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  1. Here is the truth of it. Anet has pushed the game in a way that they have alienated a part of the player base that does not like the boon ball. Anet is not dumb. They have made the boon ball for the low skilled players that just want to ball up run over red circles while getting healed. No brains at all, it is just comp up and win. No worries about getting in to downstate and if it does happen no worries, you will get rezed. Basically, god mode for the low skilled. It really is just that simple. Game sucks now. Was good and had loads of potential but not now. They don't care about the veteran sharks that actually use all their skills and know how to survive without being carried by boons in large squads. The purpose of large squads was supposed to be able to give the larger numbers a fighting chance against those that were better players. Turns out having more wasn't enough. So, they have systematically removed the tools to kill the large squads. Large Aoe target caps - gone mostly. Boon strips way out of balance and can in no way keep up with boon output or sharing. Healing buffed too ridiculous. It is just simple mode for the simple. I'm sorry. We all wanted better, but we have our answer in action or in this case, no action. If you want to be happier, do YOURSELF a favor. Just quit. There are other games that will not ignore you. Good luck all.
  2. If it is not part of the boon carry model, it does not matter. Is the philosophy of Anet.
  3. Garbage balance from the WvW side of things, as usual.
  4. I think this might be it to. Because I always hear them telling new people that they will train them. But, I keep asking myself, " what are they going to train them in?" Maybe they will train them in how to not fight unless they have a full 50 stacked with guards and all the pugs. Maybe the commanders can train them in how not to be able to deal with stuns and cleanses. Maybe how not to defend. Maybe how to run inside structures and never leave unless they have a boon ball blob. Maybe to run to another map when they can't take a structure or wipe another comped guild. Maybe they can train them in how to blame pugs for the wipes and then go get wiped GUILD ONLY on another map. I guess, we won't know. for sure. But I think you are probably right.
  5. I would probably have more fun, if so many on my server weren't scared of making ppt because of Maguuma. I just wish the boon blob had more knowledge in condi cleanse and stun break, then maybe they wouldn't feel so scared unless. Maybe they just need more guards. /shrug But on a serious note, is it that so called fight guild commanders can't defend structures even when they aren't in a guild raid and leading pugs? I was just thinking that maybe it has something to do with not having enough guards or something. The structures have siege though, so it would seem that 30 could come to defend structures for like a min and wipe the 25ish there. I just dont know if it is a skill thing or just fear from ppt and facing Maguuma or maybe just lazy. Still waiting on the word of any guilds or servers that ARENT afraid of Maguuma?
  6. I hear what you are saying, but, WHEN Maguuma has a zerg, the so-called fight guilds on BG won't come out to fight the Maguuma pugs unless they are comped up. With guards in every sub and they absolutely just flee to other maps unless they have the boon carry model rolling. So, is this a boon problem or just a skill problem for the BG guilds? Maguuma playstyle IS part of the game, they are just pugs. It is truly pathetic to see so called FIGHT GUILDS, ducking a PUG server. It's like wow. From what I see from the so-called fight guild on BG is that they aren't that good. They get wiped they call for MOAR GUARDS. Then IF they get them and still get wiped, they blame the pugs and run away to the boderlands and then guess what happens once they do get rid of most of the pugs, THEN STILL WIPE. So, I'm confused, if they are fighting guild but they lose fights most of time and they can't beat pugs on Maguuma then /shrug.... what's the deal? Can't fight without guards, but then sometimes can fight as long as other guild isn't comped. Then says bored they are bored and doesn't want to fight Maguuma. To me that says that the so called fight guild is scared and or lacks skill to dominate T1 and is just making excuses. Maybe they just need more guards. /shrug. or maybe just more BOONS. But seriously are there guilds/servers even left in this game that can deal with and want to fight Maguuma?
  7. Yeah, the borderlands have very intermittent action these days. There are call outs with multiple zergs ready to fight over structures but nobody wants to come defend cause they are afraid to raise the PPT because they might fight Maguuma. COULD I PLEASE GET FOLKS TO POST GUILDS/ SERVERS THAT ARENT AFRAID OF MAGUUMA AND WANT TO FIGHT, please?
  8. I've heard this boring excuse before but I just don't see it. They have loads of pugs, so just because they don't have any organized guilds to fight against, does that mean that no guilds should try to fight against Maguuma? They seem to defend the keeps and SMC. Or is it that most guilds can't deal with Maguuma pugs because they need the boon ball carry model and without a guard in every group THEY CAN'T COMPETE against the Maguuma pugs? Maybe they don't know how to condi cleanse without a dedicated cleanser. Is that it? COULD THIS BE A PERMA BOON PROBLEM?
  9. A couple of guilds on my server will not fight and have told all the players do not defend because they are scared to fight MAGUUMA. They have been working for months now to not fight Maguuma and now nobody wants to defend anything. Even though you can actually have good fights defending structures and actually playing the game mode. So, I log in to try to find some action and GUESS WHAT? CANT FIGHT CAUSE guilds are actually scared to fight Maguuma server. NO FUN TIME or GOOD FIGHTS, can I get a free transfer off BG? Anet can you help the players that want to play the game and defend??
  10. So tired of linkings. STOP WITH THE LINKINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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