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  1. I'd rather see PoF bounties instead of Rifts. They were part of the old daily system. Now they are offered as a weekly sometimes. I assumed most people are already bored of Rifts, they are kinda repetitive and feel like a chore. Maybe move them into weeklies so they don't get deleted. IDK
  2. I really enjoyed the ESO housing system, I hope Anet will make something similar. You could purchase many different housings in various sizes and styles, and spend several months on the furniture, courtyard, decoration, crafting stations, pets. Define the walking path of your dog. So good. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Player_Housing
  3. I themed my entire outfit around the EoD leggies in several different color variants, sword, greatsword, staff. I need to have a spear with matching theme if I want to consider using it.
  4. I don't want to go to SoTO maps anymore after JW is out. Removing the rifts from the dailies enable the possibility to add JW-relevant new content instead. Like do 10x stuff with your new warclaw skill etc.
  5. Please update the ancient UI - the tiny and nearly indistinguishable icons of boons and conditions are hard to read, especially when there is so many of them - need a new UI element below the Enemy Target nameplate with a castbar to display what the target is casting (a progress bar). This would be very helpful for new players, especially in PvP (add a toggle for the ones who don't want to use it). Please do something simple but effective changes in PvP - disable the chat during PvP, introduce generic commands like in FFXIV (Hello, Cover Me, Attacking X, etc). Disable whispers, too. - measure participation and effectiveness in PvP, and make them count toward the reward system (to eliminate AFK leechers) - enable 2v2 and 3v3 permanently (or maybe add a random roulette feature), having only Conquest for months is boring Please improve the LFG tool - it's easy to get lost, so make it more visual, for instance, put Heart of Thorns logo at the Heart of Thorns category, etc. - make the LFG tool remember which category I opened last time (at least until logging out) - maybe consider adding automated party finder for Raids to make them more accessible to casuals (it's okay if the difficulty and rewards are reduced) Miscellaneous - it's very annoying to stuck in combat for so long, when there are obviously no more enemies around... it happens to me every day. Please do something about it - fall damage should never make the player enter combat, it's very annoying and pointless, especially in PvP, let alone the speed reduction...
  6. That's exactly how WoW lost like half of its playerbase during Shadowlands 😄
  7. It's inconvinient to find and join a squad for just one rift, then leave them. I'd like to see it removed as well. When JW will be out, rifts will be way less popular than right now, and it'll be harder to find a squad just for one rift. I'm very happy that they removed the JP's, Mini Dungeons and Activities from the dailies. They bored me to death and made me ignoring the dailies for many months.
  8. This is a speculation, but I agree that it's not baseless. It sounds logical to assume that it could be GW3, although the "UE MMORPG" could be something else and we just confuse them due to lack of transparency. The only assets they can actually convert to Unreal Engine are the 3D models (buildings, props, characters etc). Most of the models look old already, let alone years later when GW3 is coming. There is zero reason to port those dated models other than experimenting and practicing. It's pretty easy to do if you have the original GW2 models, you could learn how to do it from a youtube guide. Terrain has to be recreated from complete scratch, UE has a built-in function for it, there is no way to convert GW2 terrain into it. Foliage also has to be recreated from complete scratch, just like terrain, there are tools for mass producing and placing them. It's like a paintbrush. So this part of the rumour doesn't mean that they are converting the actual GW2 assets into Unreal Engine for GW3. I feel the same way, and this is a really bad thing for the GW2 community in general. Gem store sales and player engagement will likely drop. It also puts both Anet and NCSoft into a bad position. Treating their customers like this in 2024 while having low reputation, niche playerbase and insane competition in the market. While I think that making an MMO sequel for a niche game is a dumb move (it could very well make Anet bankrupt), at least they should treat us like real customers and become transparent. They already lost trust of a huge amount of players for sure. I'd say vote with our wallets until they come out of hiding. That always worked in the case of Blizzard, when people mass unsubbed, they started to listen and be very transparent.
  9. I just had a look at our score out of curiousity. We have more score than the 2 enemies combined. Considering this was not player-organized, the imbalance do exists and serious. I'm wondering what the 2 enemies would say. But they seemed to have lots of strong blubs throughout the day so I don't know.
  10. Well, considering the fact that my server was underdog often, I enjoyed my time with my guild even when we were not performing that well. However the scores never really bothered me.
  11. I expected this question from your first post, but honestly I don't know. So you are trying to suggests that there are huge imbalances, and I'm just lucky right now?
  12. Yeah it does, however we got stomped by enemy blubs many times, doesn't feel one sided. Before the change my server was almost always 3rd 😄
  13. I'm not a hardcore player, I don't play WvW every day for several hours, so my point of view is not for everyone. Honestly I'm satisfied with the new system so far. Maps are filled with squads, lots of active players. In the old server system it was not fun to play outside of my guild's tagging hours. Sometimes I just escorted dollies to keep up my participation while waiting for someone to appear. I transferred servers several times, only to run into the same issue over and over again: "this server is dead bro, move on". Since I haven't interacted with ppl too often outside my guild, and the vast majority of random tags were from other servers on rotation... this change doesn't affect me too much from community point of view. My guild is very stable and I fully trust that I will always be able to play with them. Also, there are so many guilds now they became very important, and most ppl can find what they are looking for. The monthly lockout is a huge restriction, though, you have to make a commitment. Sure I have lost a few known faces and a friendly guild like everyone else, but that's life. They aren't going to change it back now. From what I've seen in the new system, now I can just login anytime I want and play the game. And that is what I wanted.
  14. Mirror of Lyssa, Skrittsborough and Frost Citadel are together... maybe our matchup was messed up so badly. My friend is in another matchup and they had no problems
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