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Everything posted by DarkK.7368

  1. I fear housing will be like fishing and other stuff. I won't be able to enjoy it because I'm new and I can't enter expansions until I progress in the story (I don't want to rush the zone) 😞
  2. People can already go full naked if they want. Event while wearing armor skins that show skin. Even in heavy armor with some global skins. And I don't see everyone naked.
  3. Collars being on shoulders and make the shirt free would rock, yes. Probably the bracelet is hands, same for all genders, 1 version, same as sandals and hat. Only torso and legs have 2 versions and are gender-dependant (I hate that). HOLD IT WE NEED SOME CHARR ANATOMY EXPERT HERE The first charr kinda looks like a girl for me. That long hair, the eyes. Is girl or boy? If it's girl, it confirms unisex shirt and pants at least
  4. The leather collar (that I see on charr) is one of the separated parts. You can see the other part is the shirt with necklaces. Remember they are armor parts, and you have 2 different part for each one, not an outfit! For example girl has both the shirt, and the underwear only, while male has pants and the underwear only. For top, i see male shirt, and that male weird leather collar, and for girls there's the second bikini with the knot. I suppose the shoes and the hat is one version for all races and sexes EDIT: I think you wanted just naked torso skin...
  5. There is any way, some gizmo, some item, something, to make one of my created character appears an NPC? Of course only visual. It doesn't even have to follow me (though would be awesome) just spawn it there? Maybe some way to even "clone" myself and generate a npc of me (not mesmer), then I can swap my gear, and I have me and "my partner"? Something to roleplay there is another npc with a custom appearance (and/or name)
  6. Or maybe because armors allow to mix in more infinite possibilities and are more healthy to real endgame called fashion. I LOVE they make more dyable armors and not those bad outfits. But you're right, it shouldn't cost too much money compared as if it were a single outfit. Making cost sounds nearly the same.
  7. Dark Souls showed me it's cool to mainhand attack with shield. It usually offers block while attacking if timed right. Shield chain attacks would have a 1/4 seconds of block each one (the time your shield is raised to smack with it). I preferred two-handed-shields for that, but one step at a time hahaha
  8. With this you kill my build. I'm already permavigor with Evasion relic, let me get endurance to keep dodging, thanks.
  9. Good story, huge map with lot to do it's something I think we take as GRANTED that we always need. That's why SOTO has lots of negative reviews about those topics. So we don't have to demand that in every video we see. But some possible love for underwater content, or land spears? That's some *extra* thing that indeed lot of people wants. Of course, after the basic quality is covered, but that's discussed in another topic. Here we are for the small new details.
  10. I just found out that you can have lot of ways to handle that. For example, while underwater, make an imaginary ground-flat-floor IN FRONT of where your character is looking. Then, all skills work exactly like in ground. It would be easy to just move towards where you want to act, and there you can aim. Another simple solution? Fix the imaginary ground-flat-floor parallel to water level. So, no matter where you are looking at, there's always an invisible floor AT YOUR FEET that expands infinitely in all directions parallel to water level. You can add some system to easily get or lose height to adjust to enemy's height (even some automatic system. Character automatically moves to same target's height in water if you maintain jump), and then you can ground-target stuff easily. With a bit of tweaks and creativity, I think this system could work. And to be fair, ANY system that you came up with, cannot be worse than current one in terms of popularity. And when you have this, then it's trivial to make literally ALL weapons and ALL skills from ground into underwater with zero difficulty. And that vastly increases people's favour towards underwater, cause they can use the builds they know and love. And this even opens the ground to make aerial fights! Isn't underwater content the same as flying content, but with water instead of air?
  11. For me, the best they can do to improve water combat, is removing water combat. I LOVE fighting underwater, but I want to use my land weapons and land utilities underwater. Exactly same skills, just adjusted. So please remove my breather and my spear there, thanks.
  12. Thinking more about it... It sounds nonsense to make speargun on land. Why do I want a second rifle with... different rifle skills? It's exactly the same rifle and speargun, just with a metal point in the tip. Also, to be more fair, the only difference between spear and staff is its magicalness. A staff is just a spear with 3 points that, instead of stabs, uses magic. And lately we've seen physical staffs (rev, warr and thief) and we have magical swords, so... really I see no point into making ground tridents. My best bet is... ALL professions get spear. And depending of profession, some may use it physical (revenant), some magical (ele), some like javelins (warrior). ALL trident skins are duplicated into staff categories, so people can use tridents skins in ground as staffs (no point into making ground tridents). ALL harpoon skins are duplicated into rifles categories, so people can use harpoons skins in ground as rifles (no point into making ground harpoons).
  13. I really liked the tone of it. According to what I've been reading and people's opinion of SOTO (I still did not reach it, though I'm ejoying its features like extra weapons a lot), it's nice to see it reflected about what they learned. Cheers for the future! 😄
  14. Elementalist staff holds it one handed in most animations. One profession could perfectly one-hand a staff. I love how they picture a beautiful misterious landscape and all we talk is about the water stuff hahahaha. I'm not against underwater weapons in land. It's cool. But if they do that, at minimum I also want ground weapons on water, to be 100% equal in that.
  15. Finally removing water/ground differences and you can use ground weapons on water? Weird them to release a skin that matches spear and staff nowadays. YEAH THAT'S ALL I FOCUSED ON HAHHAHAHAHA
  16. Prophecies of Janthir Wilds. I don't know Janthir lore, Prophecies sounds cool and ancient If Secrets of the Obscure broke the unbreakable rule of 3 words adding a "The", why can't we do this now? 😛
  17. I was fighting a willbender and a chrono, it's all I can remember. Do you mean it should be blockable? EDIT: I tried again and it felt it blocked ground, but I'm not sure. Maybe it was some unblockable ground aoe...
  18. I'm trying the staff block (5), but I feel that doesn't block ground damage (circles) and I die. It says "block" like normal. But I remember playing in the past ranger and revenant, they had blocks that, as I know, work the same, and my memories is that they blocked ground too. Am I doing or understanding something wrong, or blocks never worked against them?
  19. That should be "normal". Who would enter a tournament to leave in the middle and gain nothing? I suppose some random that wants to do wizard's vault, but... well, I suppose there's no harm in specificating "don't leave"
  20. You get no participation trophy if you don't get to the end. No participation points, no gold, nothing. None of us 5 got a thing. When one leaves, the other 4 automatically leave the tournament (happened today). And if they wanted to do the weekly wizard's vault, why stay for second fight?
  21. If you done that in tournaments, then yeah, I would like to read that
  22. Context: we get someone that afk's for two games, doesn't answer, then leaves before third game. I only see intentional malicious behaviour that I don't understand and makes everyone not only gain nothing, but lose 1h of life (worst matches of my life). Would be nice some mechanics so people that stays gets at least the participation prize? Or that would be against the logic of tournaments? I just don't get it. I know that biggest motivators are things that rewards people. I take for granted that people is not moved by kindness, but for benefits. That makes systems like free market, demand and supply for good for everyone. In tournaments should be the same. To get your rewards, you have to stay until the end. So, to get your benefit, you stay. But then this person appears, and does this, where that person gains literally NOTHING, only some twisted satisfaction to ruin other's games... in pure silence. Psychopath behaviour? I don't know, at this point I'm truly curious. Because this person actively clicked to join PVP party to do a tournament, so... it cannot be pure misunderstanding or confusion. Even actively ran towards a wall to afk while running...
  23. First time I did LW1... those two molten dungeons. And now LW2, I enter the water with mines, and me like... Third map I recognise. And "Mai Trin? OMG I recognise that name". Doing all fractals before starting LW story was a bad move, now how many story will feel "repeated content" and lose its first time uniqueness? (spoilers aside, but that too) Some warning would have been nice. Maybe I would have done fractals anyway, but meh XDD
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