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ivyivyivyivyyyy.6498's Achievements

  1. We just had another large waves of crashing. We tried the low setting, but nothing helps
  2. Hi all, Our server is Maguuma-NA. I didn't mention it in the title because I don't want people clicking in just to trash-talk Maguuma. If that's what you gonna do, you can leave now. I'm posting in the WvW forum to let the devs know we're facing serious crashing issues in all WvW maps. When I say serious, I mean like 7/8 of our squad members crashing at exactly the same moment, multiple times. This is the second time this week that our server has had crashes during enemy encounters. And it doesn't seem to be just an arcdps issue, because people who haven't installed it are crashing too. I will briefly introduce the two waves of crashing below. The first big crash happened (12/26 5 PM CT) when our squad (8 people) and around 20 pugs were at one of the bl SET. As soon as we saw the red side [TG] guild tag squad on the wall moving towards the south bridge, about 90 percent of Maguuma players (and our link) disappeared from the map. It happened again when we moved to south bay and saw the TG guild again. The second wave of crashes was today (12/29 at 6:20 PM CT). Our private squad was moving to gbl NWT sentry when almost everyone crashed. The only person who didn't crash said that the green side stealth-bombed us, and all of our games crashed. 3 minutes before this crash happened to us in the bls, I read in our team chat that our EBG crashed first while trying to take SMC. Then it happened again in South Bay when we were stealth-bombed by the green side—everyone except one person crashed. As I am not on other servers, I cannot determine if others are experiencing something similar. However, from our perspective, it seems that the enemy squad did not experience these issues. I don't want to assume the reasons but have decided to present the issues. We have recordings of the crashes and will provide them if needed. It is annoying to keep crashing. Happy New Year, everyone!
  3. https://postimg.cc/75vN6fcn Hi, If you haven't completed the previous Skyscale achievement and have finished the Skyscale of Life (older version), you won't be able to pursue the Skyscale of Life (new version) for the new Skyscale achievement. This means you won't receive credit for the revive achievement count, making it impossible to complete the Skyscale Egg Infusions step. Thank you, Ivy
  4. Now I get it, they lost to 5 ppl because of three reasons. 1. Ping too high. (Yeah sure, let's assume 1000 ping is real) 2. Sieges/tatics too strong. 3. Tag watchers. It is never about the players, right?
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