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Posts posted by Jevati.4328

  1. On 10/1/2022 at 5:12 PM, lezbefriends.7516 said:

    I'm looking for a guild (either region - I can transfer) with the following requirements:



    Active Discord


    I'm 33 year old lesbian transwoman, have issues with voice comm due to the mismatch. Also have anxiety. Have been playing GW2 on and off since Beta. Mostly into PvE, hoping to find a group for fractals and strikes.

    Hiya, Lezbefriends!  You might be interested in the guild I lead, Café Solidarity.  We have multiple lesbian trans women in the guild, and we have really intentional policies around voice communication.  No one is required to be on voice for an event, except for our Raids and Strikes (RAS) Training Group.  And, even with that, we have RAS expectations that everyone is required to read and agree to before joining.  Part of those expectations read:



    We will be using voice chat for this, and that can be an area of concern for people who identify as transgender and/or non-binary. It’s ok if you are not comfortable talking on voice; you can just listen We are setting the expectation that people’s voices do not determine their gender If you do choose to talk, we will still gender you correctly and gently intervene if other people get confused about someone’s gender.


    (One of the lesbian trans women in the guild is an active member of RAS and actually led a raid group earlier today for the Coalescence collection.)


    Anyway, if you're interested, please join our Discord!  You can read through people's introductions and our #rules channel, and decide if we're a good fit.  If so, please post an intro in the #introductions channel. 🙂


    Discord: https://discord.gg/rWTKRbP



  2. 20 hours ago, BPFB.7845 said:

    Just want to join a guild where I won't be "the weird furry"

    Hiya!  If you're looking for a furry-specific guild, there is a guild with the tag [FURS] that fits that description.  I don't know anyone in the guild and I can't find a recruitment post for them, but you could try asking in popular maps like Lion's Arch or Divinity's Reach.


    Otherwise, here are two guilds that look similar:



    Wishing you the best of luck! =D

  3. Just a note that our Raids and Strikes (RAS) group has killed every single raid boss! 🎉


    Here's a quote from a post one of members, Ninjela, made in our Discord:



    I wanted to give another shout out to @Brian (he/him) | BrainAlmighty and @Spero | (she/her) for leading our q1 training runs. I just joined an RA group for a wing 6 clear, and I was super nervous for Qadim, having only done it with y'all. But the training worked, I knew what I was doing, where to stand, when to dodge, and we got the kill quickly and smoothly, and it felt awesome.


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  4. Café Solidarity [CAFÉ] is now recruiting!

    Created in 2019, we are an 80% Rep, PvX guild specifically designed for people from marginalized communities. This means Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color; disabled people; LGBTQIA+ people (intersex, aces, aros, polyamorous people, and more definitely included); neurodivergent people; people of different faiths and non-faiths; and anyone who wants to be an ally to people from these communities.

    What We Offer

    Guild Discord (primarily text, as most of our members do not usually hang out in voice chat outside of events)

    Raids And Strikes (RAS) Training Groups (read our RAS Expectations here)

    Weekly WvW Events

    Weekly "Amateur Hour" (Tier 1 Fractals, Dungeons, and more!)

    Monthly Guild Raffles

    Holiday Parties (like for Mad King)

    Isle of Reflection Guild Hall (decorated for all major Tyrian festivals)

    Contests and Giveaways (including collaborative projects with prizes for those who prefer not to compete)

    Pop-Up Map Complete, Guild Missions, & Hero Point Trains

    Help with Achievements and Collections/Goals in Game

    💖 People who really care


    I can't stress that last part enough. This is a close-knit guild where you can really be yourself. We cheer each other on when there's good news like landing a new job or acing an exam, and we comfort each other when there's tough news, like getting laid off or losing a loved one. We strive to be inclusive of people from all different kinds of communities, and this manifests in how we approach guild activities. For example, we don't require voice chat for anything except RAS (to be sensitive to Deaf/HoH people or people with auditory processing issues), and we make sure our Winter Holiday activities are more than just "Christmas by any other name" (which means we do cool things like our Eight Days of Giveaways, which coincides with Hanukkah).

    Who We're Seeking

    We're looking for people who are ready to be in solidarity with each other. This means caring about people from different communities and cultures and supporting each other. Our guild rules are pretty clear and can be found in our Discord.


    We're particularly welcoming of new people who would love some help and guidance in the game. We enjoy helping people with their in-game goals, whether it's story content, achievements, working your way up the PvP ladder, Fashion Wars, or more!

    How to Join

    If you think we sound like a good fit, please join our Discord, read our guild rules, and write an introduction. Then I'll check in with you to ensure you agree to follow our rules, and if you do, then you will receive an invite in game. If you're not sure if we might be a good fit and you'd like to learn more, please PM me (Jevati.4328) here on the forums, whisper me in game, or send me an in-game mail message so we can talk more.

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  5. First, thank you to the ANet Team for making such cool guild decorations. =D


    Would it be possible to either A. have a candle guild decoration that you can interact with to light/extinguish it, or B. have an unlit candle decoration? 🕯️


    When we decorated our Guild Hall for Wintersday (which we did back in late November because Hanukkah was on the early side this year), we put up the Wintersday Tree and Freezie's Heart, but we also made a Menorah from individual candle decorations.



    This was a lot of fun and our Jewish guild members really appreciated it, but there's not a way to have a partially-lit Menorah, so we opted to go for a fully-lit one.


    It'd be really cool if you could either have a candle decoration that is interactable (the way the ice sculpture is, where you can approach it and "carve" it or reset it) or have an unlit candle.  That way, individual members could either actually go into the Guild Hall and light the candles themselves, or one of our decorators could swap the unlit candle for a lit candle at sunset during Hanukkah.


    Just a thought, and thank you for reading! 😊

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