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Everything posted by Bowdidly.7401

  1. I agree, the bigger issue is, its ok ignoring bad coding issues and clear conflicts for now but if they keep adding more things to the game that use the left action bar, like they have just done with Warclaw 2.0 and the homestead Bee they are just creating even more conflicts and eventually its going to end up way out of hand and need completely going through all the bindings, non bindings and ALL the game mechanics that utilize the left action bar but the longer they leave it the harder, more complicated and more time consuming it is going to be to finally fix it all to how it should have been right from the start ANET is literally creating the problem and making it worse over time.
  2. I submitted a ticket for this exact issue too first week of Janthir patch and I even got a reply, not what I was expecting though, the reply said "Go look through the forums for answers also members of the Dev team regularly read through the forums so making a tread on the issue may help" This issue, bug whatever it is as been in the game since Janthir launch and there has been zero response from ANET, they must be aware I'm sure there as been multiple threads concerning the issue each with 1000's of posts and reply's this is a big issue and it is being completely ignored !!!
  3. That's fair, but having to use a unnatural, uncommon key bind for something that would normally be a natural and common sence key is not realy a workaround IF and when they fix it you will have to memorise your keys all over yet again, that's just down right ridiculous. Most peoples "workaround" is to mouse click the lance ability Having to put players through this BS with ZERO response from ANET on if its a bug, being looked into, going to be fixed at all is just bad.
  4. I have heard this too and what it is is those players have different binds for the mount binds button 3,4 and 5 and they use shift or Ctrl modifiers like shift 4, shift 5 etc but my issue is basic common sense would tell you the left action bar buttons 1,2,3,4,5 when using a weapon are bound numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and when you mount those weapon skills change to mounts skills on that action bar and you would naturally assume they would also work as key bind numbers 1,2,3,45, that just makes sence WHY do they not work like that. Buttons 1,2,3,4,5 are always bound default 1,2,3,4,5 which is right and makes senesce no matter whether you have a weapon equipped , fishing and opening a puzzle chest etc But on a mount Buttons 1,2,3 work as expected BUT buttons and binds 4,5 do not, WHY only those buttons change and Why only on "some" mounts and not all, it just does not make any sense at all, is confusing and obnoxiously designed if this is intended
  5. Its a game issue though ANET don't even acknowledge it, Warclaw bindings are broken been like that since Janthir patch every other mount works fine and as before but if you add some bindings to Warclaw to make it work like it should every other mount will break and have some skills not work
  6. Thats not the case because if you assign a key bind to "mount ability 1" as long as you do not use number "4" that new key overrides weapon skill binds when mounted, but still uses "4" as weapon key bind and also if you bind "mount ability 1" to "4" it does not work at all when mounted, this is the whole issue people are having there is a internal coding conflict of mount binding keys
  7. Same here, been annoying me for quite a while Is this the game doing this ?? I was starting to believe it was an issue with my mouse and changed to a new one of the same model, I even got into my Windows registry and changed the rotation of my mouse wheel to opposite Default because I though I must be turning my mouse wheel slightly when clicking "middle mouse button" which I have bound to "target enemy" but unless its my imagination it is still doing it.
  8. Its ALL because when you mount Warclaw the game automatically disables input from weapon button "4" if its bound to number "4" and its only with the Warclaw, clearly something that was overlooked in the Janthir update, why the hell they changed binding option for only the warclaw is anybody's ghess but it is broken and breaks other things that have worked fine for years. Another clear mistake by ANET is on skyscale the button you press to "CLIMB" is the same button on Griffon for "DIVE" also the Skimmer 🤬 too, whomever wrote the coding for mounts literally had no idea what they were doing and certainly never checked or tried them in game , I did think maybe it was something that was overlooked as more mounts were added to the game, Skyscale was added to the game in Living World S4 so that discrepancy between griffon, Skiimer and Skyscale started then because the Skyscale bindings didnt follow the mounts from PoF, this was not fixed and I guess people just got used to it but now in Janthir the new version of Warclaw just completely screws up mount bindings Really annoying part is this would be a very easy fix for ANET all that have to do is make Warclaws 5 action bar buttons and key Bindings work exactly the same as Skyscales, common sense would lead you to think that would be how they work anyways by default
  9. Another thread on this same issue people are having, I completely agree OP how ANET have done the key binds for Wardlaw do not make any sence at all. 100's of post on this issues and NO response from ANET, the mount Key binding system is just Broken, badly coded and obviously completely ignored with the introduction of the new Janthir version of Warclaw Now that in Janthir Wilds The use of the Wardlaw is a designed and integral part of combat in multiple encounters this needs to be fixed, Whilst you also use other mounts in other parts of "normal" gameplay if you key bind Warclaw to function as you would like it now breaks Skyscale, skimmer, Griffon
  10. Same for me been like this since Janthir Wilds patch and then there's also the issue with Warclaw keybinds again with action buttons "4" and "5" I can either have Warclaw key bound and working like I like and Skimmer, Skyscale and Griffon broken OR those working as pre patch and Warclaw not working right, I had to level story first few days of Janthir by manually mouse clicking mounted ability's which is just obnoxious and clearly something broken all this since new Warclaw was added. Since patch there's been numerous threads concerning both these issues, none have a fix or response from ANET and there is also nothing on the "known issues" list
  11. same issue ever since Janthir launch, always does it while on Warclaw and when dismount, which is apparantly supposed to Unblock Weapon abilitys and binds it continues to flash until I use skill 3 weapon, I did submit a ticket 4 days ago concerning all the action bar issues since Warclaw as its new ability's and the launch of Janthir, and I got a reply which said "check the forms" LMAO , Seems ANET are just completely ignoring the issues even though there a re multiple threads concerning the them, Customer Service 🤬 Seems like theres some seriously goofed up coding with the new Warclaw, never happened pre Janthir, TBH the whole Mount abilitys and hot bar locations need a good going through there loads of issue with them eg: button 4 on Griffin is "CLIMB" while button "4" on Skyscale is "DIVE" ?????, Space bar on Raptor is Leap while on Warclaw button "5" is Leap ther's just no logical sence in how these and more have been coded like this, Its Obnoxious
  12. Still bugged either spawns and you can not interact or spawns with no Health bar and dies
  13. well as for button "5" there's the "skiff" plus Warclaw uses all 1-5 what realy baffles me is why "mount ability 1" is action button "5" and "mount ability 2" is action button "4" that makes absolutely no sense at all, then you have the 4 button for Grifon- Climb, while same button for skyscale is Dive !!!!!! WTF. I mean com-on thats just terrible design, plus you need to remember all these different button for "9" mounts plus skiff who ever designed and wrote the coding for the system clearly never checked it actually in game using all the content that uses the 1-5 action buttons, all that coding needs to be completely re-wrote
  14. I agree, that should already be available anyways like it is for weapons, that would also fix the issue of different mounts using different buttons for jump, leap, dive etc, which is another issue with the obnoxious convoluted and confusing mount ability system in the game even more so since Janthir launch now Mounts and there ability's are required for combat mechanics of numerous new encounters and even open world events, they've actually put content in the game that many literally can't do because of this issue
  15. I sent a ticket into Customer Support a couple of days ago explaining the whole situation including the fact there are 1000's of posts on the forums concerning the very same issue Today I got a reply from my ticket, In short it said "Members from the Dev team regularly look through the forums so post,ask or look on the forums for help or a fix" , and THAT was it !!!!!!! not ONE word about the issue/bug which was the whole reason for the ticket 👿 NOT what I was expecting and a complete waste of time. There is also the issue that if you change your key binds now just to get by and If or when they fix what clearly is a bug in the coding after a fix you would have to change key binds again 👿
  16. Another one of the problems is most issue are cause by "ANET" complete lack of though and forethought concerning key binds especially the mount binds first huge issue they made was NOT making all mounts ability's use the same keys for the same ability, like you said not all mounts use the same key for "up" , "down" same as Raptor " space bar" leaps it forward, while leap forward on Warclaw is action button "5" there are loads more set key conflicts between each mount and the Siff too, Its a complete mess and was all coded very very poorly indeed. when it comes to accessibility I have had issues in some games with too many key binds which TBH is down to me, I don't like using too many Shift+, Alt+ and Ctrl+ key binds I am 60 years old and TBH I can not type, I am a one finger at a time typer 🤣 I was never taught to type at school, when I left school at 16 in 1982 there was no Computer's, schools only had Typing classes for girls for secretarial work , I was 30+ before i ever saw or got my own PC which was in the late 1990's so the ability to type was never a thing, it was only ever taught to Girls at school and never boys. However that said most games follow pretty standard and logical layouts for Keybinding and having played online MMORPGS for over 20 years certain key memory has become second nature, I played very hardcore mythic raiding in WoW very successfully with many server firsts for over 10 years without any major issues But with GW2 the way the keybinding system has been coded for mounts and the fact that mounts are an integral part of game mechanics and combat plus the fact that you can not move ability's around on the action bars was not thought out very well and is like something from the dark ages. Just being able to move abilitys on the weapon action bar would be a HUGE QOL and step forward and game changing for the better for most players, you can move things on the right action bat but not the left one, why not ?
  17. There BOTH bound to the same number/letter key, so you bind mount ability 1 to the same key you bound dodge to, for me i have Dodge bound to "X" and so I also have mount ability 2 to "x" also, it allows you to bind both to the same key number/letter, its how the game is coded, when you are mounted the game blocks DODGE and when you not mounted it blocks the mount ability. I guess they tried to designed the key binds so you did not need to use all the keys on the keyboard but the way they did it is abit scuffed, seems confusing took me 2 days to work out how they'd coded it, played online MMORPGS for over 20 years and its first time I've seen anything like this even more as the game does not explain or show how it works ANYWERE
  18. Pasted this from what I had posted in another thread: Easy fix is to bind "mount ability 2" to the same key you have "Dodge" bound to, this does not affect Dodge when not mounted that still works fine but it will also make action button 4 while on Skyscale or Skimmer be same as the new mount ability 2 bind (Dodge bind but when mounted) I also have "mount ability 1" bound to the same key i have for weapon ability "5" and it ALL works fine, This makes all your mount binds the same as weapon skill binds when not mounted, except when mounted button "4" will be the same as "Dodge" and both Warclaw chain lance and lance work as they should with buttons 3 and 4 What confused me for days was ANET have "mount ability 2" use action button "4" and "mount ability 1" use action button "5" , logically you would assume the other way round. ANET have coded default binds for weapons from left to right 1-2-3-4-5 (which is how logically you would expect it) while for mounts for some strange obnoxious reason (Skyscale and Skimmer) it is 1-2-3-mount ability 2- mount ability 1 and Warclaw its 1-2-3-4-mount ability 1
  19. Same here I've completed the story on 2 characters up to now clicking ability's, its not good, which is why I've been spending so much time to try and find out why the issue exists in the first place, shame this is the only issue i have with Janthir wilds expansion Easy fix is to bind "mount ability 2" to the same key you have "Dodge" bound to, this does not affect Dodge when not mounted that still works fine but it will also make action button 4 while on Skyscale or Skimmer be same as the new mount ability 2 bind (Dodge bind but when mounted) I also have "mount ability 1" bound to the same key i have for weapon ability "5" and it ALL works fine, This makes all your mount binds the same as weapon skill binds when not mounted, except when mounted button "4" will be the same as "Dodge" and both Warclaw chain lance and lance work as they should with buttons 3 and 4 What confused me for days was ANET have "mount ability 2" use action button "4" and "mount ability 1" use action button "5" , logically you would assume the other way round. ANET have coded default binds for weapons from left to right 1-2-3-4-5 (which is how logically you would expect it) while for mounts for some strange obnoxious reason (Skyscale and Skimmer) it is 1-2-3-mount ability 2- mount ability 1 and Warclaw its 1-2-3-4-mount ability 1
  20. I completely agree, the Warclaw new ability's were coded into the game with a complete lack of forethought and have consequentially broken so much of what is basic gameplay control
  21. Well after 2 hours of head scratching I have compiled a script that makes both Skyscale and Warclaw work using the bind settings I have for "normal" 1 though 5 weapon skill butons and completely negates the games lock out of buttons depending on which mount you are using everything works perfect , Although now reading the TOS and specifically ANETS policy on Macro use has this will also run in WvW it would break some TOS policy's. I need to contact Customer Support and get a actual confirmation from ANET whether I am allowed to use it or not. Obviously the actual fix is for ANET to fix what is a confliction in their game coding concerning mount ability bindings, such an easy fix for them and should have been done right in the first place
  22. Exactly, and still you can always Buy them from the TP or actually play the game and do the collections to craft them so that's 2 EASY ways to obtain ANY legendary in the game the "starter kits" only offer a third way NONE are locked in any way shape or form
  23. Thanks, so it is a known "bug" and ANET choose to ignore it , because I could not find any confirmation of this I primarily assumed it was due to something on my end hence 4 days of pulling my hair out, repairing game files, deleting , re-downloading the game, removing SSD's and installing on another system . Anyways, Customer support ticket submitted, lets see what they say and we'll take it from there, because this sh*t is broken which ever way you look at it.
  24. To add how can this be intentional if when I set mount ability binds for Skyscale then some of the Warclaw ability's do not work ......and if I set Warclaw mount ability's then some of the Skyscale ability's do not work...... that's never intentional that's BROKEN. Having to manually mouse click abilitys on the action bar depending on which mount you are using is just absolute terrible design and implementation
  25. Thank you, ANET's philosophy is BS as it happens I am disabled I lost a finger on my left hand in a work accident 30 years ago, so my actual available key bind real estate with my left hand that is easily reachable is slightly less than most players, TBH it is quite a big issue this is not just "gameplay" this is very basic control of characters in the game it should work and be customizable JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER GAME. It all was fine in SOTO, skyscale worked perfect its all since Janthir and the new WARCLAW. Not impressed is this is true, I am going to send a ticket to Customer Support and if they say the same I want my money returned for the expansions and if they want to play funny I will get my card company involved
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