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  1. Some of us want to get better fighting together as a unit, so that we might be able to win most of the fights, no matter the skill or tactics of our enemies. With PPT the fights are always the same, mindless and boring. And winning the PPT fight means nothing in this gamemode, so why not focus on the PPK instead?
  2. But that's the problem with scoring. The servers/guilds that avoid fights and only ppt will always win. The servers that avoid ppt and only fight will always lose.
  3. But you're ignoring the fact that your friends all chose to go off in different directions. If the system had remained as it was you still would've had to choose whom to play with. Your community was split even before WR came out. Ultimately this change isn't really all that different. You're choosing to play with one whilst being separated from the others. WR is an opportunity for the majority of us who saw their "communities" dissolve to form communities of our own, rather than being stuck on servers that had no community. What I'm seeing based on the comments here on the forums is that some of us managed to put together good, workable communities, while so many others just slapped together something that already has become untenable. So I stand by what I said. The effort you put in is what you get out of it.
  4. I would expand on this and say Scribe is only relevant if you join a guild, have a guildhall, and become obsessed with decorating (as I have). And then only once you've built up a large amount of gold (which as a new player you likely will not). The crafts you should focus on initially are the 3 revolving around weaponscrafting and the 3 revolving around armorsmithing. Cooking and Jewelery are far less relevant, and as I mentioned above, scribing is really only relevant if you want to decorate (scribing will have no relevance to the upcoming Homesteads).
  5. You're exactly right. Server pride still existed for some, but for most of us it died long ago. If you were on a stacked server it was great, but for everyone else it sucked. Personally I'm slightly enjoying the new system over the old because we've managed to put together a competent alliance, but with the current scoring system we're still losing because we we built our alliance around guilds who want fights, not ppt. And tbh most of the fights are 1-pushes because our 40v40s are against alliances that have numbers but no skill/comp. But the reality is until Anet changes 1) scoring that makes kills move valuable and captures less valuable and 2) adds a timezone differentiation into the algorithm there will never be any real balance. Let the fight guild-based servers face off against the fight-guild based servers, and let the ppt-based servers face off against the ppt-based servers, taking time zone populations into accordance, and you'd probably have a much happier player base.
  6. Exactly what Chaba said. I'm a part of the [PAN] Pending Alliance Name alliance, which lists 12 guilds. What it doesn't list is our roster size, which currently is around 350 players. And the other night for reset, we rolled out two squads to cover 2 maps, one consisting of 40 players and the other consisting of 30 players. I was part of the 30 player squad and we were getting steamrolled by another alliance squad that consisted of 55-60 players on the map that night. But that's the community-driven meta now. If you don't bring a full map blob out to fight you get run over. Making alliance guilds smaller isn't going to change that. You also seem to be excluding the fact that these alliance guilds are not the entirety of their shard. So making them smaller accomplishes what? The shards themselves are much larger than 500 players. But outside of the alliance guilds themselves, Anet's algorithm has never taken into account timezones, and this is likely where you're finding your great disparity amongst the shards. You currently listed 23 different alliance guilds, but breaking them up into smaller alliance guilds will have no bearing on whether or not they're all stacked during NA timezone, EU timezone, or SEA/OCX timezone.
  7. But what you're not acknowledging is that most servers nowadays were crap. I've been on 3 different servers; one for 10 years, then another for 2 years, and then finally one for the past 6 months until WR came along. I watched as the first two servers dried up and died because guilds constantly came and went, always hoping for a better community and better content somewhere else. The old system was fine for the 2-3 servers that were rocking and rolling over everyone they came up against, but that wasn't the case for most of the servers. Players have been BEGGING Anet for a change for years, and now that we finally get one, all anyone wants to do is complain.
  8. Maybe that was the case for other alliances? I honestly don't know. But in our alliance pretty much all the players took part in making this alliance. None of our guilds were the big blob guilds you seem to assume we are. In fact none of the guilds that formed our alliance ran more than 30 players together prior to WR, and many of them were more likely to run 10-20. But we put in the effort as soon as this was announced and worked continually on it right up until it went live. And although we do have commanders almost every night (at least during NA), if we didn't, we'd still be out there playing. I'm sorry, but it's hard to feel sorry for all the people who want everything handed to them when we actually put in the effort. Furthermore, we all saw the writing on the wall. Anet has forced us to play in massive boonballs, so we had to adapt. So instead of having squads of 10-30, we now have full squads of 50. If you want to keep holding your breath and hoping the meta changes, that's on you. But the meta is what it is. Has Anet ever really listened to this community before and rolled things back? NO. So what makes you think things are suddenly going to change now? Players will complain and whine, but eventually most will adapt and start playing the same way. It might not happen overnight, but eventually it will, same as it always has before. EDIT: I should probably add that for the first 8-9 years of this game I was primarily a solo roamer. Then EoD came out, and I didn't enjoy playing cele harb and cele willbender, so I stopped roaming and joined a havoc guild. And that was fun for a minute until most of the other servers had the mega boonblobs. So we adapted again and started working with other guilds until we at least had some semblance of numbers to fight those mega boonblobs. So many players here keep wishing for the way things used to be, but so long as this game primarily revolves around PvE, the changes in PvE are going to affect what happens in WvW and we're going to have to keep adapting.
  9. Almost every server formed a community guild in preparation for the WR betas. Why didn't you join that community guild if wanted to remain a part of that community? You could have joined that alliance guild, followed them to whatever server/shard they went to, and then continued to roam while still interacting with all the people from your old community. Instead you chose to do nothing just as so many others here did, and you reap what you sow. Furthermore, not every server had that cohesive, strong community that yours did, which is why Anet moved on from servers to WR. The players complaining the most seem to be from the servers that were the most stacked. But that accounted for maybe 25% of the servers, whilst the rest were basically hot garbage at this point. Anet had to do something that appealed to ALL the players, not just the ones on the stacked servers.
  10. The reality for probably 75% of the players, especially in this particular gamemode, is that they expect others to do things for them. They want to reap the most rewards from putting forth the least effort. And so a lot of those same players expected someone else to set up their alliance, put forth the effort to bring balance to their alliance by recruiting guilds that would give maximum coverage, fight guilds and ppt guilds, etc. And when that didn't happen they got stuck with guilds and players they either don't know or don't mesh well with, and now they want to complain about it. And the sad reality is if Anet wiped the slate clean and did this all again, the results would probably be exactly the same. And I'm sure I'll get 3x the confused emojis that I get in likes, but that's just because it's coming from those players who didn't want to make the effort. I really don't feel sorry for them.
  11. When wearing your swimsuit, it still reverts back to the "underwear" swimsuit when using the diving goggles. Please fix this @Rubi Bayer.8493 We need to be fanciful when we're diving!!
  12. I think the bigger reason it was removed was because some of the kitten forms were for some reason smaller and allowed you to squeeze into places regular character models couldn't.
  13. My guild alliance is only 350, but we actually chose guilds that played in different time zones to spread out our alliance. Granted we're almost exclusively comprised of fight guilds (not all from the same server), but we spent a good month setting this up when we found out about WR. I'm honestly surprised there weren't more guilds that attempted to do this.
  14. This is completely idiotic. Most alliances are made up of several smaller guilds. And despite all those players being in one larger alliance, most still run with their friends/guildmates from their prior smaller guilds. So what happens if you cap it at 100 people from said alliance, and 10 from guild A, 10 from guild B get put on one shard and 15 people from guild A and 5 people from guild B get put on a different shard. You've just completely defeated the point of making an alliance guild in the first place and might as well just assign every player a random shard regardless of guild/alliance.
  15. I'm on Tombs of Drascir as a member of the PAN guild, and you're exactly right. We consist almost entirely of fight/havoc guilds that cover NA/SEA/OCX (we have no EU coverage but who does?) and do very little ppting unless we think it's going to get us a fight. But we're having a lot of fun. Some nights we're running under the alliance guild tag with one commander and a mix of alliance members, other nights we split up and do guild runs separately. The only two issues we're having are 1) getting everyone together on a map as we generally have queues on every map during NA time and 2) finding good content to fight. Abbadon's Prison only seems to have 1-2 large guilds and Domain of Torment has several, but when we encounter Domain of Torment their large guilds are almost always running together as one large blob and sometimes we just don't have the numbers to match (often due to queues preventing everyone from getting on the same map). But I think another week or two of the servers/shards sorting themselves out and the content should vastly improve.
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