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Posts posted by Aenaos.8160

  1. Nothing beats listening two versions of the same NPC, the story and meta, simultaneously though . It's like GW2 multiverse live.  I myself, am really. enjoying the copious amounts of NPC chatter while playing the game. Can't wait for even more un skippable dialogue making up for 80% of the next expansion. Fun content.  

  2. Can we get an option at least to disable the next episode from auto starting at the very second the previous one is completed?

    At the moment, the way this is set up, it cheapens the gameplay experience. Starter dialogue from the next episode begins to play within the previous episode instance, starter pieces of dialogue are not audible, we get different instances of the same NPCs from the episode we re currently  in to communicate with us from the future episode....it's a total mess. Please. Give us a way to at disable this and start episodes when we decide to do so.

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  3. Still getting the blank textures after prolonged game sessions. Restarting the game fixes this but it keeps appearing time and again.  It is really strange. For example mounts, personal and those of other players, appear for a few seconds when mounting/dismounting and then they appear as blank or become completely invisible with the exception of the eyes!! Good for lols I guess.


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  4. What helped in my case,  6750 slightly undervolted, was enabling triple buffering.. I know GW2 is not an open GL game and that should not affect it but it did. I have Vsync on via the game settings, since my eyes are very sensitive to screen tearing.

    • Haha 1
  5. *Update . Now I'm also getting patches of blue textures. Added an image to the link. Tried once more files repair and cache clean up, but the issue persists


    I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue that has only been getting worse. 

    While playing the game, some textures - related to objects, mounts, player/NPC units - will gradually start to bug to the point where the game world will black out and  at some point the game will crash. This takes place over prolonged game sessions, upwards of 1 hour. The only effective fix for this is to close and restart the game. Large dynamic events seem to act as accelerators for this bug, especially the Skywatch Archipelago meta is 100% certain to cause this. Observed on PCs with different specs and set ups, Win10 and Win11, Nvidia and AMD GPUs always updated and on the latest available drivers. So far I've tried repairing the game files, deleting and re installing the game, deleting cache files, re installing drivers. I play the game with graphic settings maxed out, 1440p and no add-ons. 

    Is anyone else experiencing similar issues or has an idea on what might be causing this bug?

    Including link to a few example screenshots.


  6. Great idea this. 

    Sometime before the next expansion I expect I'll find 4 more players to run the event needed to complete exploration of Amnytas. Especially late at night when I usually do map exploration. And then repeat this for each of my dozen plus alts. Please add more fun content like this. Waiting for players to complete who cares events that block map progression is awesome gameplay. Merry Wintersday. 

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  7. Hot swapping weapons!

    Never really occured to me until recently I decided to use all the ascended salvaging tools I had amassed from Fractals on my ascended weapons and mainly use my legies....

    Every time I want to quickly swap to a weapon, just the weapon not the whole build,  for a while and then back again...select weapon > select stats > select upgrades/infusions > select appearance. And again. Seems way too punishing for a system that is supposed to offer the maximum QoL in gear. Maybe allow us to create weapon templates or I don't know. Right now I am seriously considering going back to ascended weapons and only using legies for the skins.



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  8. Could you please disable the function of a Living Story episode automatically starting as soon as the previous one is completed? Or at least make this function toggleable? Sometimes, ,most of the times, it makes no sense as the player for example is already in a instance with a NPC and receives a mail from the same NPC in the future! Or a cutscene form the nest episode plays at the worst possible moment, while the player is still inside the previous episode.This, artificially lowers the perceived quality of the game and destroys immersion for no reason at all. Please allow us to set the pace at which we want to experience new content.

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  9. Don't know if this is an issue in Story Journal instances in general, but I just played through the first chapter of LS4 episode 3 (Siezed), and NPC units that die don't play their death animation, don't trasnsition to the corpse stance, nor do they despawn but instead remain in the scene in a standing up and frozen position.

  10. The way upgrades and infusions are handled makes the whole Legendary Armory more pointless than pointless.

    It actually removes quality of life and ease of use just as much as it adds them.


    I really don't see how this was not recognised as a problem.

    I mean instead of the gear we now have to carry the infusions and upgrades. Big difference.



    The simplest solution I can think of without having to radically rework the way Infusions and Upgrades function is to 

    make each Character's Armory unique, allow Legendary items to be customised while unequipped, and load that customisation automatically, as a default, when said item is equipped.






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  11. I'm currently replaying the story on an Alt character and this is close to what I think too.

    The thing about the Personal Story is that at some point, it got changed and kinda patched together in order to fit in the Story Journal, a feature introduced to the game at a later stage. During that process parts of the story were completely removed. LW s1 happened,, LA got destroyed, and the story got modified in order to compensate for that. It was all done haistily, and at times it just doesn't work at all. The result if one of very low quality. I kinda feel sorry for new players that will never get to play the Personal Story the way it was meant to be played.

    If they don't mind losing info about the lore of the game, I would advise new players to play the opening parts of the story, and as soon as they get to the chapters involving Lions Arch, play the open maps, level to 80 and skip directly to LW season 2. Simply don't bother, especially if you value craftsmanship in games and pay attention to details. You will spend more time saying WTF, that anything else.

  12. It would be nice to gift the players that got the armor under the 2000 hour requirement an item, that adds a couple more tentacles to the chest piece and also adds the prefix "WvWvW Boomer's" to the name of the set.The rarity will sky rocket, since no one will be able to get this from now on, and the 2000'ers won't be trolled by 500'ers.That way it will still be possible, by counting the number or tentacles, to visually identify and separate the true WvWvW'ers from the pretenders.Or maybe a special WvWvW Squad Commander icon. Maybe a tag saying "2000/X" where X the number of additional tentacles. The 2000 is self explanatory.It's for the WvWvW levels required to get the set.

  13. Shade Skills: These have been changed back to triggering at both the necromancer's location and their shade locations with each use.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++R.I.P

    P.S I hope you like your circles red.

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