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Posts posted by NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935

  1. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:Has there been any seeds towards the new content in either the open world, cities or festivals (incl the current one)? I'm not asking for what they are, but seeding clues used to be a fun thing players used to look for before an episode, but that seems to have dried up. Is there anything added that we can go and hunt for that might give us some early in game clues? Ambient dialogue, map changes and so forth

    We plan pretty far out and, because we can only fit so much into any given release, we have to make very deliberate choices about what we include. In an earlier GuildChat I think we said something to the effect of: "Everything is intentional." That still holds true. We don't want to send anybody spinning down a rabbit hole, but...

    Soo...there are.....some....clues.........somewhere?

    It's gotta be the Commandos from Jahai. Mark my words, they're up to no good...

  2. Okay here we go, time to get even more nonsensical than I was before...

    So we've got snow in the S5 email teaser. That snow turns out to be the result of a worldwide nuclear winter. Those commandos that showed up in Jahai? They made it back to wherever they came from and reported all the Elder Dragon reality-eating nonsense we had going on to their superiors. It is decided that reality-eating eldritch abominations are generally bad news dor the multiverse at large, and that something should be done about it before it becomes an even bigher problem. So suddenly Tyria finds itself on the recieving end of an interdimensional nuclear armageddon. Cogratulations! We wrecked the planet hard.

    Season 5 goes on to deal with Tyria's struggle to survive suddenlt becoming a nuclear hellscape. Various plans are made on what to do with the world after it got blown up, one of which is getting everyone together and leaving Tyria for a new world. So we go to space, and all our spacefaring shenanigans end up being the base for a new expansion. See my previous post here for details about space nonsense.

    And every class gets a new Commando-based e-spec, because they sent scouting parties back after the nukes to see how effective the attack was at dealing with the Elder Dragon problem and sone of these parties were inevitably captured and interrogated and had their equipment reverse-engineered by the angry survicors of the nuclear apocalypse. Then we go to war. Interdimensional war.

    So yeah. Get nuked, go to space, wage interdimensional war for fun and profit and probably revenge too. Sign me up!

  3. @Aaron Ansari.1604 said:

    @Randulf.7614 said:The top picture - are those 2nd pair of arms actually bound together as well? The top pair seem broken apart

    it's an interesting pick up - is it all branded forgotten or just that one?

    I just checked up close in GW1. def no chains or shackles or marks to indicate them

    The lower set of arms do appear to be bound. There looks to be an intact chain between the shackles when zooming in close enough.

    I believe they aren't. One of their casting animations involves them spreading their arms, and while I may be wrong, I remember the lower pair being involved as well.

    Perhaps it's only for certain models, then, because the one in the picture linked in the OP definitely looks like there's a looped chain running between his lower arm shackles instead of hanging free like his upper arms. I'll have to take a look at some other branded Forgotten for comparison when I get a chance.

  4. @Zeike.7469 said:

    @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:Wait, I'm quitting? kitten, why am I just now finding out about this? Why wasn't I involved in the decision-making process behind this? I don't even have a passive-aggressive rant about my grievances prepared so people can ask if they can have my stuff. I'm totally not ready for this at all! This is so dumb...

    I don't think it's dumb, I think it's merely a concern a player has. Asking the community if others feel the same way.

    Nah, the dumb part is that I just found out that I'm apparently quitting and wasn't given ample time to prepare. Quite the unpleasant surprise waiting for me when I got home from work.

  5. Wait, I'm quitting? Crap, why am I just now finding out about this? Why wasn't I involved in the decision-making process behind this? I don't even have a passive-aggressive rant about my grievances prepared so people can ask if they can have my stuff. I'm totally not ready for this at all! This is so dumb...

  6. @Etria.3642 said:

    @joneirikb.7506 said:I'm the wrong target audience obviously, I don't think they've released almost anything I've liked since the first year, and I do mean everything, skins from expansions, ls, gemstore, you name it.

    Yeah, I'm still wandering around in 95% skins from 2012. (Edit: and not a single legendary yet, don't like any of them. They all look like power-rangers toy weapons)

    Just curious, when you say you do not like the expansions and living world seasons, do you mean you bought/tried them and don't like them or you never tried them at all?

    I think they just mean the gear skins that came with those releases.

  7. @Randulf.7614 said:The top picture - are those 2nd pair of arms actually bound together as well? The top pair seem broken apart

    it's an interesting pick up - is it all branded forgotten or just that one?

    I just checked up close in GW1. def no chains or shackles or marks to indicate them

    The lower set of arms do appear to be bound. There looks to be an intact chain between the shackles when zooming in close enough.

  8. @Bloodstealer.5978 said:So cos you don't manage to kill the champs within a designated time you think you should still profit... cmonplease.Frustrating you didn't make it sure... want to be rewarded for failing... no

    Sounds to me more like the OP's complaint is that they kill one of the champs, and then the map resets a few seconds later without leaving a chance to loot the coffers before it happens. And then the coffers are gone after the reset, so they can't get thebloot from the successful event.

  9. @Randulf.7614 said:I reckon they're branded Gonarchs from the Planet Xen. It's no coincidence those commandos look like Black Mesa soldiers either...

    Oh god, that would imply that we've secretly been playing Half-Life 3 this whole time!

  10. @Batel.9206 said:

    @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:Like burning your house down to kill a spider.I see nothing wrong with this....where I live, we have hobo spiders, wolf spiders, brown recluses, and black widows (among many others). Have one of those crawl just out of sight along the wall, and tell me you
    break out the flamethrowers. :tongue:

    I dunno, you're still down one house in that instance. I mean, that's where you keep all your stuff!

    Now, if we're talking about giant monster spiders, then all this talk of burning houses starts to sound a lot more sensible.

  11. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:For real, though, it will forever bug me that my jetpack doesn't match it's glider variant.

    If you want, they can make the gliders undyeable too.

    While that would technically solve the color mismatch issue, that would be a decidedly less-than-ideal way to go about doing it that would leave us all worse off than when we started. Like burning your house down to kill a spider.

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