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Posts posted by Aenaos.8160

  1. What I really hear is that at some point it was decided to focus solely on LW style episodic content-now called a saga-and not develop expansions any more.Now that the decision is made players will have to live with it for the foreseeable and not so foreseeable future.End of the story.I really hope they aimed right on this one and it all ends up well for GW2.But(t)-this no expansion model has already been attempted and tried and failed.It nearly drove the game to the ground.Hope dies last...but All is Vain.

  2. Let's see.Without that trait a Scourge has to manage and cast 3 different fields.This adds time and complexity restrains on the class.The field around the Scourge it self is still too much,it should be at least that when there is an active Shade cast,the auto Shade around the player is deactivated.Now enter Sand Savant.Instant access to everything.All the buffs related to Shades.No build up time.No managing of fields.Well that's the very definition of "balance" in PvP related content isn't it?Taking away complexity and adding efficiency.Or maybe not?I'm a bit confused and it seems I'm not the only one.All is Vain.

  3. @Knighthonor.4061 said:

    @Dawdler.8521 said:... that's called a tower. We have lots of them.

    no this is different because this idea is just a 4 wall structure that can be built and placed as long as its not near another outpost/structure. Has its own revive system and can be totally destroyed. Towers are permanent structures that provide points and can be captured. Outpost cant be captured. They are owned by the faction that made them.

    You are still describing what is essentially a tower.

    It's like saying that we need a new type "mine" where NPCs goes and gather "minerals" to bring to structures in order to upgrade them and players have to defend the mine and escort NPCs. An entirerly different mechanic akin to resource gathering in RTS games?

    No, it's the same thing as camps.

    And it's definetly not what WvW need right now.

    once again, these are permanent structures, they provide points to the score.

    the Outpost is not a permanent structure. Its placed just like a open field siege is placed and built.

    Also unlike those, it provides a unique revive mechanic.

    And your RTS analogy makes no sense here. This functions just like any Open Field Siege would expect being a Treb or Catapult, this is a Outpost composed of 4 Walls and upgrades to provide more defense. You can capture a Tower or Camp. Outpost cant be captured. Thats how its different. Just like Trebs and Siege weapons cant be captured and used by enemy, same with outpost. Again, Objectives (Towers and Camps) can be captured. Totally different.

    What open field?The current maps are not large enough for this and the structure of WvW or the complete absence of it is not tailored towards such features.Maybe start with more humble and simple changes like ...oh I don't know .....maybe not being able to attack SM from the safety of a Keep especially when that's possible for only 1 of the 3 available keeps.The trick with WvW is to aim small miss big and expect nothing other than more WXP and questionable loot.

  4. The dismount button is located on the action hot bar exactly to the right of the elite skill and right above the novelties epic button to end all buttons,exactly where the mount button is when you are not mounted.It is only visible when you are already mounted.I hope this was helpful.

  5. Encountered the exact same issue a couple of days ago.I could enter the authenticator code just fine in the launcher but in the account login authenticator code box,at the site,only 5 digits could be entered.I also got a error message at the top of the web page(on firefox) "some fields are invalid please fix them".I tried various browsers just to be sure.I then contacted support to report the bug,they ended up disabling 2 factor authentication on my account.Afterwards,the first time I tried to enable 2 factor authentication again I could insert the full verification code,all 6 digits,but I still got the error message(the message appeared only on firefox,the other browsers I used appeared to simply stall).Then for some reason(voodoo or aliens) the problem vanished and I was able to go through the process.Now everything works fine again both on the site and the launcher.

  6. Maybe,but it could also be that after learning and passing the "curve" what they see is not to their taste.You can add all the tutorials in the world,in the end bs will still be bs.In it's current state I don't see how more players would be enticed to stick with it and if Anet for somereason found the will to actually improve the combat to something a bit less brain damaging and add more
    game modes etc they would probably end up upseting the already loyal followers of sPvP.So curve or not curve the future of sPvP is pretty much set in stone.

  7. I honestly don't get it.Besides the "hover over everyone's head flapping my flappy wings before events" which I have to admit seems to be a big thing among Skyscale owners,for the little time I used it during the story missions it was way too slow and boring.I prefer my Grriphun.I feel the need,the need for speed.

  8. @Randulf.7614 said:

    @Ashantara.8731 said:You want a mini of the ugliest Elder Dragon? Even Mordremoth was prettier in design. I vote for a Zhaitan mini, not only because it is the best designed Elder Dragon in the game (with a super high coolness level), but also because this festival was originally celebrating its defeat.

    No, they want a mini of The Shatterer

    My brain just exploded.

  9. The combat is not fun.It's been gradually but steadily declining in quality and fun to play factor through the years.The way I see it combat wise GW2 ticks all the wrong boxes.It became too fast for a fantasy MMO and although the devs try to "balance" PvP by normalising gear /statsand splitting skills between game modes,in the end it's all pointless since every single negative feature related withgames that don't go through this process also exists in GW2.There are also faults with core and fundamental class mechanics.It also became way too dependent on classes and builds with increasingly simplified and over performing abilities.I simply lost all hope that there's any chance of the game reversing direction any time this decade and I'm not going to spendmy time in the forums trying to explain why one shots are counter fun for the combat of a game like GW2, or thatanything that doesn't blow up in 3 secs is in no way a bunker, or why a 360 degree cleave and red circles everywhere may be funin a diablo like game only, etc etc.

  10. Could you please make "Bleed" a instance so that a player can continue on with the story without having to rely on the meta being completed?I almost always play the story content off peak activity hours,usually very late at night and there is no way to advance the story as the related zonearea is inaccessible most of the time.

  11. We still haven't touched housing and mini battles in GW2,aka there's still a kittenbuttload of money to be made here.I don't see why they would consider a sequel,not unless they got their hands on technology that would enable them to create content they can't create on their current set up.Otherwise a new game is pretty much pointless even from a player's pov.

  12. It's not so much about the build you use.You just need to be very careful of the packs of mobs you aggro,and prioritise killing the one that moves to the alarm node.The alarm signalling mobs spawn a icon over their heads if I remember correctly.These mobs are you first and only priority.Make sure you recognise them from a distance,and then move directly to focus and kill them asap.After you kill the guard before they get to the alarm,you clear any mobs you've aggroed and all remaining enemies in that areabefore moving on to the next alarm guard.If you simply go in and start fighting,you won't have time to kill the alarm guards,and you will end up pulling way many moreenemies than you can fight.During the boss fight,if you get overwhelmed by mobs,move away and use the terrain and structures to take cover.

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