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  1. In spite of everything mine too. My Engi was the fourth character I created back in 2013 and it became my main soon. Shortly after HoT came out, I switched to the scrapper and although I tried other classes in between, none were as interesting for me as this one. Even after various patches (some were better, some hurt) this hasn't changed. Even now I'm still playing the scrapper as main. I would just be a lot happier if they at least went for the whirls instead of the leaps. This doesn't solve all the problems, but would give back the class' mobility to those who appreciate and use it, without taking anything away from others who enjoy the new mechanic already. Leaps in general have often been a source of debate. It wasn't necessary to choose such an unreliable finisher when there is such a simple alternative.
  2. That's it. That is why it feels clunky. It's not about the DPS oder boon duration. Numbers are okay as far as I see but only as long as you don't want or need to move. Last week we had Mai Trin fractal. Someone struggled and had to move away. Mai Trin jumped after that player and because I had just dutifully placed my little combo field and activated hammer 3, I of course followed. Half of the quickness went to the mists while the rest of the group couldn't follow fast enought. I know this seems like a small thing to ignore. But such situations accumulate and thereby aren't fun. We play t4 fractals, but we are not a perfect group. Mistakes happen like in most groups and while scrapper used to be able to easily fix them (at least the way I played him), it just feels weird and forced now.
  3. I'm sorry it came across that way, because it wasn't meant so. I just didn't want the discussion to degenerate into an unhelpful tussle, as it already gave me the impression that there was a troll at work here with no real interest in a constructive discussion. But maybe I misinterpreted that. If that's the case, I'd like to apologize for it, because then my objection was not justified. Of course I don't speak for all scrappers worldwide. To believe that would be completely insane. That's why I used "here" to refer to this subforum. That was obviously misleading and I will take better care in the future to express myself more clearly. Since English is not my mother tongue, there can be mistakes. To say it again clearly: As I have already written several times in other posts, I'm honestly happy for every individual who takes a liking to the new scrapper. I myself wrote a few days ago that I can get used to the idea of quickness via combo fields and finishers, although not with jumps. Despite everything, I still see a many users here (in the subforum) who are critical of the change. That's why it's important to me that Anet listens to all scrapper players, both those who like the changes and those who don't (although I doubt they do at the moment).
  4. Don't let this user drain you energy and attention... It is nice that they like the new scrapper (as far as I know they are the only one here) but they dont seem (want?) to understand what most of the scrapper community feels bad about. Let's use our effort to get heard by anet instead.
  5. Maybe we can get another follow up within the next days...? It didn't really fix the main problem with current qScrapper (clunkyness) and as I read from the other posts there are still many more critical issues to be adressed 😑
  6. I really tried to cope with the new playstyle during the last weeks but the new qScrapper is still no fun. Died so many times in fractals although I'm usally the one who survives longest. So many jumps-to-death, so many flux bombs on me right after hitting hammer 3 and all the other negative side-effects that were discussed here before. I can't count anymore how many red circles I brought to the bosses in siren's reef. Or jumped overboard with a green one because autofocus decided to mess up while activating the finisher. My static group even decided to do without quickness because it's no fun for them, too. Guess, that's our first personal step to remove quickness from the game 😅 I like combo fields and can even get used to the fact that quickness is generated in this way. But not with jumps, regardless of whether they come from a hammer, a mace or whatever skill.
  7. Different people prefer different playstyles. I'm glad you've found a playstyle where you don't mind the changes. Apparently that's not the case for the majority of Scrapper enjoyers. Having different preferences doesn't automatically mean that someone is overreacting. One consensus seems to be that players have grown fond of their playstyle and are frustrated that it has been changed so much without need and that any concerns about it have been ignored so far. If I want a new playstyle, I create another character. I don't need Anets 'help' by screwing up Scrapper.
  8. Thank you for collecting the feedback. I still have a bit of hope that Anet will listen and bring back a fun playstyle to our beloved classes. Totally agree. In my opinion the worst part are the jump finishers because they are so uncontrollable. Blasts are quite okay but whirls would be a so much nicer option. Yes, I know we have hammer 2 and shredder gyro that bring whirl finishers. Hammer 2 is on 6 sec cooldown, just like that mace skill with jump finisher, that can be used in near future to maintain quickness (please correct me if I get the numbers wrong). Tone down whirls on shredder gyro to one or set an internal cooldown to kinetic accelerators, so we can't generate endless quickness and the combo-thing could really work. Yes, we still have to look out for fields but at least we won't jump from Cantha to Kryta over and over again. I also really like the idea to connect quickness to toolbelt skills. It was mentioned a few times already, I think. They could also create a special engi finisher for those skills to prevent a mess with other finishers if they want to keep us using fields.
  9. Yes, more boon duration is a nice thing. But where's the point when it is no longer fun to apply? Jumping uncontrollably beyond the mists as soon as the first enemy dies to fast is just wierd. Mines on the ground aren't triggered half of the time and have to be activated manually for the blast finisher. Of course I recognize it way to late due to the clutter of fights, so that prepared fields are already gone. Seems like I have to look more on my skillbar instead on whats "really" going on. I refuse to believe that this can be intentional. Didn't test turret because I just don't really like it. Blast gyro works fine as always, but it felt dumb to release function gyro although nobody was downed or had to be stomped. Will have a look at the other skills that provide jumps and blasts but I hardly doubt there will be a combination that brings back the speedy and dynamic playstyle Scrapper had before (especially because other players hardly report anything positive). I totally feel with everyone who gets demotivated and sad due to the changes made. Further (incomplete) thoughts on usefullness in fractals: Think about effects that have to be carried away from the boss or group (e.g. flux bombs, the violett circles of Siren's Reef or Horrik's fiery cannon shots). Or all those effects you want to avoid as fast as possible. With hammer 3 Scrapper is locked in place (if the boss doesn't die or disappear right in that moment) and feels like the fourth mistlock instability. Happy dying, I guess 😔
  10. We played fractals last night. I was never aware of how often there are times without any fields on the ground when quickness needs to be renewed. Or how often fields disappear right after releasing jump or blast finishers. I ended up placing my own fields every time just to go the save way 🙄 I also loved using hammer 3 to go fast from enemy to enemy. Now I had to save it up for jump finishers and make extra sure that there is no chance of accidentally jump into death and send quickness into the void...
  11. Loved my qScrapper before the patch. Now it is... slow and clunky and absolutely no fun to play anymore. Please revert the changes. It's already difficult enough to pay attention to combo fields in the whole clutter of fights. But now choosing skills only because of their combo fields and combo finishers is just weird. Little gyros were so nice and fun. Sure, bullwark could use a bit of extra love to make it more useful (some others maybe, too). But gyro spam (that wasn't even that spammy) was WAY more fun and dynamic than what we have now.
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