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  1. Rifles.. Please, give some love to rifles! I've opened gem store wanting to buy a rifle skin and what do I see? 2 rifles and both.. well. Meh. At the same time there are on sale now: 4 axes, 5 greatswords, 10 (!!!) staffs and even 3 pistols etc. And just 2 rifles, which imho are not the best examples of rifle skins. Looks unfair to me. It used to be not the most popular weapon in the game, but just check the number of the open world rifle mechanists 😄
  2. The mechanist has broke the game again! The mech is nigh immortal with this health value Can you prove it's immortal? It has lot of hp != it's immortal. It takes time to kill this hp sponge but it doesn't do any impact at all.
  3. you don't understand, the mech has hit the vitality cap, it can't get any more health! Ok, so what? Or you just trolling?
  4. Ok, what is the point of such build? Why would anyone use it?
  5. They didn't. Allrightie then. The main problem of the rifle only mechanist is that it's boring. It's quite powerfull and allowes to deal not top damage, but keep a really high damage uptime, that makes you effective, especially in activities where boss moves a lot, I see that I do more dps than most condi classes on such bosses (and usually power dps don't). But the only thing to do left is doing mechanics, no need to think over rotation, just press buttons on CD and try not to forget that you will need CC so keep 4 and f2 f3 for it, that's it. I realized that doing my everyday things got pretty easy and pretty boring. But yes, it's still fun in pvp. I returned to my renegade i've played just a bit, in PVE it's like a breath of fresh air. I don't say that it will be boring to everyone, I just understood that I need a bit more buttons 😄 Also funny thing: revenant is better warrion than warrion and renegade in particular is better archer than ranger.
  6. Well. It does some damage, up to 20k on dummy with all debuffs and with all possible boons, that is better than lot of players do 😄
  7. nah, bullkitten, doesn't work 😄
  8. True, but all these sources you can also use with pistols, so they don't really help rifle getting an edge over this weapon in a condition build. Yep, I just wanted to point out that sources are here, I didn't mean the build will work. Anyway, I assume I could even test it later this evening. The only thing - you are usually not crit capped using common condi build and don't have lot of explosions, so don't proc traits quite often. Need to test it anyway. Who knows, maybe it just was discovered new OP condi rifle build 😄
  9. It's also sigil of earth, incendiary powder for burning on crit, and AAR also causes explosion each 3 second, so It's a bit more sources but still..
  10. This build is not crit capped, but it should be as far as much bleeding comes from Shrapnel trait and sigil of earth, but it's 33% chance for trait so you need to crit every single strike to proc it and sigil on CD. And burning inflicting also depends on crits.. Also you will need perma fury, if you can't rely on allies you will have to use both No Scope and Short fuse. You also can include flamethrower into rotation to keep burning uptime, that will give really significant dmg increase. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PeQAQlxygZusEWMOML6xKA-zRJYmRBfZEXBkbC4zA-e Maybe try smth like this.. it's crit capped with perma fury, using flamethrower 4+2 and 2 on CD, inflicts as many bleeding as you can with such build with 100% duration and 76% of burning duration..but I still don't think it's viable. Upd: bleeding infliction is made not by crit but by explosion, but in our case it changes nothing for build , you have to be crit capped😄 Upd2: sorry again, it come from both Shrapnel (explosion) and Snapshooter (on crit), my bad again 😄
  11. ...and it's emty. You need to create a link using 'get quicklink' button and copying the generated link. Could you please provide some numbers? At least dmg you do with such build
  12. They've mentioned that it may (will) be reworked (nerfed to the kitten) in august patch.
  13. Disagree, using rifle mechanist I always perform much better (difference may be like up to their 4k dps and my 17-20k) than 99% of other players in t1-t2 fractals but other rifle mechanists 😄 Maybe the thing that people do not care but anyways :DDD
  14. True. After last nerf (not last, will see more nerfs for sure) I hardly reach 31k, but usually 30k on dummy, that rare has smth common with real fight, and I don't see potential for this to reach any higher numbers, maybe only in case if you have VERY fast hands with absolute muscle memmory (saw guy making 35k but it includes leaps at one place that is not really possible for me personally to do in another situation but dummy hitting). Lazy p/p no kits viper build still performs better and more natural I guess. As for alac uptime - no chance using rifle, only with the really large dps loss and full diviner, which doesn't make much sense since M/P can provide perma alac. The only thing such build bould do not bad, but not awesome is DPS, but now it can't again. As for selfish builds with perma or at least 80% quickness - you still need lot of concentration after mech nerf, I've tested it with up to 50% boon duration and even with enogh uptime coudn't override fully berserker build's damage because of dmg loss, so it doesn't make sense. The place power build shines is open world. But come on, who cares about it, you can use exotic cele gear and flamethrower and annihilate anything including legendaries in OW. But it kills veterans really fast *sarcasm* Maybe i am doing something wrong, but there is no potential in rifle itself. Take anything and it will be performing better. It's not dead at all as it was before patch and you can really have fun with it till some cap like t4 fractals or raids where you will be just kicked from for 'meme build'.
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