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  1. So you would rob me of getting to run with KIWI if I log in before work? You are a monster!
  2. One issue is people figured out pretty early on that anet would transfer them to any team they wanted for free. People have obviously been abusing that and stacking teams.
  3. People seem to be acting like we could actually test anet's relink algorithm, but I don't believe it's actually been tested yet. In the old system there were issues with guilds transferring to get the matchups/servers they wanted. This led to completely unbalanced matches. That has been replaced with a free transfer for anyone that wants to get on any team they'd like. No need to select your wvw guild or anything, just wait to see where your old server/guilds end up and ask anet to move you to that team. You don't even need to pay gems, it's free. The last relink teams were very different at the end of the links from where they were first week and certain teams exploded with population while others were ghost towns. Until anet says, "it's been X months now, if you haven't learned out to select your wvw guild there is no hope for you" or they only allow transfer each account once, this will continue to be an issue.
  4. If that was all they did it wouldn't be so bad. They also watch tags and tell their side where the tags are headed. This has the most damaging effect because many commanders will just go private rather than have constantly knowing their every move. They also go into a keep right before their server is going to hit it, pull all the tacticals and then drain all the supply. Step 3 is to come to forums and pretend like these things don't happen on a daily basis and wonder, "why doesn't anyone want me to play with my 'friends'".
  5. This is 100% wrong when it comes to tower defense. If someone is inside a tower when the tower is taken and a guard hits that player (or any other player or sometimes even just the other teams siege) the timer will start. If your team gets credit for killing any player that is within the range of the towers timer everyone that participates in that death will have a shot at getting a defense. It is true that killing a guard will give you credit for taking a tower.
  6. There has to be a timer up. You have to see the timer on your screen while hitting an attacker. If the attacker runs away and dies you might still get credit, but it's better to kill them in range of the timer. An attacker must die. If all that happens you have a random chance to get credit. It is possible to get the weekly/daily space bucks credit and not get a tower defense so they must be rolled separately. Don't listen to anyone that says "kill siege" or "must be inside" or "must have touched lord" or "it's only the person that did the most damage". They are all just victims of cognitive fallacy or pareidolia. I have killed 20 in a keep on the lord and gotten no defense and I've gotten one hit on a guy running away from a tower and gotten credit. Anet is too cowardly to just tell us the truth, this has come up countless times and they have never once just told us how it's supposed to work.
  7. It's been my experience they don't get bored. As an example we are currently in last place not just in last place in our tier, we have the lowest score out of anyone. This morning we were outnumbered and both green and blue attacked us and ignored each other. With no kind of actual buff for being outnumbered and no real penalty for them it is far easier for the two sides with the most people on to just attack the weakest. Why bother getting in real fights when you can take anything you want at any time and pip to your hearts content?
  8. If it's 10 v 40, don't try to fight the head of the snake. Show yourselves up by the lord/somewhere interesting. When they come charging up, jump off, glide and take out their tail. With any luck you'll nab a couple slow ones, kill them and get your defense and move on.
  9. Downstate is fine, it's the rallybotting that's the issue. Before rush week there were visible tags on most maps in our matchup. As soon as rush week started a good chunk of them went private tag. The issue is rallybotting, the new people on the map gravitate to tags because they're uncomfortable roaming alone. The tags get frustrated because there is a large number of new players gravitating to them and feeding the other team rallybots. If there was no rallybot, there would be no incentive to go private tag because without rallybot more peeps, even if they are relatively new is better than less peeps.
  10. I wouldn't get rid of downstate completely, it's fun to bait with a downed player to see if you can get helpers to try and get close. I just think it should be active, ie a skill or a player doing something to rez someone rather than a free rez if you happened to hit someone who later died.
  11. As part of Rush Week and all the newbies rushing in Anet should have changed down state to force someone to pick you up vs instantly rez'ing everyone when someone dies. Most normal tags are running private this week because the easiest way to lose fights is to have newbies hanging around that don't realize how bad it is when you die because it rez's the other team.
  12. I don't if there was ever a hard cap, but there hasn't been an overall cap for a long time. Once you complete the diamond chests and weeklies you don't get any more tickets from those sources but there is also a chance to get bonus tickets for smc/tier 3 defenses/captures.
  13. It's easier for the alt to sit in spawn, if they are trying to run around with the group they can't be in the ambush group. I find it hard to believe you're running open tags and "this is rarely ever an actual problem" We see it consistently in every tier, the same large group magically showing up where ever we are headed and making the tag private magically makes it so they can't track us any more. I agree though it does suck because we like taking people along with us, but there are many servers that even if they are winning by 2x will still spy and cheat and make sure that we can't.
  14. Close, but change "does not count" to "just might count" for each line that starts with "Killing players" and replace "Killing players" with "Killing players while you see an active counter on your screen". Though that's not 100% accurate either as you can actually hit someone during a timer and chase them while still in combat outside of the timer and still get credit.
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