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  1. I dont actually think that making the mounts literally invisible would work. I guess I just wrote that as a sort of shorthand to paint a picture of the concept that is in my head. I have learned from experience that it is not worth my time (or anyone else's) to write a 1000 word essay and fully explain an idea that no one wants to read. I would think that Anet would need to change each mount model into an invisible entity that is summoned when Mount Summon is pressed and which in turn activates a set of animations for the character model to perform. The idea is probably more work than Anet wants to put into this, but still, I think its worth suggesting the idea. I sure would love to see it implemented.
  2. So, Ive gotta be honest, I'm pretty disappointed by the supposedly 'improved' Skyscale masteries with SOTO. They are all really underwhelming and I kinda wish I'd spent my points elsewhere. Something that actually WOULD be worth unlocking, that would feel like a fun and meaningful upgrade, is the ability to fly the Skyscale indefinitely at the altitude you started from! So, Anet, how about it? I really don't think it will break the game to let us fly without having to touch feet! Come on, give us this! I know you can, and I really feel that you should.
  3. Invisible Mounts Maybe a weird idea at first, bear with me. I love my mounts and the various skins I have collected, but I also love the personal fantasy of my character being imbued with magic (or supernatural abilities, whatever you want to call it) and being able to perform extraordinary feats like leaping 80ft high (springer) or levitating over water (skimmer) or flying (skyscale, griffon). I would love to buy invisible versions of all my mounts as well as my glider. I personally think it would be epic to press my summon mount button only to have my character personally imbued with some sort of magic aura and be able to run at great speeds and leap chasms, or shadowstep, or jump really high, or take to the air under his own power. Along these same lines, I wish the glider / jade bot had a setting to take off from a standstill up into the air and then begin a glide. I think that would be neat. I have no idea if many other people would enjoy this as well, but I imagine I am not alone in saying that I would be happy to throw some cash at this were it an option.
  4. As a new(er) player the whole legendary system demoralizes me to the point that I am forced to either ignore it altogether or thinking about it makes me want to leave the game. 😞 I quit WoW many, many years ago because the pile of "Stuff I will never be able to earn" got overwhelming. I am starting to feel that way in GW2 as I look around at the "nice things" that are so far out of reach.
  5. What the actual heck, Anet?! The prices per piece of this exotic armor are utterly ridiculous! They should cost ONE of the demanded currencies AT MOST!! (One Gift OR One Kryptis Essense OR One Stardust OR Research Notes) To charge All of these things PER ITEM (for an exotic!)is a massive slap in the face!!
  6. -SALE- - Character Slot Expansion - Icebrood Saga Complete Pack - Living World Season 3 Complete Pack -RETURN TO STORE and SALE- - Etherbound Armor Pieces - Scaled Dragon Wings Glider Combo - Nightspeaker Wings Glider Combo - Canthan Spiritualist Glider Combo - Dark Monarch Skyscale skin -NEW ITEM CONCEPT- - Flying Cloak Glider. Kinda like a Cloak of Levitation. maybe with a spiffy high collar. 😉 4 channel dyeable - Invisible Glider. Cuz your character can fly.
  7. Thats outstanding! I already use ublock but I cannot figure out how to permanently block the emoji area. Would you be willing to tell me how you managed it?
  8. Your response made me smile. Good stuff, particularly I lold 🙂
  9. My comment about mitigation was a side comment and not intended to derail the central point about CC.
  10. Ill post it again here just for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------- And now I will attempt to clarify. 1) You are not REMOVING anything. You are toggling the visual on or off like you can already do with a Back Item, Helm or Shoulders, etc. 2) The separate piece premium armor skins for 500 gems each is greedy and unacceptable. Those pieces should be Outfits but rolled into a system such as what I have outlined above. 3) Transmutation charges are greedy and unacceptable, but are NOT a point I am making here in this thread. If you want to talk about them, great! Lets! Start a new thread. 4) Yes, I fully believe the community would be very happy with my changes if they were implemented exactly as I have outlined, but that would require the community to stop fan-boying long enough to engage brain and see past their own nose. 5) No offense intended, but I simply don't care about why you or anyone else believes this can't happen. Unless you are a DEVELOPER OF GUILD WARS 2, your opinion (cuz that's all it is) is 100% irrelevant. All you are succeeding in doing is stopping progress at the gate by deciding for Anet what they should and should not take a closer look at. It is unbelievably short sighted behavior and needs to stop. If you want to add cool ideas, awesome! I'd love to hear them. If all you wanna do is say "No" then just don't. You are just being a speedbump. Again. This is not meant as a personal attack. It is simply my perception as someone who has worked for a long time in IT that when you have an uninvolved person running their mouth about matters outside of their field and stating what cannot be done it serves no good end whatsoever.
  11. This is great! No need to apologize for the length. Unlike some others here, I am not intimidated by reading. You mention health bar attrition, which is how I played this game at launch and I think the reason, well one of the reasons I hated it so much. It wasn't what I was used to and wasn't what I wanted. It has clearly been toned down somewhat over the years. Mobs seem not to hit quite as hard as they did back then, which is nice. I am definitely enjoying the style of combat now. I think I would still prefer a bit more passive mitigation (armor counting for more, passive or long term buffs, etc) as a padding for ping, age and slower reflexes, but that's just me. I can live without. Generally, I do just fine against most content and am able to solo most silver and some gold mobs without too much difficulty if I play well. That is what I expect and what I call good challenge and good design. The mobs are enough of a threat that if I just stand toe to toe and go blow for blow with them I will lose, but if I use my characters tools fully I will triumph. Awesome! That is what a game should provide. Play well and triumph to claim your reward. What rankles me is when I play well but the computer cheats in a fundamental, system level way that causes me to fail not just once but repeatedly on multiple attempts and for the same reason. Chain CC in any game is just bad. It's bad design, it feels bad to receive. If it exists it needs to be fixed. I dont even remember the specific encounter now, not that it should matter in the first place, but I have absolutely encountered impossible to overcome chain CC in the open world numerous times. I don't remember if it was PoF or HoT but regardless, it exists. Talking fixes... rather than trying to hunt down a specific mob in a specific region, it would be a much more comprehensive fix to either A) Remove mob CC abilities from PvE. B) Place a hard cooldown on CC for all mobs that pull as a pack. IE. One uses CC, they are all put on cooldown. C) Give players a breakbar after they use their Stunbreak. So, it isn't that I don't appreciate your (and others) attempts to help me. I do. However, it is highly irritating to be TOLD that your experience is invalid and that the game is fine. This is patently false. There IS a problem that Anet should address. Too much CC has been there since launch. I noticed it then and I notice it now. Too many mobs have too many CC abilities and our counters are paper thin. The fact that some mobs have abilities that outright ignore stability should be all the proof I need to mention that this is still a problem. Telling me to learn to play, even if intended good-naturedly, is kinda arrogant, especially when that same person has not even bothered to ask me anything or apparently listen at all to what has been said. They only stride in as THE AUTHORITY ON ALL THINGS and tell me how I'm wrong. Sorry, but no. Not gonna just sit here and take that. As before, I am not saying that you, Rogue, are guilty of this, just simply that this is the reason for my defensiveness in some of my responses. I like your post, you make some good, thoughtful points. Cheers.
  12. Its not re-rigging anything though. It is my assumption, as a hobbiest digital animator, that everything is already rigged and set to channels within the database that defines where a model is to be drawn when equipped. It is most likely that there is a flag that holds all the parts of the OUTFITS together as a single piece. At most, a dev would have to do a pass to unlink the various parts (Head, Shoulders, Chest, Etc) within the model and at the least just untick a flag.
  13. I... um.. WHAT? Did you READ any of the thread or just react to the title and last post? I DID address the issues! Up, down and sideways I addressed them.
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