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Everything posted by Bananaaaaaaa.7035

  1. Time to start saving ! In one month and one week, the Siege Turtle Advent Mounts Pack comes back in the gemstore !!! Five (5) guaranteed siege turtle skins for only 2000 gems (~750g, or 25€/$ if you want to swipe instead 💸) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_Turtle_Advent_Mounts_Pack EDIT : ThatShaman's gemstore preview got updated and this disappeared 😭
  2. BIG DISCOUNT THIS WEEK !! Anyone who joins The Turtle Academy between the 5th and the 12th will be given a plate of salad, 3 carrots and 10 jade runestones upon giving this secret message : TURTOBER23
  3. A beetle rider friend is offering 100g to whoever manages to get bronze reward riding the siege turtle through the Gyala Delve Beetle time trial (video proof required) ! Let's get this gold 🤑
  4. Tonight we're having a 2nd welcome party for all the players who recently joined the cult community 🥳
  5. Wow ! We're getting so many new members these past 2 weeks ! You too, come and share your love for turtles with us
  6. This... 😒 and also when you equip the Turtle Siege jade bot Booster and can't shoot
  7. And I will personally kick anyone who harms one of the members of the community, or their turtles Any form of hate speech, discrimination, spam, race/sex/gender/able/age/elite-ism or xeno/kitten/trans-phobia will be considered as disrespect to the community and the community's rules
  8. They really messed it up with the last patch though, turning the decorations has gotten way harder than before. Hope it will be fixed soon !
  9. I've got a problem with guild decorating... I spend half of my playtime doing that 😅 but hey, you'll have a beautiful guild hall !
  10. Yay ! SotO decorations are finally fixed ! We got biiiig walls now. I mean tall. We had fat and large Halloween labyrinth walls already, now we got tall and thin academic walls. I can now spend even more time making turtle tracks lol
  11. Sorry I forgot to add "no non-constructive answers"
  12. What would you think about an open-world PvP week ? Too hard on new players maybe ?
  13. A dungeon event, but maybe they'd need to fix some old bugs in order to implement that...
  14. A racing event : Players would earn participation when completing races or time trials around the world. This would include Central Tyria's beetle tracks, Path of Fire's maps' mount races (I've always loved Vabbi's) and griffon time trials, EoD's turtle stampedes, SotO's skyscale target practices...
  15. "If you have a cool idea for a bonus event—whether it’s focused on PvE, PvP, or WvW—please drop a comment on our forums" - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-september-2023/ 💡Share your ideas !!
  16. Here are some activities that turtles enjoy doing – basking, going through obstacle courses, exploring their surroundings, digging, playing with toys, and chasing live prey such as small fish
  17. Are you a Dragonball fan ? Did you know that "kame" means "turtle" in Japanese, and since Master Roshi is the 🐢 hermit, the author Toriyama wanted to include the word into his special move. The name that Toriyama ended up with was "Kamehameha," the name of the first king of Hawaii, by the suggestion of his wife 😊 Turtly mind-blowing 🤯
  18. NEW ! In our guild hall : A jumping puzzle (if you're into that) 🤸 and an expansion of the 🐢 racing track that goes over the invisible walls and out of bounds in the mountains southeast of the Isle of Reflection 🗻
  19. And also faster when turning mid-air. This allows us to do a little 360° when falling from high enough
  20. Note that the turtle revolution (turning) speed is faster when using turn keys than when turning with your camera
  21. By the way, did you know ? If in combat your turtle's health nears zero, use Bond of Faith to prevent it from going on a 90s cooldown ! Then either get out of combat and remount turtle or use the new masteries to get on your skyscale to keep firing 🔥🔥🔥
  22. If I got turtle pilot booster lvl.2 or 3, can I boost this post up for more than 3h ? Maybe not, but with lvl.2 or 3, I'll have less trouble managing my turtle's energy, so I can train more easily and the mistakes that I make won't be as punishing (like falling to my turtle's death and having to wait 90s to remount)
  23. Hi ! I'm representing The Turtle Academy [TAXI] - we do turtle stuff, like racing, flying, offering taxi services, helping people with turtle stampede adventures or organising funny events. If you're interested in that or if you're just curious to try it out, you call me. Now if that's not your thing, you might want to help other guilds find you ! What type of guild are you looking for ? --> PvE, WvW, sPvP, other ? --> If PvE, do you want to get in raids, fractals, strikes, dungeons ? Are you experienced already or would you prefer a noob-friendly guild with training sessions/groups ? --> if other, check out United Arts of Tyria, they're a big community gathering artists and niche guilds together to help them and organise events together : fashion, video, screenshots, art, jumping puzzles, beetle & griffon racing... --> guild size (family / small / big) ? average age ? objectives (have fun / make profit / be the best...) --> maybe the hours around which you're usually available to play ? Now I know finding a guild that fits you is hard, I've been through it as well. Don't be afraid to leave a guild you don't feel like playing with. But if I had one advice to give : get in voice channels. Even if you don't talk at first, you'll get to know people way better and it will be much more engaging Hope you find your home, friend, even if it's not in The Turtle Academy 🐢 Good luck & never stop having fun !
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