drop. or it doesn't feel like it anyway. Open world meta events are a fantastic idea, but they have to be modeled and tuned with the above points in mind. It doesn't feel like that was done for this one.
  5. No, im talking about the last map. Omitted anything about it for the sake of spoilers.
  6. Probably right, but there isn't really anything we can do about that.
  7. title, Boss just has way too much hp for the timer, considering how many distractions there are. 3 attempts, 3 fails. One was very organized too.
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