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Everything posted by Nightbringer.9845

  1. As someone playing on the highest level of wvw zerging, scorched earth feels terrible against good zergs when they stack really tight and have good movement. The target cap of 3 is literally doing nothing when they are stacked tightly. When comparing holosmith to berserker, holosmith is just far superior because of its insanely good sustained dps uptime whereas berserker is short burst dps and it sucks when you miss because you are blinded or you hit pets/enemies that just got into downstate and do 0 damage. And it is so easy to step out of scorched earth hitbox like why even nerf it?
  2. I was forced to buy VPN 2months ago because it was simply unplayable during prime sea time especially in WvW and all the way till now has been consistently hearing from guild mates and friends about lag. Just tonight my wvw guild had to cancel mid run because half the squad can't play the game. Like seriously anet?
  3. can confirm, 8 everbloom infusions appearing as just 1
  4. How does dragon slash 1 max charge do less damage than say arc divider? wtf is this?
  5. That's not much of a chair is it xD. But having this feature for other actual chairs will be so good..
  6. Aesthetic infusions for example ghostly infusion. You can't stack the effect/intensity of it without each infusion to be of different stats.
  7. As title implies. I prefer my norn character to have the sitting position of a human at a throne. Or a female norn to sit like a male norn at a Quiet Woods Chair. It just looks so much better for how I fashioned/dressed my character and it will be so good if the sitting position can complement it but it really does not and it feels like i wasted my gems. Please add this feature I'm sure more people will buy chairs with this.
  8. plz allow infusion stacking of the same stats so we can min-max without the cost of could be looking better.
  9. Literally came to forums just to complain about this lol. Vindicator is such a cool class but it literally offers absolutely nothing utility wise for group endgame content while giving measly dps that is trash. I love revenant but overall the class is just so weak compared to others.... ANET PLEASE BUFFFFFFFFFF
  10. Pls buff. Is SOOO weak compared to other power dps classes in endgame content
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