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Captain Crapface.7528

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  1. I wouldn't call copying code from sword 4 "a whole new mechanic" but i understand where you're coming from.
  2. I know it's kind off unproffesionall to post your own videos, but I think it's better to post the video than to shoehorn six pages of text into one post. Henceforth my feedback:
  3. Spear skill 5 [Spearmarshal's Support] can be fully avoided ny simply running in a strait line. No superspeed or swiftness required just F-ing walk forward. Video evidence (posted on twatter due to lack of better/faster option):
  4. I'ts not. Not a single skill scales its damage with range. 180 radious on auto already makes it unlikely to hit multiple targets in PvP/WvW unless you play in Zergs (where Gunzerker has the same AoE on 1500 range oneshot, lol) - so Spear 1 range scaling practically doesn't matter. Spear 2 only scales AoE size, making it obnoxious for warrior beond 600 range, and obnoxious for his opponents within 300. But definitely the worst is Spear 5. Its delay, before damage starts, is whats scaling. So you have to guess, weither that was 599 or 601, becouse the timer or range tresholds have no indication at all, and if you guess wrong and dodge prematurely, you either have to burn another dodge or eat kitten. - we already had similar problem with [Dragon's Tooth] before it got nerfed into the ground, and that thing at least had consistent dodge timings. This is ten times worse. Literally removing range scaling from this weapon whatsoever, will instantly improve spear's balance and desighn.
  5. Spear is so convoluted it already needs a rework to 3+ skills and complete removal of its "mechanic" (it makes no diference in PvE, but just makes the weapon stupidly inconsistent for PvP/WvW), and core F1 in the prewiev has a consistend visual bug. None of this, should make it past QA.
  6. Add to that the fact that long casttimes are very prone to being interrupted, if you don't have stability. In any 1 v 1 anywhere above silver you'll probably never manage to fully cast [Wild Throw].
  7. Its so sad there's only one class and no new content was released for several years. Guess the game is just doomed to fail.
  8. I'm not mad, its a mixture od dissapontment and confusion. The last thing, the most mobile class in the game needs, is a tool to punish enemy positioning. This thing will be balancing nightmare in Vs modes, and they didn't even put Scepter in right place yet.
  9. Im so glad Arenanet figured out completely new way to make thief unbearable to play against.
  10. Brother, the specks in question (specifically the parts you complain are getting removed) are currently sucking the fun out of the game.
  11. Virtuoso loseing channeled block on "Bladesong Requiem" is almost as stupid as removeing Block from "Shieald Stance" or removeing stealth from "Shadow Refugee" would be. "Heat the Soul" giving Quickness on Burst hit is also completely insane, as "Decapitate" exists, and at least someone at anet should know what is it's signature effect. Also if necro mains burn something this june i won't be suprised. Removeing both Scourges revive power, AND boon corrupt is a targetted harrasment if i ever seen one. There was nothing wrong with Scourge and noone asked for Alacrity. You killed the bild so hard even Joko can't rise it. Furthermore, only problem with boon corrupt is that stability turned into fear. just makeing stability turn into different condition, would fix the problem... but no, we had to be mean to Necro... Anet please, give your balance team couple days of payed leave so they can play the bloody game and see how it loperates, it'll be best for all of us. Sincerely, me.
  12. Does anyone realise "Stone Heart" change might end up being massive f*cking buff to Elementalist as a whole? (depending on cooldowns and duration)
  13. you know that Spellbreaker is overpowered? with the 50% damage on top of its 1.32 power ratio in PvP breaching strike easyly hits for 7-8k before stuff like "Sun and Mun" style and "Pure Strikes" get involved. I personaly have hit 12.5k crit with Breaching Strike this monday. btw, Elementalist's base health is 11,5k. still wanna stick to your argument?
  14. (warrior/Ele main) Please reconcider "Heavy Light" changes. - it basicly is "Stalwart Strength+". Stalwart Strength in a hindsight was a mistake. It encourages unhealthy playstyles and makes Warrior v Warrior matchups wery dependant on whoever lands cc first. It is true, what warrior needs a reliable source of stability, but no source of stability should be connected to CC skills. - please concider changeing "Heavy light" and reworking "Stalwart Strength". Furthermore, with Banners and Warhorn warrior has more than enough Quickness to fit into boon-dps role even withaout "Martial Candance". Currently it only enables dumb shiet like 8 Bladesworn squads - concider rewerting or reworking it. Finally, most of warrior's abilities aren't used, not becouse they have too small numbers, but becouse there is no reason to pick it over "shake it off" + "Bull's Charge" + "Enure Pain". If you want to make some warrior skills used, concier reworking unused skills instead of strait buffing them. We want to avoid situation where warrior becomes even more of a walking statcheck than he alreay is.
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