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Everything posted by Tanachi.3951

  1. Dude, make your own post, dont hijack mine.
  2. When using the hammer skill 2 while moving, the upper part of the body spins while the lower part stays in place, thus breaking the engineer's spine every time you use it. For real though, it looks bad, and there are similar skills in the game that make the full body spin while moving, like guardian's greatsword skill 2. I don't know if it would be an easy fix because I have no freaking clue, and I'm not going to be the one to tell you how to do your job, but it would be a worthwhile fix IMO. So, pretty please, could you make it so the entire body spins while using the skill while moving? 🙂
  3. They listened to the feedback, not OUR feedback, mind you, but the feedback of some benchmark guild or some subreddit group or whatever. But it's the expected consequence, to be honest. Since EoD the current balance team has been taken on even harder ordeals. They couldn't even make a decent elite spec for each class and now they tried to balance giving every spec not only a new weapon, but other spec's weapons too. And they're completely lost, that's why they need this group of select elite players to literally tell them what to do. Because we have to maintain the sacred 40k dps on unrealistic golem setup, or whatever. Getting back on topic, new weapons used to make sense because they were literally made for the elite spec. Now that there will never be an elite spec weapon, all new weapons will be gimmicky garbage. For the rest of this game's lifetime.
  4. After some parses facerolling with scepter/torch, I managed to get a consistent 30k. I also noticed I'm running 2 sigils of bursting, so I'd probably do somewhat better if I had a functioning sigil on the offhand. I'd buy a sigil of torment to test it out, but I just bought the griffon so I'm all out of gold.
  5. I mean, I'm not an elite player or anything, but I can't be that bad. What golem setup did you use? I just gave myself all boons and called it a day.
  6. Actually, I can agree with you on one thing, melee specs should be able to compete, maybe get a buff on damage or sustain or staying power. Taking utility from scourge would kill its class identity, since harbinger it's supposed to be the "full condi dps" spec of necro. Trait and gear are correct, exotic gear tho, like I said I didn't feel like investing too much on a class that's gonna get gutted. Same runes, no food and the relic I used was aristocracy. Don't know which relic is that one you used tho. I tried to follow the rotation on snow crows website for it to be as closely as possible to their parse. Based.
  7. If you nerf scourge by 20%~30% you would see a guy hitting a golem and reach 35k or 40k and say "aah, so balanced". Meanwhile, people actually playing the class will struggle getting some damage, which in turn would make the class less useable in real scenarios. They would go play another class, because it would be simply better than scourge. But numbers aren't the main concern, because nerfs not always target numbers. Worst case scenario would be: "We reworked this trait, now it makes you summon an angry shade, that carries the entire condi damage of the class, but takes away all utility of the shades, making it yet another parsing class, useless in real situations. Next patch, when snow crows releases a 45k benchmarks of scourge with the condi traits we will nerf this trait, making it only get 35k on golem."
  8. Today, for the first time in my life, I went to the training golem room with scourge. I made 2 series of parses, one without boons, to simulate a more common scenario, and full boons, to simulate a zerg. I know I'm not the best player out there, so I expected to hit at least 35k. I didn't even reach 30k. I reached constantly 16k on the first series, and around 25~26k on the second ones. This made me reach two conclusions: ·If I'm reaching 26k following the rotation, people that play more casually, or have a slighly modified build, will be hitting lower numbers. ·If I have to put a lot of effort in reaching the 49k benchmark, using all other class specific buffs and traits, eating the best condi food and positioning perfectly, then that number is completely unrealistic. Enemies have mechanics that you have to complete, a lot of them move, taking a big chunk of torment damage away, not all groups or zergs have all class buffs, etc... And the argument about having easy to access support and all of that would be pretty valid... if we were talking about PvP. Why do you care so much about "nerfing" classes in PvE? You dont like that the class has easy access to a lot of things and is too easy to play? Dont play scourge. You don't like that your class doesn't have access to free condi cleanse, boon conversion, barrier, etc... without sacrificing damage? Play scourge, or ask for your class to be buffed. I don't care if you think content is easier or whatever because some benchmarks came out saying max damage is 49k, nobody is hitting those numbers. The only ones taking the fun away from the game are you, constantly asking for nerfs IN PVE. And I'm pretty sure most of you don't even play the class regularly. Heck, I'd even bet that some of you don't even play the game at all nowadays, you just open snowcrows from time to time to take a look at the benchmarks to have a reason to complain. I'm really tired to see a new build, try it out and find that I like it, and be scared of investing my time and resources on in only for it to be gutted next patch. I guess I'll just give up and play guardian/mesmer like everyone else.
  9. Reddit, lmao. The echo chamber by excelence, with a voting system so only the posts that I like get to be seen. Sure thing. I see your point, but i dont think that a class doing 7k more dps on a golem with full stacks of boon is going to break the game or make it too easy or whatever. Mainly because the vast majority of people doesn't even get close to those numbers, and the content is still easy because you can just zerg most world metas and bosses. The only place where those numbers are relevant are raids and maybe strikes, and even then the numbers dont usually get close to benchmarks. Also, it's not just necro. I dont think any class should be nerfed. It feels really bad when your class gets murdered because anet actively ignores the feedback threads and instead browse reddit for threads like "PLEASE NERF X IT DOES MORE DAMAGE THAN ME SPAMMING LONGBOW 1 WITH MY SOULBEAST" to make the patch notes.
  10. They should never nerf anything, and definitely not because some meta junkies made some tests on a training golem. If a class is strong in PvE, leave it be. Hell, make the rest of the classes as good as it is. Buffs >>> Nerfs. And if you really want a class to be nerfed in PvE, you should never post in the forums or reddit or anywhere ever again. I know this is gonna fall on deaf ears, and scourge/pistol/core necro is gonna get butcheted to the extreme, but oh well.
  11. Could you please change the blight visual effect? Right now it goes from "stinky feet" to "pooped my pants" to "haven't taken a shower since claw island", and it looks really, really bad. I think that, since you're supposedly blighting yourself by drinking your concoctions, the visual effect should start from the chest area and spread to the rest of your body as you stack more blight. Please consider this, it would be a really nice change.
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