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Posts posted by Aenaos.8160

  1. Even after the almighty balance patch it is still possible for a class to exit stealth and delete a high sustain heavy class in under 2 seconds. Literally, I was on a Guardian FB, a PP Thief came out of stealth without any hint of it being there before, and within the time it took me to dodge and try to counter with a reflect while it was unloading I was in downed state. I wasn't more than 2 secs. I'll speak only for my case, but in a game where there is no carrot to persue and the quality of the game play is what attracts and keeps a player playing, this kind of bs ends up hurting the game. Of course I'm sure the other guy had fun.

  2. It's more of a Conditions issue than strictly Revenant or any other class. Maybe they should make a pass on balancing conditions first and gather some more data before attempting any class changes because even if they nerf Revenant to the ground now, that won't fix the underlying problem. Conditions seem to apply way too much damage even at a very low number of stacks and that ties in to the very nature of how this type of damage is designed in GW2. Here we start with the faulty axiom that both condition and power damage should be able to achieve the same level of burst otherwise players will focus on playing power builds only. The way DoT damage counter balances burst damage is by allowing for it to strike a larger number of targets, adding more utility and control aspects in abilities that apply such damage, or by making it exceptionally effective against certain types of targets. None of these intricacies exist in GW2's combat. We have power damage and we have the other power damage, condition, which attempts to do the work of burst damage via DoTs. Add to that the gear issue of condition damage builds being able to achieve effectiveness in dps by needing to invest in a lower number of attribute types than power builds thus leaving room for investing in defensive attributes too. It's a cluster kitten.

  3. TL;DR If you like PvP gameplay now ( all of you two people at the back) you will always find reasons to not like the new direction in combat.I'll wait to play it to see how it really works but I'm perfectly sure the game will still be bursty enough and still have fast enough combat. GW2 has by far the most well shorted out PvP (not in general but in relation to other MMOs) and the ridiculously low TTK and power creep worked counter to that. The first thing that needs to happen before balancing the functionality of skills is to reduce the fog of DPS in some way.

  4. @dDuff.3860 said:

    @dDuff.3860 said:Compare this to any fps game, where you get oneshotted by a headshot, from say sniper rifle? same 1 hit KO from sort of "stealth"Compare this to other MMO, where one magic crit wooshes you

    If you're too slow and/or too unaware about circumstances you're in, and your build has no defense while wearing no defense stat amulet (vitality/toughness), you're going to be punished.

    you have to aim in a FPS game, not in gw2. and fps games dont have stealth not sure if you re trolling

    Sombra in OW does,Also, If you sit in the highround position with a sniper rifle it is literally stealth.

    You have to set up your burst in gw2, to get 100-0 at least on builds that can do so from stealth.

    You are comparing the auto aim in GW2 with actually aiming and trying to get a head shot on a moving target in a FPS? Can't be serial.

  5. The equipment window no longer remembers the last sub section used and always reverts to the empty window and selection list. Can you please at least have it reset to the equipment(gear managment) window so we don't have to select it every single time we want to check our gear?

  6. What they mean is that there is no progression after lvl 80.And they are right. Collecting gear skins and achievements is not progression.Most MMO players are not used to playing content for the sake of content.GW2 is a content heavy but progression light game.And whatever progression there is it's handed to the player almost instantly.Removing the gear treadmill is half the story. The rest is what you fill in that void with,while avoiding the grind, and that Anet has not been able to answer yet.Maybe the new masteries will help a bit on that matter.

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  7. In no particular order

    • Separate volume slider in the audio settings for story cinematic scenes.

    • Option to automatically disable miniatures during story instances and cinematics.

    • Option to turn off the auto completion of puzzles after x amount of failures during story instances.

    • Separate minis for land and underwater.

    • Where applicable,include the name of the attribute combination in the item tooltips.

    • Option to disable dismount warnings. Visible borders in the map/mini map for areas where mounts are not allowed(like in WvWvW). Include height when defining no mount areas in the world.

    • Disable item tooltips while in dyes mode.

    • Advanced player markers and notes function for the world map.

    • Option to disable the audible notification upon entering a unfinished heart area.

    • More than one situational ability button / Or include the arrow menu selector on top of the button to enable the player to override the automatic skill selection.

    • Option to reset all buffs (except food/boosters/utilities) and skill cooldowns in the training areas.

    • Direct bindable key shortcuts for all the Hero Panel sub windows.

    • Bindable key toggles for interactable objects and name plates.

    • Reduce the brightness intensity of the UI flashing for unselected traits and skills.

    • Include previews for all the available skills in game. Reorganise the skills preview window accordingly. If necessary separate the weaponskills unlock/previews from the builds window since weapon skills are not selectable via that UI.

    • Make all active mount abilities visible in the mount action bar.

    • Option for slim XP bar with dimmer brightness.

    • Option for a smaller font for the scrolling combat text independent of the general UI size settings.

    • Change the skill count recharge from white to bright yellow.

    • Icon over collectable Ranger pets for players that prefer to play with nameplates off.

    • Normalise the completion time requirements across all heart quests. Neither too fast nor too slow as is the case with many of those atm.

    • Reduce aggro range for enemies in post S3 maps.

    • Reduce the abundance and the attack range of anti mount projectile attacks in post S3 maps.

  8. Legendary weapon awakening.No numbers differentiation from Ascended.No additional materials or gold needed.A unique combat encounter per weapon,of advanced difficulty,that the player has to overcome while using the Legendary weapon and that weapon only.No weapon swap available during that fight.Unlocks a unique per Legendary weapon ability that ties to the theme/lore.The ability has a long cooldown,at least 240 sec.Available in PvE and WvW.Locked in sPvP.Unlocks an additional sigil slot.Can't attach any of the existing sigils.Create a new set of sigils that can occupy only this slot.No flat damage/duration/stat modifiers.Only utility type of effects with caution to add flavour but not extra cheese.

  9. @Optimator.3589 said:Anet can't even handle build templates or alliances in anything resembling a timely manner and you want them to change the core mechanics of WvW with consequence added on top of that? Good luck, pal. CU will probably be released before anything like that happens here.

    I wouldn't hold my breath for that either.It seems they need at least 2 more years of development before they produce something presentable to the wider audience besides their backers.Unless they stumbled upon a money tree you are stuck with GW2 WvW for the foreseeable future.Hope this was helpful.

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