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Everything posted by Luna.6807

  1. yes. Sunday night in EB everyone DC'd and I've not been able to have working skills when i get close to zerg. What the heck is going on. It's insane and I'm very unhappy.
  2. I'm very disappointed with the RNG lootbox system for the mount skins. I spent my last 400 gems on one of the boxes only to get a bland bunny skin - a mount that I rarely use. I mainly play wvw so gold is already low given that WvW is not profitable at all against those who farm day in and day out. Thus, when I go farm for something, it's something that I really want. You might ask why I don't just spend real money to get gems? Because GW2 seems to forget that different countries have different currencies. Yes, GW2, when I have to pay dollars or euros for gems I have to pay 10-15 times my currency value because I do not get paid in the super currency. Yes, that's not your problem, but I'd really like you to take that into consideration. Moreover, even if I was to farm for gold to buy all 30 skins - I would have to get around 2.7k gold - that's almost the price of a legendary on the trade post!!! That's a crazy price. I will not gamble the little gold I have on random skins. I don't find gambling thrilling or rewarding in any way! And I think you should also consider adding a gambling addition warning and helpline to your profit endeavors of this nature.
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