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  1. I'd buy a tag for under 100 gold. Whether I'd use it is another question. Probably for smc on a monday. First thing I do when getting home, go to EBG and drop a cata near it if it isn't our color 😁 So, you people who say 300 gold is nothing (for me it's a lot). Send me the gold and then it will show who is just words or actions. Not playing wvw much? It can already get toxic if there are 2 tags on a map at the same time. It is uncommon to have more than 1 tag per map (happens sometimes temporary). And that doesn't mean that only a few people have tags. It's the manners and the reluctance to tag. :s
  2. Naked panda please! (It can max. wear a ribbon) 🐼🐼🐼 What a fluffly, fat kitten. πŸ˜† I don't even recognize it as panda. 🫒 Looks weird.
  3. If anything then, on real money spent in the account. That's what pays the bills, not achievemtn points. As already the second comment summarised it: No you don't get vet only stuff anymore, for a good reason.
  4. My Charr was too weak and got eaten :s That annoyed me the most for some reason. Can't even go out of the battle to take a breath becasue of those towers and when I destroy the ones in range they respawn in a blink. They should stay destroyed until after the event.
  5. Yes, this game has a surprisingly complicated combat system that requires dedication to learn and the will and concentration to consistently execute what you have learned. Especially the synergy of actions with traits and combos. Movement and position come on top of that. And that's just for yourself. If you apply it to a group of 5 players, there is even more to consider, such as the position to each other, the range of skills for allies. You have to really like that. I like to camp in my spot and do my rotation until the enemy is dead. That said, I don't like GW2's combat system when it goes beyond that. The more complicated it gets, the higher my loss of entertainment to the point of stress. GW1 had a varied combat system and was still uncomplicated. I wonder how much potential was used there. Do you have any info on that? I bet it was the better combat system, aside from the holy trinity system. Not met such players yet. But maybe because I mainly play wvw. I wanted to apply the 20/80 rule to the programmers. To reach 80% of their customers, they only need to put in 20% of the effort. Since you described the average player in detail, it's obvious that the average player is actually easy to please and this complicated combat system that takes a lot of time to balance seems to overwhelm the masses and thus is a waste of time. (Time that would have been better spent elsewhere, such as fixing annoying 10 year old bugs. Adapting old maps, quests and events. Changing unpopular metas and rarely played maps.) Most important: The gap between best damage output and average output wouldn't be so extreme. This opens more content for those avarage players. Don't tell me about neglected attention. I've been playing the same 4 maps for four years. And everything the community wants changed and fixed usually doesn't happen. And what ANet changes, nobody asked for, is then also a worsening improvement that makes the game even worse than before. Because ANet doesn't take into account the consequences that a change from system A has on systems B and C. They offer no alternatives and let system B and C slowly sink. I could get so angry about it. ANet messed up my favorite content so badly with updates that made everything worse that I switched my daily and weekly to PvE this morning. WvW is now too little fun for me to keep playing. Just a year ago I played it every day for 3-4 hours during the week. And that for three years. And now, I've only just finished my weekly because I completed a few things this morning. Ridiculous. I used to finish them on a good day.
  6. Then play some other game. It's no shame. Then keep playing to get the griffon and the skyscale. Getting Skyscale was made easier with SotO. Oh-nos, image the players that had to get the Skyscale the hard way (and it was hard) and now it's practically thrown at your feet. Yes it does justify. But you don't want to hear it. You come with your ego attitude after years of absence and first thing you do is offend everybody else in advance in case they have a differnt opinion. It suits you, you probably don't even notice it, but I can tell you, that ego clashes with this game. Not only with the core game, with every expansion over the years. People who are veterans and paid for every single expansion paid more than people who just join now and buy a package. Other pepole had to buy PoF to get the raptor, now you get it with the core game and you, yourself, didn't even pay for that. I think ANet should ask you for 10$ for all the things you got now you didn't pay for10 years ago. It's only fair, don't you think? Such things go both ways. ANet keeps changing things other ppl have spent time and/or money in. If you only think of yourself and be all ego about it, you'd leave here sooner or later anyway or create a stream of whining posts. Just look for some other game. I suggest Tibia. It old, it's hard and still popluar. And it's free. But actually you are just a troll, aren't you?
  7. I thank you. I can confirm. With standstorm start the chest spawned πŸ˜ƒ (Maybe someone wants to add that to the wiki)
  8. That sounds like me in my chill mode. Eparch was logistic (I don't know if still). You needed a dedicated team to do the portals and hinder the spawns to reach Eparch. You needed support and you needed movement. The first two times I did that meta it failed because Eparch got buffed up so much (while everyone just ate a hell of dmg himself) that the time ran out. When I joined a squad with organised people just for portals and adds we managed him. No fail since then. But that meta is just terrible nonetheless, for an open world meta. If Eparch was only damage dealing, then I'm sure we wouldn't have failed the first two tries. Also maintaining a dps rota was difficult because of the damage lines and circles and later the fire waves too, trying to get away/out of that and stay alive at the same time. That all costs dps. When I got 2 rotas out as qdps herold, I was lucky. Doesn't surprise me at all that the Eparch meta is a bad dps example. Octovine would be better there because once the shields are down (and the frogs got removed or kept busied elsewhere) it was all stand still and doing rota. ❀️ If the majority of customers only use 10% of what's possible a developer has then to ask himself whether he failed the target audience either with the content offered or the entire battle system. That sounds like time wasted that would served better elsewhere. For whom are the rest 90% of potential? For 20% of customers? You know the 80/20 rule? Use 20% of your input to reach 80% of output.
  9. Probably the same people that demanded refund for crafting 7 leg. runes when ANet gave away the leg. relic to everyone with just 1 leg. rune. Probably the same people that whine at the moment for ANet giving them a free set of glyphs to their Janthir purchase when few other people got two sets. There are always those people. Shall those hinder updates? You think there's no workaround like removing double the glyphs that could be switched for something else? A smarter solution than what ANet did to the repair tool when removing armor repair costs. I have several sets: Magic set 1 Magic set 2 Choya set Skyscale set my fist set when nobody told me not to spend gems on sets that have no glyphs (what did I know about glyphs fresh in the game? Nothing. Had still trouble to get the infusion system) = the useless set Clockwork tool, the lucky shepard dog tool and some other separate tools I didn't buy as set Eldrich set I actively use the Skyscale Harvest Tool and Axe for Magic 1 and the Pickaxe for Magic 2. That's 3 tools out of my entire collection. While I consider half of my tools useful, I also consider half of them redundant. They are lying around and no longer serve any purpose for me. They rework systems years old all the time. For the good or for the bad. Good is when they remove hassle and add QoL. Image ANet to rework the mount system just to please me to get a mount earlier and not just when I start first PoF chapter? Image Anet to rework the salvage system to please me that I don't have to click on each single item but can salvage in bulk? Image ANet to add a npc that sells stats select equipment (even accessories and breathers)? That was def. just for me. As wvw player I made great use of that. Bad for those who crafted such stuff for the tp before. Or the change to dyes back baaack then when you had to collect them and unlock them per character. What a hassle. What a money sink. Image ANet not adjusting and updating years old systems.
  10. No. I dropped HoT and did PoF and liked and finished PoF and then went back to finish HoT. I found PoF easier.
  11. But that's how clickbait works. The title tempts you to click on the link He has clicked the link. So it worked. Probably, but they're not hard to get, are they? Run across a map and sniff and dig. Even with the reduced drop rate, it doesn't take too long to dig up 100 instead of buying them back. And the legendary items won't be added this year anyway and the price is already dropping again. Besides, I already have a legendary spear and a legendary backpack and am in no need or hurry.
  12. Awesome idea. Combine this with a simple achievement, so that some players will make an effort to get them and play old content. (Of course, books that have already been unlocked are on the bookshelf regardless of whether you actually picked them up or disposed of them. I only kept the book/audio summary of Vlast *sniff*)
  13. I'm wary of that. She would certainly try to persuade my creatures to do something stupid. Next thing I know, my barn is on fire. But I wouldn't mind dedicating a room to my promised share from the heist. (Still waiting. I would also like to know how it worked out.)
  14. Interesting. I already can't remember anymore. In my head I imagined that the animal called Wanderling is either the animal that later became the Warclaw in the Mists, or that both Wanderling and Warclaw have a common ancestor. So closely related but not exactly the same. I imagine that whatever was used as a Warclaw before also had a name (which we don't know) and they are souls lost in wars which were later bound to the armor pieces that were reassembled. And what came out was called Warclaw (nobody knew what this being was called before). The Warclaw is a solely wvw creature. You never saw any young ones. The Wanderling seems to be a normal, living mammal. How it ended up in the Kodan area is certainly interesting if it happened in recent times. The area of origin of the two has therefore never been determined. I only unlocked my Warclaw like 3 years ago and for me these two creatures don't go together. The Warclaw is a disembodied entity bound to armor (regardless of what skins are offered). The Wanderling is a normal wild mammal. At least that's what it looks like. That's why I find it irritating to call a Wanderling a Warclaw, in Janthir. And then to distinguish so consistently between audio and text. And that's only in my language. In English it's always called Journeykin. I think it would be much better to stick with the Kodan name.
  15. My usual ratio was roughly 2:1. For two chests (the ones you sniff and dig out) I get a stone. The chests that need a key had a 1:1 ratio. Dunno how it's now, not been to Janthir much anymore now that I'm through it. I try to do the bee hive chest once a day and that's it.
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