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Everything posted by ArkLightXXVII.4768

  1. Few Questions: 1. Do SPB have own quickness buff? I mean do I generate quickness from my own skill even if I don't share it to the team? 2. Do SPB have faster animation speed than scrapper or it's just the same?
  2. Catalyst crossed my mind actually. But thinking I would level up another crafting mastery (tailoring) to make an ascended gear makes me lazy. But I would love to give it a try.
  3. Hello! So i'm gonna make another alt character but I have a weapon choice of using a Hammer. I want to have a dps focus class with a little bit of flexibility in situations and consistency in damage. What class should I go with? This would be mainly PvE and a little bit of PvP. Thanks for your inputs.
  4. thank you for this. i was looking for some builds like this were I can comfortably use with high boon uptime. is it okay if I change my elite skill from mortat kit? or is there any dps loss?
  5. I see. The damage is not that noticeable compare to Condi Mech.
  6. The result would be the same even if I add some Diviner parts instead of Berserkers? Do difference of around 30% to 35% is noticeable in boon uptimes? o no?
  7. Hello. I'm just starting to build my Scrapper in two (2) different builds. Mainly: 1. Pure DPS 2. Quickness DPS Scrapper. My question is: 1. For Pure DPS build gear set, can I get a 100% crit chance from boons and gearset alone? (without food, banners, etc.) 2. For Quickness build gear set, should I maintain at around 30-35% concentration together with alacrity in order to have 100% quickness uptime? I also want to ask for fellow Mechanist out there: 1. Do people tend to go with Condition Mech (P/P) as DPS? or Power Rifle is still viable? 2. Do Power Alac still viable in instanced PvE? I mostly see either Condi Mech or Heal Alac with Mace. Thanks alot! :)
  8. You can also try Guardian for different builds. Can do Healer (Healbrands) QDPS (Condi Quickness FB) Power Builds (Willbender and Dragonhunter) and Condi Build DPS (Condi Willbender and Condi DPS FB). Not to mention it is also viable in WvW zerging and PvP. Focusing on a single character/class is also my dilemma since I started playing this game. But I ended up playing 4 different classes just to have an idea of how different class works. (This is helpful specially in PvP) and also I dont want to spend extra gems just to have an extra slot for crafting masteries since you can only have 2 crafting masteries per character. As of now, I do have my so called "main" just to focus on the story progression.
  9. How about in WvW zerging? Any ideas? In solo PvE, which is more easier to use? Specially in soloing champions?
  10. So this is my first in this game that I'm time trying to do a Full Greedy DPS Class and I want to ask your opinions in each specific elite class. Should I go with higher DPS output with Power SLB or should I go with more flexible Dragonhunter? This is for PvP and PvE content. Thanks!
  11. What do you mean it isnt reliant as burst damage. Sorry I didnt try warrior since I started playing the game.
  12. Thank you. I'm still waiting for the final decision of my friend which one he would pick.
  13. Last question, since we've been researching which class should we main, can I also ask in regards to Power Hammer Spellbreaker compare to these classes?
  14. Do Catalyst have higher skill ceiling in terms of PvE content? It might be a harder profession and might give up a little later on higher levels
  15. Is this the same thing with PvP content? or no? Also, I would like to add if Catalyst would be a good option since we found out that it also uses a Big hammer?
  16. I see. So the best way is to auto attack as filler while learning the skill rotation? As for between the 2 elite spec, does it comes down to personal preference? Whether he choose Vindicator or Scrapper? I tried using my friend's account in special training area. For vindicator, I only got 11.5k-ish maximum is 11.7k. For scrapper I only got an average of 9.5k. Maybe I suck using Scrapper.
  17. Hmm. I'm interested in which particular skill has big bonks.
  18. Hmm. I see. Do both spec can reach 15-20k dps with ease?
  19. Aside from Flashy & Shiny Skills, does it really narrow down on which personal preference he could come up with? I mean I'm actually worried if he choose a spec that he wouldn't really like in the long run. He might really get bored and ended up quitting the game just because he choose a non-meta class.
  20. Do you have an easy time when soloing champions or elite mobs using Vindi?
  21. Hmm. I've check his character status just now and both are level 80. Though both are currently have no decent gear as of now since he's just starting out. So before he invest his time and gold in specific class, I've recommend to check both class first. But cant really help him though since both class is really good.
  22. So I invited my friend to play the game. Now he's searching for an elite spec that he could try but some things keeps bearing in his mind: 1. Big weapons - One big weapon. Less expensive and less problematic in terms of gearing. 2. All around - Can be used with ease in PvP, solo open world, fractals, etc. Might also try playing WvW but not for now. 3. Flashy Skilzzz. We narrowed it down to 2 options. Either: 1. We go with Scrapper 2. We go Vindicator I already told him that you can go with at least 2 different elite spec in a single class since Hero Points are easily achievable. So he can switch anytime in either class he prefers in different situation. Any suggestions and comments?
  23. Actually I do have interest on both. But as far as gold making and just starting out, I'm afraid I can't take two mains for now. So I might focus on a single main which I would like for most of the end game content and a little bit of WvW or PvP I also might consider if I would go for those alternate builds that you mention specially HAM Mechanist. I'm too tired of playing Healer support in most games I played before. So I might pass on this one.
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