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Everything posted by DrWhizbang.1630

  1. Sub commander tags for squad lieutenants to supplement the main commander would be a good thing imho πŸ™‚
  2. SHARED TOOLS SLOTS! Why in gods name do you think it's ok to use up 3 shared slots to put in a set of 3 ori tools so you can swap out your infinite tools between characters, this is a waste of 3 shared slots, I have 46 toons an as you can imagine this becomes a pain in the rear constantly swapping between consumable to unbreakable and then back to consumable, for 4 or 5 toons this wouldn't be a problem, but 46? yea, I have a load of toon slots, but why not? I paid for like most of them and got a couple free with the expansions.. So give us multi toon players a break, PLEASE! Idea.. Tool Armory, just like the leggy, all toons can use it, make money from the skins, you're already doing it with the jade bot, I think this is a more finacially viable option than what it is now, as when players buy 3 of the tools, that's it, they buy no more, but, if the skins were available at a cheaper price than the tools (well this is fashion wars after all) they will sell As Pokka would say WIN WIN!!
  3. Shared Gathering Tools slots, for say 1000 Gems each for a max of 3? using my 3 of my shared inventory slots for swapping them in & out is a pain, esp when you have 46 toons..
  4. πŸ˜† more than just flax, I'm not the only one that has a lot of toons, hell there are people out there with multiple accounts too πŸ˜‰
  5. People wanting more variety of skins can buy tools at any time and stick differently skinned tools on different characters. There's no need for a shared library for that. It works fine now. So, no extra sales. Just lost sales from people who might buy multiple tools for the convenience but don't have to any longer. Shared tools slots? just like shared Inventory slots? fair enough there is only 3 but still can make money?
  6. No need to get so defensive. Ease up. With suggestions like this, one should ask: "what's in it for Anet? How would ANet profit from this suggestion?" If you can answer those, then you might have a good case. Also, I don't believe that GW2 was designed with 46 toon farming in mind, so this might go against the original design intent. Again, what's in it for Anet? sorry, don't mean to get on the defensive, but to answer, whats in it for anet? player satisfaction? also missing out on an opportunity to make more money in sales of infinite tools? for example, who actually owns more than one set? or at a push 2? they create a skin collection and share the tools acc wide would be a winner for all imho.
  7. As difficult it is for you to understand that what you’re asking for is a direct hit to sales. Will it tho? how many people will buy more than one infinite tool? create a collection library for people to swap em as they see fit as well as having them shared between without having to swap them? missed opportunity imho
  8. Is there a difference doing it for 46 toons or just 2? I use 46 toons for farming
  9. I find it difficult to believe that you spend most of your gaming time swapping tools across all 46 characters. It's simple to open the hero panel, make 3 sets of double-clicks and then close it. Anet doesn't need to change it. It's called Farming, whats so difficult to comprehend?
  10. Thats exactly what I do and it's a hassle doing that for 46 toons
  11. I disagree, this is guild wars 2, or as a lot of people call it, Fashion wars, they could create a collection for having all the tools and people will buy them for the skins.
  12. We now see that Legendaries will be shared across all of your level 80's on your account via a shared armoury, but the question is will the devs do shared gathering tools slots? I cant be the only one who is sick of "drag infinite tools to shared inventory slot, log in as new char, replace tools with infinite tools" rinse and repeat with all toons. (with 46 toons this is a chore) can Anet just create a library of infinite tools that is used by all lvl 80 toons, for example, you log in and your tools are equipped, you can even have collections so you can have different animations for different toons. Just a thought.
  13. Worked for my main before the patch, now on my alts I find it doesn't work either.
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