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Posts posted by Burial.1958

  1. 10 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

    No surprise...the game is very badly managed and it's a far cry from the peak era of GW1, a combination of spoiled and rotten playerbase and a strong lack of design ideology have destroyed that legacy GW1 created and that was what attracted majority of people to GW2 in the first place.


    Where in GW1 we had a design studio focused on adapting, innovating and creating fun content...in GW2 we have the opposite, they don't innovate or adapt, they simply downgrade to please a vocal and misdiricted playerbase, which is also very different from the playerbase of the last decade.


    MMOs used to be a niche market with a very dedicated playerbase, you were rewarded for your time...now MMOs are made for the "playstation generation", the one made of players who buy the game today..and tomorrow expect to be dragon lords of the whole fantasy world...that sort of thing.


    In GW1 as player you had to learn perfect timing to avoid interrupt, set change with "dodge" button, fake cast, positioning, timing CC as there was diminishing return......in GW2 players just want to rush at you, press all buttons and expect you to die, and if you don't....then clearly there is something wrong with the game and so we need to go the forum and complain even if I may have bought the game last week and got few dozen hours under my belt...that's your typical GW2 player.


    Another thing: in GW1 if there was a mechanic/skill really too good for the effort, then the devs would change it so that it would still be effective but definitely less oppressive to fight....by contrast in GW2 these new devs simply nerf=delete the problematic build/skill so to please the vocal forum tribe throwing a tantrum on the forum.


    So yeah, I am not surprised of what GW2 has become...of what MMOs have become these days, too mainstream too be any decent to watch or play like a streamer would, complexity and strategy are thrown out of the window to attract as many players as possible...boring to watch really

     Best post in this forum since a decade. Im a GW 1 Vet too and can only say: so true.

  2. 8 hours ago, Worrbinpike.2957 said:

    I could open a thread for riverside for this, too. On Riverside its pretty absurd the last 2 months. Riverside is always last at the end.

    Playing on riverside sux since weeks.


    2 days ago the map was completely blue from aurora, they were deffing our keep to T3, also most of our towers were blue T3. On Green (Gandara) it was similar, but not that bad. But at least drakkar in terms of ranking is still better than riverside.


    Also on riverside its pretty toxic between hardcore wvw players and "random" players. Better lets not talk about the hate for rangers ^^

    I'm playing wvw since approx 4 months..and man....the word "friendly community" does not match in wvw, at least on riverside. But i assume this is on all servers in wvw.


    But yes, its pretty absurd what manpower aurora with their link have. Riverside is only good if commander are there.


    I cannot understand the system behind the linking that arenet has. Do they not monitor that stuff ? Riverside since months get their butt kicked from both opponents.


    Glad Horzion 5 was released yesterday, so it could be i have better things to do than this. At least i will do the weekly tickets. 😄





     On Drakkar u can play what u like. This Server gives a kitten about any progressiv gameplay. There are 1~2 Commanders who want to play Meta but the majority is Casual.  I like this and thats why i play on DL. After years of hardcore gameplay it is nice to have now a home where u can do what u want. Nobody cares about K/D on DL. 



    33 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

    5 of you had nothing like Basilik Venom and pulls? I hope they got that camp. 

     The Average Gw 2 Player is bad and think he can do the whole Game with 1 Build and 1 Gear setup and deal with all classes and their Elite specs. So then everything what they can't kill fast, is OP. What this mesmer did u can do with all classes except maybe Necro and Guardian ( But they get their run away specs with the addon).  But it is easier to cry on the forums then to learn how these classes and builds work.  There are certain builds, which are a bit overtuned but nothing broke.  When i see such a Usain Bolt my strategy is to walk away and ignore him.  I mean 5 Peoples chasing 1 Mesmer. Lol 

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  4. 10 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

    I think a hard pill to swallow is that WvW is PvE, and players trying to make it not PvE are the ones hurting the game. It prevents us from adding any real balance to the game mode because they want everything to be My Op Build Vs Your Op Build, My Perfect Squad Vs Your Perfect Squad and so on. Until players accept that WvW is PvE, and that it needs to have PvE elements in order to keep the factions balanced, the situation won't improve.


    There's a reason PvP and WvW are separate, but players keep asking for WvW to be like PvP and then wondering why its slowly developing the same problems . There's this obsession with all fights coming down to numbers, coordination, builds and skill level, instead of having any kind of randomness to it, any kind of outside, unpredictable factors, and so on, when that's exactly what's kept RvR in most online games balanced since DAoC launched.


    Yes, most fights should be determined by gameplay & experience in competitive games, because that's what makes them competitive. But you have to draw a line at a 2v1 curbstomp for an entire week where the only options are to either take empty objectives for participation or just stop playing altogether.


    And this is a weekly occurence (i.e, 24/7) for some servers now, and Alliances may not fix it entirely, if at all.


    The reason this is so dangerous is if you go back into gaming history, you'll find that the entire reason three factions were introduced to alot of games was to make them unpredictable because 1v1 always had lopsided matchups. But because in this game you can just take the underdog out entirely, you end up with the same situation and its as if there aren't three factions at all, which recreates the same problems three-way RvR was designed to prevent.


    And alot of this has to do with players' resistance to PvE elements in the game mode. Because you can't just magically generate more players, you have to use non-player elements to balance the matchup, at least to a level where the weakest faction can fight back, and be a credible threat to their opponents.


    Realm Vs. Realm was always about the battlefield being a big mess, basically, which helps keep everything from going lopsided and becoming an endless struggle against overwhelming odds. It has to be messy, that's the whole point.. But despite this, WvW sterilisation continues with each year.


     WvWvW isn't PvE. It Is clearly a Big PVP Modi with siegewars. It has some PvE Aspects (Door, Guards and Lords) but the majority of it is clear PVP Environment. 


    The biggest problem this mode suffers are those Bandwagoners. This is simply pay to win or pay to have fun. Problem is that the peoples who stay at their Severs are the big loosers in every aspect. 

  5. On 11/1/2021 at 7:43 PM, ASP.8093 said:

    "Groups killed roaming." "Zergs killed roaming." "Thieves killed roaming." "Warclaw killed roaming."

    At the center of this Venn diagram is a person who waypoints to citadel, runs directly to the nearest contested camp, dies to a single quick burst, and logs off for the day. Their dodge button is covered in cobwebs.

     i would like to expand it with "WTJ Killed roaming" (i know peoples who transferred over 80x times). There are simply to much "Pros" which love beeing carried. Most such grps centering on 1-2 Servers. Its time for the ally system where those WTJ dudes  get punished. Its Pay to Win simple as it is. Kudos to the good players who stick to their servers and keep the wvwvw a bit alive.

  6. On 10/31/2021 at 1:46 AM, Atrom.1564 said:

    Please look into this and give stealth some kind of cooldown and hardcapped duration especially for thiefs. When in stealth give the thief at least 1000% damage taken and break the stealth as soon as damage is being taken. Because as it stand right now in WvW playing thief youre basically spamming stealth resetting fights while trying to kill someone rinse and repeat. All Im asking is for the team to look in to it and maybe tweak it a bit is all. Im not asking for it to be removed! Thank you!


    That is all what i can say

  7. On 10/28/2021 at 7:07 PM, Khenzy.9348 said:

    Two things killed the roaming scene.




    Thief has been the undisputed king of roaming for 9 years and is not going to change for the forseeable future. Which ties in well with my next point, stealth. Stealth and the spammable nature it has with the Thief profession is absurdly broken and with a clear lack of effective, rewarding and enjoyable counterplay. It's a mess of a combo that frustrates players that want to try all other professions, and when they do, they end up fighting Thieves that have constant blind spam, endless disengage, endless sustain through stealth, constant detarget through stealth, constant invisibility with incredible and mostly unpredictable burst damage, no other class can compete with this in roaming unless you have something niche or broken your self: SIck 'Em+Wolf Stance one shot combo, or Holo/Scrapper granade spam; those broken or niche cases get nerfed eventually so Thief is always left alone as the king, so as to nerf Thief you'd have to redesign how stealth works with them or the entire profession, which is not going to happen, ever.


    In time, those other players eventually quit or start playing Thief themselves. Then you have this mess of Thieves vs Thieves fighting eachother endlessly either unable to kill themselves or disengaging at will which frustrates all parts involved, so they end up quitting too. That's it.


    Lol and thats why every dedicated roaming group runs Engis today. It does have everything: Stealth, reveal, Barrier, Blocks, Heal, invul ,speed, secure stomp, group support and of top of that decent to high dmg output. But sure thief is OP and killed roaming.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, The Brainman.6217 said:

    Thief has now access to bonus damage on bleed, poison and torment.


    Combine that with a spammable #3 (dual wield) ability on scepter/dagger and you have everything that core condi thief ever wanted.


    Unfortunately, the build is and has always been quite degenerate:




    You get the point. 3 button thief... not great for the game.


    Yeah or you can build a immortal troll build.

  9. So the first feeling is a bit clunky. I really do not like scepter at all, it looks silly. The colour Sheme is okey but the icons seems a bit off from the style. Also the skills don't look any special at all. It is exact the same thing that other classes have, only with some flashy here and there. The only thing which is pretty new is the targeting heal but that i have to test some hours more. Can work in Smallscale Roaming but in zerg i do not know yet.


    Necro 2.0 with stealth and mobility is my prediction and i do feel, it will not be good for PvP balance and so it will be nerfed to oblivion. The Torment dmg stacks high.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Felices Bladewing.3914 said:

    While i fully agree on it, this is the toolkit Anet gave the thief - you can't blame the thief-players for using it, but that is actually the case.

    I mean i also would like to see nerfs too stealth and a compensation in terms of more burstdamage or faster initiative regeneration or more shadowsteps/lower CDs on them.

    The Problem is  with that, there are so many blocks, AoEs, Massiv Ranged Bursts in this game this would literally kill the class. You will be simply focused everytime and be a freebag. They had to redesign the whole class and every spec + some weaponsets and that will not happen.

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  11. 7 hours ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    If you've read any of my past posts here and in other threads you'd know that this is something i've brought up myself.

    That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say that thief is held back by stealth.
    It's because stealth is so broken, cheap and so easily abusable that thief is effectively crippled in basically every other area it could and should be good at.

    That is why thief is regarded as nothing but a troll class and why everyone hates it so much.
    I have two thieves myself and frankly the only fun I have with them is in PvE where I can actually play more than some stealth spamming cheap build.



    Then u don't understand the archetype of a rogue Class. I don't care who hates me because i play this class.

  12. 3 hours ago, Caedmon.6798 said:

    Watching the stream now fully, but i dont understand how he thinks that theres gonna be "multiple thieves" supporting the commander in WvW. The comm already is being kept alive by the sustain groups who have better self sustain and higher armor and more hp ( Fb's/Engi etc ),that setup is not gonna change especially not when the thieves sustain is all single target focused. Im not sure what stats to even run on it yet but it wont be as tanky as most of the other sustain/support specs providing heals to the commander. The thief will still insta die to a proper aoe bomb trying to stick on tag.

     Bling you got it. It makes simply no sense at all. What also do not make any sense is, that the specter doesn't buff himself. So how should he survive any ambush? To have more thieves in the group which tether than specter 1 which tether the Commander? Thats really confusing. 

    • Confused 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    This has nothing to do with "morals", It's entirely about the fact that a class you like has too much access to a specific mechanic that is far too broken and cheap because it lacks viable counters.

    The simple fact that most thief players either don't understand or actively ignore in these kinds of discussions is this.
    People don't like how your class is designed and they don't like being harassed by annoying troll builds that abuse a cheap mechanic, it ruins the game for them.

    Those things combine to one simple truth.. they don't want to play with you!!
    But they don't have a choice in the matter, and normally that would be fine in competitive games.. comes with the territory.
    But to rub salt in the wound even more is that the same class that they can't stand in the first place can also opt out of any fight it doesn't want to be in.. something that they cannot do against you, the one class they actually wish they could.

    And that is why you get so much abusive and hateful messages from people, they are sick of dealing with your class and it's badly implemented mechanics.
    It is not the fault of you and people who like playing the thief, hell you're practically forced into this kind of playstyle at this point, It is a fault with the class itself.
    And that's why you get people saying that thief needs to be overhauled or even that it should be completely removed from the game lol

    The advantage always goes to the one who swaps last thanks to the cooldown.
    Thief is exceptionally too good at forcing others to swap to deal with their nonsense.
    And thanks again to stealth, you don't really have the ability to do this to them, most of the time you can make them run away at best resulting in the fight being nothing but a waste of your time.

    As said in another post, range weapons are buggy in melee range a lot of the time and do not activate skills properly.
    And don't even go there with Ranger's reveal.. it's easily the most useless form of it in the game.
    Can't even use it when the thief is stealthed either.

    It has to be used to prevent stealth and in doing so makes an obvious setup obvious and if the thief really wants to they can also just remove it anyway leaving Ranger with no stealth counter at all.
    As soon as a Ranger puts SicEm on you, you teleport into melee and play evade to run down the reveal.
    This can also force the ranger to swap to melee and then you can just blink away and run down the timer safe from a rapid fire as well.
    Rapidfire is easily dodged as well even in stealth, especially if it's quickness boosted.

    The only useful skill on Ranger LB is the Barrage if used defensively, but unless you have stability you're probably going to be yanked out of it or CC'd and AoE'd so meh, it's not so great.
    LB has no real place in WvW outside of assaulting keeps and towers etc, it's not very good against actual players.


     I hear also alot of peoples who are sick of these pew pew Rangers standing of a wall and burst peoples down or leeching in a 1vs1 (The arrows even hit when u are in stealth). I also hear peoples who are sick of all those Necros in every modi. I also hear peoples who are sick of all those Guardians which can block every dmg and heal. I also hear peoples who are sick of those engis who spamm their grenades and instagib peoples with it. I also hear peoples who are sick of mesmers because of stealth, blinks, Clones and when they running full condi. And so on....


    Thief has no place in any mode outside of roaming or +1 decap bot. It is one of the least played class in the whole game. Yesterday we where 5 Thiefs in a zerg and peoples where complete hilarious + joking about it and tell us that we have to play a proper class instead and that they never see so many thiefs once. What tells you that?


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  14. 1 hour ago, Chips.7968 said:

    Just interested to give it a go and see what it's like, it's an entirely different playstyle for me, so it'll probably take a while to adjust/figure out. Then post opinions at a later time. 


    Genuinely don't understand people being angry/disappointed before even getting to try it.

     Na im not angry but realistic. How u want to targeting heal in a big fight? This can work in a sPvP Setting but not in large fights where u barly see anything. Who needs a single targeting healbot when u have classes which can support 1000 times better? Anet should stop give us 50%. When support than full support and not such a gimmicky nonsense. It can work in roaming group but everyone said me that they want now a Zerg Spec. I do not see that with the specter. Targeting heal in a game where other classes can spamm the support in a AoE Ragnarök and your FPS goes down to 7 FPS with a effect thunderstorm is a bad design choice. 

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  15. Thiefs asked for years that they make the Ini from prep baseline. Without it the class isn't playable because the costs are so high now. 

    • Confused 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, Teratus.2859 said:

    Yes, aware of the channel advantage over stealth although it's not so easy to land as some claim it to be.

    Ranged skills get very glitchy in close range as well, especially ones that focus on a target like channel skills do.
    God knows how many times i've triggered a ranged skill in close range only for the skill to instantly go on a short CD without doing anything.
    This is not exclusive to Competitive either, happens in PvE too.
    If the target is too close (like right on top of you) the skill won't activate properly and best case goes on a short CD, worst case goes on full CD and is utterly wasted.

    This occurs when the game gets screwed up on positioning, registering the target on top of you, or you directly under it but is showing you visually that said target is a little bit in front of you.
    This is a game flaw though, but the way thieves tend to fight in close range takes advantage of this little flaw when the target is running a ranged weapon.

    Thieves love to force you into a combat style if they know you carry a ranged weapon as well.
    If you're range they go melee, if you go melee they go range or just avoid you till you swap to range again.
    Every thief knows that if they keep away and make you swap to a range weapon they can just stealth, get in your face and have 9 seconds to freely wail on you while you're ability to retaliate is limited or non existent.

    Every other class in the game remains on screen, you can see what they are doing and that gives you the ability to adapt accordingly.
    Thieves hide behind invisibility constantly to make every fight as one sided and cheap in their favour as possible.


    "Every other class". Thief is not the only class which has stealth. 

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