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Everything posted by TOAD.4718

  1. Does a lvl 80 boost deny you of map completion achievements? I noticed it said it gives all WPs.
  2. I assume arcdps is a meter add on of some kind?
  3. What’s the best healing build in WvW right now in the current meta?
  4. The Hyleks don’t walk too much different than the Charr. Shouldn’t be that hard to do.
  5. I’m new. I haven’t been around long enough to really see a thread about adding Hylek.
  6. I just got the game but the first thing I noticed was Asura look like garbage pail kids.
  7. I wouldn’t mind playing a Skritt… I mean we got Asura.
  8. Hello, My name is Toad and I’m with the E.R.T. (Equal rights Tyria) movement. I am here to discuss equality among the races of Tyria and more specifically the Hylek. As a representative it is my duty to bring up a discussion about why the Hylek is not a playable race in GW 2. This must happen. Ranidaphobia must stop! Our amphibious friends deserve playable representation in this game. Who’s with me?
  9. Afetr all those steps your account says a confirmation email was sent. I have not received an email to confirm not have i received the bag.
  10. It says a confirmation email was sent but I have not received it.
  11. I’m not complaining. There is just so much to the game. It gets overwhelming at times but at least there’s always something to do.
  12. I’m not sure I understand what you mean.
  13. I’m not going no where. I have high hopes cause the core story was great.
  14. It’s not gonna make me uninstall but it is really boring to me so far compared to the core storyline.
  15. I still haven’t got the verification email. I checked my spam.
  16. I started Living Season 1. Then I’ll do 2 then HoT. Not enjoying Living season 1 yet so far. It’s story isn’t as intriguing.
  17. That’s why you don’t see a ton of gold sellers there are a lot of things in place that would make them not want to invest in that business. Gold sellers don’t want to spend $100+ on a game to get MAYBE $100 back before they get banned.
  18. Do free accounts not ever get trading post access? Like you HAVE to buy an expansion to use the trading house?
  19. Since I’m now lvl 80 and have more understanding of what I want to accomplish with this game here is EXACTLY what I’m looking for in a guild. 1. PvE/Open World/Character+Account progression focused. 2. Good humored environment. 3. Late night my time. I am CST and tend to log on about 10:30-11pm CST and play til 4am during the week but on weekends I play like 7pm to 4am cst with some daytime sprinkled in. I don’t care if they aren’t predominantly a US guild as long as it’s English speaking. 4. Cool or Funny guild name. (Silly I know) Let me know if you are recruiting. I’ve had some reach out but I’m being very picky cause I want this to be my forever home. I tend to be very Guild loyal.
  20. So I’m guessing having an Open World build and a WvW build would be a useful use of my two build/equipment tabs?
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