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Posts posted by Burial.1958

  1. In my country halloween isn't a thing. But good i love Halloween and so it is nice to see the vibe ingame.

    On 9/9/2021 at 10:10 PM, hugo.4705 said:

    Sab. Want to see world 3 and 4


    Sadly we won't see them because the Dev who made SAB was laid off. Maybe Anet rehire him which many JB Fans would love.

    • Like 1
  2. For me it is good when the dragon thing ends. That opens up some new Storys to tell with no Dragon Theme. I really hope that after Cantha they will work on new Regions where the franchise wasn't before. I love the nostalgia  but i really want to see some new Regions.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Although people seem rather dismissive of your concerns, I do think it's an issue.

    Yes, you could join a community or alliance guild but honestly many would probably have to reconsider if you are worth the slot given the limit.  And then many parts of WvW are already extremely cliquish.

    In my case, we do have very casual players that sometimes run with us that may have the same issue, but do not play very often. And we actually do care about them a little. I do think people are just kinda only caring of those within their own bubble these days.

    This of course affects me none because I personally am set, but everyone is different. 


    And thats why i would love the system like in GW 1 where Guilds joining the Alliance as a division. That means that you stay in your guild everytime but your guild is a division of alliance XZY. That could also be show at the Tags then ingame. Instead "Drakkar Invader Tag Guild XZY" it would be "Alliance Name Invader Tag Guild XZY".  I really dislike to join a Big Guild where some toxic leaders can do whatever they want. With a division system the guilds will stay a bit more independent. An Alliance chat would also be a nice addition then.


    One thing where is see a big problem is on EU. Different languages and there are peoples who don't speak english (in PvE not that problematic but in WvWvW it can be a big impact). Really problematic for baruch because it is the only spanish shard. Personally i don't have any problems with it but i know alot peoples who really dislike that and of course it makes me a bit sad that i eventually loose all my fellow comrades which i know for 9 years now. My shard has definitly more than 500 Heads......

  4. 1 hour ago, Zephire.8049 said:

    Simple: The CEO at the time, Mike O, spent years of development on an unannounced project (of which there were likely at least 2, turns out) and was diverting most resources—including money and staff—toward it. This resulted in a skeleton team of devs working on GW2 for part of LW4 until NCsoft stepped in and forcibly shut down the secret project and ordered Mike and Arenanet to focus on GW2. A lot of the layoffs were people who weren't even working on GW2 and others who were laid off have since been rehired.


    The second half of IBS likely suffered because the timeline works with when EoD would have started development and the pipeline would have run out around Drizzlewood, which is when we got a ton of grind added to the game. Which is why you don't surprise your development team by telling them to scrap everything they had planned because you're going to do something else and they have ~2 years to do it.


    GW1 was able to fully fund GW2's development. GW2 was able to fully fund 3 expansions and several content patches a year for nearly 9 years. There's obviously a market for games like GW1 and GW2 and they can sustain themselves provided management is decent. Trying to compete with established MMOs while alienating their core playerbase and leaving the niche that allowed them to survive the MMO boom and bust of the 00s and early-mid 10s is a recipe for an MMO, any MMO, to go under.

     They should rehire Josh Foreman asap. His layoff was really bad because SAB and JBs was loved by many peoples. It is Content which u don't see in any other MMO.  Myself i do not really like them but my wife loves them.  There are even guilds who helps other players to complete them. So they have also a really nice community touch. 

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  5. What i do not understand. The Alliance system how does this work? I can remember that u could make an alliance in GW 1 and the Guilds joinend them as a division. Why not introduce this system again?


    Alliance XZY


    -Guild XZY

    -Guild XZY

    and so on


    limited to 500 players.


    Im a leader of a small Smallscale Guild and i really want to play again with those peoples i know now 9 years.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


    Why is this still a thing? Is it because of WoW? Fishing is more content than a new race.

    I didn't play WoW. Im playing Gw 2 since headstart and i am a Gw 1 Veteran. Fishing is a bland feature/content which also do have alot other MMOS. So nothing new and as i said ~> RL Fishing is much more fun.  Thats my Opinion. 


    Where is the PvP Content? 


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  7. It is so crazy that after 9 years of nerfs to the thief class, that there are still peoples moan about it. This class got a lot of nerfs, there are now hardcounters (which no other class has) in the game against stealth (Trap, guards in WvWvW) which do reveal them. Thief is crazy hard to play right now  and they can't be played well outside of smallescale battles and yet there are still peoples who want to culprit this class even more. I think they only stop when thief is a freebag. So sad.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Dami.5046 said:

    That is the issue  game mechanics allow you to sit in an area and farm. I don't need a third party to do so, so should someone get banned for doing something the game allows? 

    Brings me nicely to a post regarding the amount of loot the game gets. We could bang the drums of bringing less loot in to make botting useless. Then what? The whole player base has to suffer.

    Competitive modes are a different evil, but where do you draw the line? There is nothing stopping me running out to the same spot each time and if i need to afk should it be fair that i get reported because my phone rang or i needed a bio?

    TBH if i was to give someone reasons why i would stop playing i wouldn't say bots, in comparison this game hasn't the issue others have.






    I had a match where i was the only human in the team in Spvp. They where clearly bots because they can't jump and as a player u can glitch them out (pathing). That results that they run infinite against a wall and spamm the skills. In WvWvW there are also Bots. 

    Every Online Game has Cheaters and Bots. But it becomes a problem when there are to many of them. SPvP in Silver and Gold Ranking at offhour is plagued with Bots. I played Gw 2 from 2012 ~ 2017. Back then it had way lesser bots than now. 


    Ps: Mirage Bots are a Nightmare


  9. 1 hour ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

    Isnt that a multiboxer? also not a minion master where is the golem ,the shadow fiend, the puppy?


    Anyway that is a multiboxer not a bot. if people cant tell the difference that is a problem.

     It is but it isn't really that better than botting. Such lazyness shouldn't be rewarded. Thats a kitten for all other players which really play the game.  And god it is awful do see armys of Multiboxer and Bots in the wilderness or going into a cavern and see on every level Multiboxer afk standing like zombies. When a New player see this he deinstall the Game directly or become a Zombie itself.  I really do not want a game where in every corner sits hundreds of afk necros and engis.   


    in spvp there are real bots and there are so many of them offhour that i mostly only play at primetime. I saw them also in the silverwastes and Kourna. 

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  10. 37 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    This might be fitting to the topic at hand:


    but yes, let's pretend like the issue is not growing.


    Maybe this is the developers approach to make the game seem more alive for EoD...

     I posted also some pics in an other Thread on Reddit. What i find crazy, that there are plenty players who defending this crap on Reddit. 


    Question: Why do you play a game when u are mostly Afk and look Netflix? I don't get it. Problem is that those guys Farm T4 Mats in Istan. That lowers the prices of them. Which is not good for every other player who plays the game fair and sell them. 


    And c'mon the situation in sPVP is very bad with all the bots. Really bad and as a returning player i was shocked about all these bots.  Not a good publicity for Anet and Guild Wars 2. 

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  11. For 

    On 8/14/2021 at 12:24 AM, voltaicbore.8012 said:


    This is pretty much exactly how I feel.


    I liked baby Aurene, and was looking forward to a more grown up/talking/has agency/is actually helpful version. What we got was an unfocused mess. We asked Braham to un-rally the Norn to save Jormag (destroying Braham's reputation among his people in the process) and fought Balthazar in a volcano to save Primordus. We were told that killing more dragons would end the world. Fast forward to the end of IBS, where we killed both of those dragons at the same time.... and things are just fine?


    Weak storytelling happens for a lot of reasons, and I accept that narrative can be particularly difficult to deliver well in the MMO format. I'm willing to accept the GW2 story so far as it's been told to us, warts and all. My problem is that ANet seems to think we all adore and can't get enough of Aurene. In other words, it's okay with me if the story is bad. It's less okay with me that ANet doesn't seem to understand (or worse, is pretending like they don't know) the story took some bad turns.

     Gw 1 had a very well written story. The thing is that Gw 2 has an alot more childish story than Gw 1.  Gw 2 is sometimes on a disney level with character arcs. Taimi urggss i can't stand that character. Braham? Oh my god.  

    • Like 1

    On 8/22/2021 at 5:37 PM, Ronin.4501 said:

    With the new specializations recently beta-tested, Anet added a new corruption; blight


    I suggest to counter perma-stealth thieves and dead-eyes, for every 2-4s (I'm open to suggestions for the duration at which blight is acquired) a thief/dead-eye is stealthed, they acquire 1 stack of blight, or another new corruption similar to stealth such as a confusion-type blight.  This would make stealth more of a risk/reward feature the way overheating affects Holosmoths and blight affects Harbingers.


    I'm sure the thief/dead-eye crowd will hate it, but after 9 years of dealing with a broken mechanic and 5 years of dealing with a broken class (dead-eyes), I think it's time Anet did something.


    That would delete the class completely. Bad suggestion in my eyes.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    There will likely be a surge of activity once the 'Return to...' hits the Icebrood Saga. 

     That will not solve the problem that many masteries ar locked behind chore achievements. LS 4 and Path of Fire was great because u can choose what u want to do. IBS is full grind activity and that makes me sad (the story was also awful expecially in Champions).

  14. Anet for real can u add some more mastery Points? It is such a chore to max them out because no one does CM's anymore and as a thief i get autokicked when i want to do the strikes which grants some points. The Rest is 1000X farming events. @ColinJohanson i swung the sword since 2012 and im now a old man with lesser freetime. To farm Events to boredom isn't really funny.

  15. On 8/23/2021 at 1:17 AM, Blur.3465 said:

    • Mastery points. Whyyy oh why did mastery points become such a chore? I don't want to grind endless strike mission achievements, nor do I want to do CM stuff, nor do I want to collect weapons which cost a ton. Why can't I just roam the world and get mastery points that way? Give us more options with masteries, please 😧 I am now missing just one mastery unlock and I can't get 4 mastery points anywhere, cause it's all gated behind content I really don't like.
    • Grindy as heck in terms of crystal collection. 

    All in all I feel IBS could've been incredible, but something happened and it just didn't deliver?
    I think my greatest disappointment is with masteries, story finale and Champions release - as I don't see myself repeating those Dragon Response missions many times at all 😞

     This is indeed such a chore. I came back from a 3y break and god is that a grind.  LS 4 was super in that regard.

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