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GalacticSage.1723's Achievements

  1. I've always loved fishing in games, and they really made it perfect to me other than that rng. BUT I still enjoy it and usually after I fish for an hour or two, I port to Arborstone, make all the fish food I can. And then I run around looking for people fishing, usually without a buff, and give them food for free. I even advertise this in map chat. I've probably given close to 60-70g from just giving out food to people.
  2. Yeah, not having a keybind for turtle is a little annoying. And the same with skiff and fishing. Having to open the little box to set the skiff or wp is just a hassle that could be taken care of with key binds for them.
  3. Exactly, and like I said, if they are new and the turtle is like a key reason to get the game, locking it behind a meta that lots of people have been complaining about feels like a slap in the face
  4. And there's literally MORE proof of people who can't get it. When I was in our 50 man premade, we did everything successfully but just didn't have the dps to get it lower. And half the time Soo-wan was flying across the platform back and forth making it harder to dps because you have to run back across the platform to continue attacking. And I'm not complaining about it being hard or tough, we literally just run out of time because the amount of dps needed. I have literally only seen 1 person the entire time I've been playing with a turtle mount. 1 person.
  5. And you're taking people who have tried with full on premade groups doing it. You got lucky, people have been trying since it came out, dudes on his 28th attempt to get it and still cant. You're remarks are just showing you're being an kitten about it when people have actual solid complaints about it. All most people want is the timer extended to squeeze in that extra dps.
  6. We had a 50 man group, nearly flawlessly do all of the phases, tail, side bosses, dodging slams. AND STILL FAILED, claiming some only autos when people have neem trying for so long is just an kitten remark.
  7. One of the big selling things for people was the mount. To constantly have to repeat a meta, that takes a bit to start, a perfect group, and raid level dps is pretty annoying.
  8. I'm not wanting a nerf, I just want like maybe 2-3 minutes more. We had a full 50 man group, everyone understanding everything, bosses killed together, tail killed fast, and even using the wipe skip to save time, we still failed with 19% with good dps, while not great dps, that little bit of time can make the meta just that much more bareable.
  9. We had a full 50 man group that was organized amazingly, did the skips to save time, took tail out as soon as it popped up, killed the bosses together and still failed the fight with 19% damage. That was my 8th time trying to do the meta and just doing everything we can and then having to restart to fail again 2 hours later is just annoying and time consuming and to have to do it just to start the turtle mount unlock just kills me everytime.
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