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  1. Sigils are absolutely a part of your build, a WB proccing a 3 second quickness is enough for them to unload half of their skills in your face, because most willbender spells have low cast time anyways. Fireworks drags your damage down? The rune that gives 25% BD and 175 power? Maybe you did not read the part where i said WB already gets ton of extra %chance and damage from traits, therefore making up for losing those stats by picking a BD relic or Diviners. But of course! A Willy can easily just as well play full mara or dragon and still poop out boons like its no tomorrow! When your F3 is a stunbreak that does 5-6k damage, a shadowstep and gives you 7 boons that by default last a decent amount of time, you dont neccesarily need BD to make that much better. It's the players choice, but either way, you CANT go wrong! Cele, diviner, marauder, dragon...its still good! WB will still pump hard, will still spam boons etc.. From your comments it just seems like you are trying to say WB boons kinda suck, so why bother playing Diviner/BD gear and tanking your damage, when it is absolutely obvious that is not the case! Roling Light/Quick Retri is just one more CC to the bunch of CC's i already listed after you said "WB's lack CC". And you can easily use the Quick Retribution few seconds after, and combo it with other shadowsteps like sword2/5/Intervention. People whine about WB and rightfully so, after Cele it is the next big thing that needs to get nerfed, that hasnt for years. YEARS. Im not sure you understand that WB has literally been either not nerfed, or buffed every single patch since EoD.
  2. Lots of roamers that actually think about how to make their build better slot in diviners or boon duration runes without tanking their damage or survivability if they can abuse it on a certain build. Diviners focuses on power and concentration, while ferocity and percision are minor stats - WB doesnt care, it already had ferocity and percision modifiers to make up for it.. And an overloaded class like willy benefits tons from extra boon duration, considering most of them run the alac grandmaster. "WB gets access to everything" except Quick ( Superspeed, CC, and a lot of tools a roamer wud want) " 1) Quickness - 90% of benders run either rage or celerity. The 3 or 4 second quickness ( not counting boon duration) is more than enough for them to secure an opening burst that will either down you or make you waste a ton of your defensives. 2) Superspeed - WB doesnt need superspeed, its literally one of, if not the fastest class in the game in terms of mobility without superspeed. If WB had superspeed on their kit it would be absolutely depressing trying to fight them, as currently one of the few ways to beat benders is for YOU to abuse superspeed and somehow dodge the 10 teleports and get some distance away from the willy. 3) CC - WB is so busted that playing literally any weapon on it works, that includes weapons with good CC, like longbow/hammer/shield offhand/spear. Also sword 5 is so strong that you can get hit for an 8k immobilze that puts slow on you - if you don't have an instant cast cleanse you are effectively CC'ed. You can also include Rolling Light/Quick Retribution utility that recently got buffed. You know there are classes that would KILL to have a stunbreak like that? Only for it to have a flip skill with 3 second daze and leap? And lets get something straight about CC as well, CC in pretty much any game ever is a tool used for you to control your oponent so you can get damage in that you would otherwise have a harder time landing. Most other classes play like this: - the elementalist will land their gale, so they can burst you with scepter - the herald will knock you back with glint elite so they can land their damage combo - the thief will steal on you, so they can get an easy backstab - the warrior will shield 4 you, or staff 4 you to get a safe arcing slice. or they will hammer combo you, to get the hammer 2's in - the ranger will hilt bash you so they can get a safe maul, or will longbow 4 you so they can get a safe rapid fire - the dragon hunter will pull you with f1 into his traps, then bonk you with shield 5 to trigger the trap again - the chrono will gravity well you so he can shatter combo you more effectively i can go on and on really, of course there are some exceptions to this rule, but this is how it generally is supposed to play out But willbender? They just stick on you like glue and pump their damage regardless, they dont really need CC to do their damage when half of their skills are leaps/movement abilities/shadowsteps that also deal damage and provide boons/cleanses. The MOST dangerous willbender players are those who realize the above points and rather than go monkey mode and hold W, actually CC you with the above mentioned weapons ONTOP of their already overloaded kit.
  3. ITT: OP reveals himself to be a cele ele main who is incapable of playing the class in roaming without the baby wheels that is cele stats. My advise to you is to reject cele. It's a crutch, it carries you hard in fights, you button mash and don't prioritise spells because you do good condi and strike damage with all of them anyways. You don't pay attention to your own dodges because the permanent boons just sustain you anyways. You don't pay attention to enemy dodges because you button mash anyways. Cele roaming is almost exclusively a single minded tunnel vision approach to the game that doesn't teach you much, and passively saves you from dying. I was like you once ,played cele on my ele before the boon duration and expertise was added even. But as you grow as a player you realise cele gameplay is boring both for you and your enemies. It's uninteractive. Best Regards, An ele main that roams on power builds
  4. Overall thoughts: The trait in Weaver https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/4/46/Superior_Elements.png/25px-Superior_Elements.png Superior Elements Weakness is never applied, since the Dual Skills on spear dont do damage or traget enemies in any way. There needs to be a bigger reward for Etching your spells to get the final spell. As of right now in full marauder gear in WvW, the number 2 spells for fire and earth hit harder than the final etched versions of pretty much any etching spell. Also, the spear is a 1200 range weapon, it is assumed you will engage your targets with long range. So you Etch, all of the Etches are combo fields - AWESOME. But most of your combo finishers on spear are blasts - WHY? If you engage a target at max range, you will most often use your spear skills to charge your Etch, which are most often blast finishers. So you end up missing out on the whole Etch being a combo field - spear skills being blast finishers interaction, because you aim your spells at targets outside your Etch.. All of the spells in general need to do more damage, it needs more OOMPH!. Just take a look at Scepter/Focus Fresh Air elementalist, its faster than the spear ( instant cast damage spells + air 2 resets almost instantly when doing a FA rotation, also even spells like Pheonix/Water Trident/Hurl just feel faster and more responsive than spear skills ), it does more damage, and it has better defensives. At that point the difference in 300 range is not really that important... I think the spear has good potential to become a strong choice for elementalist, but right now its not "Glassy" enough as the way it was labeled from aNET developers during the live stream " It was labeled as a glass cannon weapon ". Please...the uncharged Etch spells do laughable damage, with a full power set. Most of the auto attacks do laughable damage as well. All in all, if anet fixes the bugs with the etch in weaver, and if you buff the damage the weapon will look a whole lot better. I will say hoever the Dual Skill mechanic on weaver is kind of complicated..Add ontop Fresh Air or Unravel and it kind of just becomes a mess for resetting your attunements constantly. You should Re-work the Dual Skills to be something else and just scratch the whole idea with resetting the primary attunement CD.
  5. BUG WITH SPEAR ON WEAVER: IF you are a weaver, and you start combat in a double attune element, for example lets take Fire/Fire. Fire/Fire > Lets say you want to use your fire 5 skill ( Fire Etch ) > Lets say you want to go Air next > Air/Fire > You now have Air ( 1 2 ) , Dual Skill ( 3 ), Fire (4 5 ) > Congratulations you cannot complete your Fire etch. IT just says on cooldown, and will not charge up to the final spell. This bugs out the Etch even if you go back to Fire/Fire within the duration of the Etch using UNRAVEL. The Etch will still be on cooldown. NOTE: There is a carry-over mechanic implemented for Weaver: If you start an etch in Fire/Air, and go to Fire/Fire, the 5 skill will still be the Etch you started, giving you the chance to finish it, and start the new Fire/Fire etch. However this mechanic does not help with the bug i described above. Example: You start off in Fire/Air, you start your Air etch > You double attune to Fire/Fire taking advantage of the Dual Skill ( 3 ) primary attune ( Fire ) CD reset > You are now in Fire/Fire > You can complete your Air etch just fine! > after the Air etch is complete, the Fire one takes its place > And this is where we enter the first bug, if you start the Fire etch while double attuned to Fire you cannot complete it, its impossible. The attunements chosen here are just examples, this bug happens with any attunement used. Apart from the fact that the Etching/Weaver mechanic seems to have clear disagreements with eachother, this bug absolutely kills any fresh air build on weaver using the spear, as double attuning to Air is kind of what Fresh Air is all about. This is just a post about this particular bug, ill probably make one about my thoughts overall of the weapon later.
  6. I run full marauder and 2-3 cele pieces on every build ( my character actually explains that in the manga in the video ) . It might be the case that the sc/wh builds had just full mara. I mostly use focus for FA both in core cata and weaver So I guess u should be puking alot :D Jokes aside you'll see that I took a huge effort into playing nonstandard stuff like warhorn , lightning rod, ice bow etc.. Also nerf ele
  7. It was so incredibly refreshing and fun playing core builds with the new weapons... You could use both the new weapons released in SOTO, and the elite specialization weapons ! And cmon anet...its just a core account with core builds, being able to use the new up to date weapons is only fair... Core accounts already get access to HoT stat amulets and SOTO relics...why cant we use the new weapons?
  8. Anet considering feedback for roaming???? What are you smoking please give me some
  9. The bias part was in general, not specific to your example, you are more biased to remember the times when you got outnumbered/ganked than the other way around... "Idgf as they can't cap easily" - cap what? what are we capping? we still talking about roaming, no? " only thing that irritates me about them that they run if facing matching numbers till they get more people then if culled runs again. Ruins the fun of fight all the backpeddaling." - you obviously see this is "wrong" and not "honorable" and you tell me to learn to read? Dude 😄
  10. You just described every roaming guild my dude. There are no innocent angels, literally everyone does what you described. And for a moment think about it : you are having some fights, your guildie/friend logs in and joins on the fun. Are you supposed to tell them to fk off just because of the "honor" of roaming? When 9.9 times out of 10 the enemy won't do the same for you... at the end of the day the strength of your community and bonds with friends is all that matters, we are all here to have fun and share experiences, if you keep getting outnumbered and outganked just swallow your pride and look for fights elsewhere one more thing: human brains are biased - you are much more likely to remember/notice being outnumbered than the other way around
  11. if you think hunt are so toxic that it warrants an anet response then you havent really experienced eu roaming 😛
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