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  1. The conversation is about how even a simple change to LFG like visual icon update would ~magically~ delete handkites from the game. At first I found that ludicrous, but I have since been proven to be wrong and now I agree that LFG can never be updated at all because of hand kites.
  2. tl;dr As I said 3 days ago that you obv couldn't figure out how to read: lfg will never be updated because you cannot figure out how to find a hyperspecific role for a single encounter. you win. gj! thanks to you we can have the same old lfg. ❤️
  3. Thats how it would still work in my system. AKA precisely like it is now. Come one. Stop pretending that you can't read mate. Stop making up your unhinged strawmans. Literally read what I said. I was literally asking for an option to replace class icons with icons for the roles on LFG and group UI, so you would know if any of the 3 firebrands in that group are healing or what and you wouldn't need to ask for roles in chat every time someone leaves the group. Idk why I'm even telling this to you again since you obviously can't read.
  4. at no point I have ever said anything about any kind of auto lfg. learn to read and stop making things up.
  5. How is adding an option to display roles instead of classes on the LFG and Squad UI making it worse?
  6. I dont know why you all are struggling to understand that you would find the hand kite literally exactly the same way you find it right now. But fine. You're right. LFG cannot ever be changed because you have one hyper specific role in raids. And for that every single other game mode must suffer too.
  7. Just like how it is right now. idk why you keep insisting that squad should have a handkite for the entire raid instead of commander asking a dps to handkite for one fight.
  8. To streamline player experience for literally anything else in the LFG that is not a single edge case role for a single encounter in a single raid. Handkite isnt even the designer intended way to do the encounter.
  9. The same way you do now. If you expect anet to make a dedicated LFG system so that people could queue up specifically as tower mesmer and nothing else then gz on your troll! Could add general 'utility' role if you really need one. But come on, what do you think the handkite guy will do in all the previous encounters in the same raid? Hold the kite gizmo? :^)
  10. Tbh the only reasonable way of improving the LFG is to replace class icons for dps/quick/alac/qheal/aheal icons. When a player joins a group they get a pop-up on what role they want to join as. Party/squad UI gets a toggle that shows their roles instead of classes. Bonus points for kicked players being unable to rejoin the group. Bonus points for combining dead LFG catagories together.
  11. screenshot Seemed kinda noteworthy. Idk where else people post these things.
  12. So you do less dps than supports. You don't know what your dps actually is so you're coping that 'it must be fine since people usually let me leech.' And when someone privately tells you to stop leeching you cause drama. You're the reason people ask for 250LI killproof for easy strikes.
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