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  1. Cele spellbreaker does in fact...
  2. So let me get this right, you guys are REMOVING traits that reduce COOLDOWNS, but ONLY applying the cooldowns to PVE skills for traps on ranger....what?? wondering if yall know what youre actually doing.
  3. Thieves over here crying like they dont have a billion dodges evades blind and stealth spam while one shotting most classes out of stealth half the time in wvw. -sips tea-
  4. good luck with that, they'll sooner archive this thread with a kitten copy paste response then actually say or do anything about it
  5. thats the problem, theyre already dead. Strikes are even asking for KP, PVE content was even doing it (wanting kill proof or even titles) , you soft lock people from DOING the content then complain that they dont wanna do it?
  6. Why can downstate eles use portals and just hide in their keeps then block you thinking they won the 1v1?
  7. EOD went belly up, you have to bring back season1 AND announce the 4th ex-pan in being worked on already just to save face and try to keep people engaged...
  8. Just because they had HIGH pre oder sales that added to it, doesnt mean it did better in the end game. New players accept it, old players know Anet could have done better. But they dropped the ball. Eod is garbage, the story is meh, it was forced and rushed, just to have a "climax" it literally feels like all that's left is fishing.
  9. Ive played ranger since release, this spec litterally feels like they put the worst of soul beast and druid together, because the devs that approved this bong water were UNTAMED
  10. Untamed should be called unplayed - a ranger main. Im tired of it, its soul beast but with worse healing and damage than druid/sbeast combined. and dont get me started, is it a power spec or a condi spec, it feels stuck in the middle of it all and STILL we have ZERO team synergy.
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