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  1. You are right, 100% on all you said, specially me bringing PVE ranting into this thread, my apologies
  2. I won't pretend to know about PVP, as I care little about it in this game, and my reference about that specific part was more about killing the spec's identity as a whole. However, in PVE it was universally agreed that while Progressing, Scourge was indeed "OP", due to allowing mechanics to be "bypassed" entirely and thus people not "learning" said mechanics - once prog was done, and the fight studied, it was detrimental to bring a scourge at all, as kill speed would be significantly lower. This, in my own view, speaks volumes not against scourge per se ( as you pointed out, Firebrand was on the same track ) - but Anet inability to actually put out proper Boss fights, and worse, their refusal to admit people can outsmart them by using the tools at their disposal. ( which they themselves created ). Boon meta was, is and will always be a mistake. Instead of creating a balanced playfield where people can experiment a lot more and bring more options to the table, most fights/groups are bound to bringing XYZ class for specific Boons. Most don't even look at specs for their "fun factor" anymore, they just look at boons and if a spec can do it or not ( and uptime ). And this for me is what I cannot forgive Anet for. They gave up and decided to nuke an entirely playstyle, treating the symptom, while ignoring the disease. (which they constantly keep doing - Im only using Scourge as an example, since it's the only class I used to actually enjoy playing. And that's on me, I admit ). I never played scourge for big numbers. I played scourge for the comfortable support playstyle and Frontline combat medic it allowed me to be. Before the nerf ( re-work ) I rarely saw anyone wanting a Scourge for end game activities, and when they did was more out of pity or resignation that no one else was available (speaking about PuG's , not premade groups/guild groups ). And I accepted that. I wasn't mad at people for it. They wanted their time to be used efficiently and Scourge output wasn't *it* . And that was *fine*. Considering the lack of PVE content and quality of said content, Anet focused on Scourge like it committed a cardinal sin, since it was easier to do so, than step up their own game. TLDR : In my eyes, it was never Scourge that was OP - It was PVE's (quality) content that sucked
  3. Most of us saw this coming. But streamers and few vocal minority said "it was fine". Destroying the whole premise of how a class/job/spec works when no one asked for it, could only lead to disaster. And remember, they only did the initial "buffs" when the whole Scourge community ( apart from said vocal minority and streamers) said it was absolute garbage. Otherwise Scourge would be even worse. I have had no desire to play the spec or the game ever since - and I know it sounds stupid - but I loved pre nerf Scourge , it was hitching that support and solo playstyle I was looking for in an MMO. Then it became another meta chasing slave with horrid gameplay - just to have "number go up".. I must've spent around 300-400€ in 4 months just in glam/costumes, 'cause I was having fun. Then someone decided "it was too OP" when there wasn't even content to justify it being "OP". Rant over. just like my desire to play GW2.
  4. Thank you. The amount of people that say Necro is in it's best place ever only look at excel sheets and numbers. They entirely overlook that the class ( scourge in this case ) plays like kitten now Scourge gameplay was never about big numbers and what not, but it compensated by having a really really really good flow of gameplay. The mechanical side and design was actually pretty good, interesting and rewarding. Now it's pure BS and some people say it's fine because " BIG NUMBERS BRUH!". I loved scourge because it meant not being a boon slave. Now scourge is *just another boon slave spec*
  5. Which no one asked for. HScourge players were perfectly happy with how the class worked - and the fact it wasn't used as desirable specc for clearing content doesn't justify making the class play like kitten to justify being another specc slave to an orange icon
  6. GG on ignoring the fact that most HScourge's used big shade instead and never touched 3 shades to begin with. Screw HScourge's right? Let's force an entire specc to use the same build when we had options pre-patch. Even the 3 shades before, it allowed us time to adapt to the fight and perform any rotation or skill use in a clean and proper fashion. So it's kinda disingenuous to say we pressed them off cooldown before - since we didn't had to worry about them for a LONG TIME ( which remains the major complain about shades right now ). That's what changed, and it's ridiculous to ignore that change like you did. The time between the "spam" was a lot higher, now we *have* to constantly babysit them. There's no "choice" anymore, or adaptability. We're forced to do it out of necessity, constantly - cutting a LOT of time to do/press/use other skills entirely . Pressing a button because it's fun VS Pressing a button because we have no other choice. How some people don't understand that is beyond me.
  7. Thats exactly what I've been saying since the first batch of changes 😞 It will never matter how much they tweak the *numbers* if they destroyed the *fun* of playing the specc anyway.
  8. wonder how long until the "Math warriors" going to come in and say " SCOURGE IS MORE THAN VIABLE! LOOK AT THESE NUMBERssssssssssssssssssssssss !"
  9. dont feed the troll. It's just hiding the feedback that Shade Duration, shade usage and Core Changes to Necro did more harm to Scourge than good. That's the bottomline, and people like him shouldn't be given much credit since all he says is that " kitten and play it as Anet intended - not like how you enjoy it "
  10. At this point I've realized that he is just baiting and adding nothing to the discourse. Better to ignore it entirely
  11. The whole HScourge (and Scourge overall) was *against* the Alac idea - so I don't know where you got that from. Not to mention that if your playerbase is reacting so poorly to a specific change - it's their literal job to listen, not for us to eat their shiate and be happy about it
  12. When you are among the 0.1% being fine with how Anet is doing tuning, I suppose that is very telling on where your alignment lies, no ? Perhaps you should see the perspective of the other 99.9% players, saying that it's a crap change and Anet is indeed ignoring their playerbase, in favour of "what they think it's best" Anet is not always right, nor are the players always right, but when 99.9% is saying the same kitten, maybe it's time to actually listen ?
  13. Lets be real - the only reason why it took them nearly a month to implement these follow up changes, was to make people come to terms that they won't do anything else from now on. It worked imho. less and less people are being vocal about it, or even taking the time to come here and post their disappointment.
  14. The fact they refuse to understand that Scourge was never about benchmarking and higher numbers, but a good feel on it's gameplay flow - is telling AF. There's no point anymore. any class that plays differently from being a "boon spam slave" gets nuked.
  15. So....ignored the 25+ pages feedback *again* GOT IT. I truly give up at this point
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