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Posts posted by Shadowpeixera.2918

  1. On 5/15/2024 at 4:53 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

    This is still a game. People play games to make progress in one way or another. It does not make sense to apply real life rules here. Stalled fights are not fun for anyone. Players are getting the  feeling of wasting life time which eventually leads to quitting the game.

    Yeah, getting curbstomped by a group of boon-vomiting droolers is more fun than stalled fights for sure.

    It's a keep. It's a castle. Attacking defensible positions SHOULD be hard.

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  2. 12 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

    So.....gonna tell me how I'm wrong? No? Just gonna stand there and call me a troll? Alright then. I've been reported enough on these forums for my comments that I figure it's time enough to start giving back. If this is the way the forums are going to be then I guess we'll let the mods sort it out.

    Worry not, i will.

    I was here since the launch, and i remember the meta being 4 Warriors 1 Mesmer CoF P3 runs. It was the worst thing that ever happened to this game. I remember all the other classes forums, specially Necros and Rangers going absolutely insane in their rants trying their best to get a single goddamn run going because the meta shaped itself to such a point where any classes other than Warriors and Mesmers were NOT getting their runs, and thus their dungeon currency.

    Metas are something that every game develop. They're a natural progression because everything can be optimized, and people will optimize it. If it's not Snowcrows, it's someone else. It's something that *will* happen, because that's how games work. I'm not saying to be a meta-slave or to bend yourself to how others tell you to play, but there *is* an optimization path, and lots of people take it and that won't change. Going against this tide just because of misguided principles is weird.

    My point is: The game and it's players WILL find a way to be exclusive in certain content because that's how these games work. Having actual benchmarks and Anet being forced by player feedback to make everything viable is actually a good thing. It reminds me of WoW Classic in a way, where players were surprised to realize the only viable DPS classes in the game are Mages, Warlocks, Warriors and Rogues, and everything else is a tank or a healer ( and big * there on tank since the best tank is a Warrior ).

    If you don't have the information, people will try their best to gather the information with what they have, and that was GW2 for the better part of 2/3 years before the xpacs. I don't want to go back to those times, and you shouldn't either.

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  3. On 4/3/2024 at 9:11 PM, mirage.8046 said:

    I won't argue that knockbacking would be counterproductive to setting up combos, but it is a great way to prevent people from sitting on contested rings or punishing people on cliffs. Replacing knockback with knockdown would make things much harder to secure kills by knocking people off platforms. And to be fair, one could always replace Kick with Bulls Charge or another type of CC if knockbacks aren't desired.

    So is killing them, if we can properly set them up to eat a burst instead of denying ourselves a tactical advantage of keeping our foes within our range.

    You know, how trained Warriors are supposed to do.

    • Confused 1
  4. On 4/9/2024 at 2:50 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Also, important to note, attack speed increases do not stack with one another.

    Dual Wielding, Berserk Mode, and Quickness do not stack, only the highest boost is relevant.

    Makes the trait even more garbage.

    Can't be a furious berserker hacking things in open world i guess.

    • Confused 2
  5. On 4/5/2024 at 8:28 PM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Control absolutely matters in competitive, and it has never mattered in PvE outside of the odd breakbar mechanic because everything that didn't die too quickly to need control had Defiance. Prior to the current 'you occasionally get a bar to break' system, we had bosses which needed to have two dozen or so stacks of CC protection stripped before you'd get a couple of seconds of stun.

    Nobody bothered. The dungeon meta pretty much since release was stacking buffs and doubling down on DPS. You're looking with rose-tinted glasses for a time that never really existed. The difference is that we're now the closest we've ever been to an environment where everybody gets to have a role in the meta rather than having entire professions locked out. Control was actually viable in GW1, but even then, 'dead is the best control' was a common mantra.

    Warrior has always been good at Might stacking, but it never had the utilities, traits, or mechanics to really make for a good healer. Staff has to pretty much singlehandedly carry heal warrior for heal warrior to really be a thing. Guardian does have those supporting abilities, and it has multiple weapons that can be used for support, so none of them need to be quite as strong as warrior staff.

    I concur. I was there back when the endgame was CoF p3 speedruns and the meta was 4 Warriors PS + 1 Mesmer for Quickness when it was actually a rare boon to have. You had these massive clownfiestas of threads where Necromancers, Rangers, etc were trying their hardest to convince people they were viable. I forgot who was the speaker for the Ranger who made a autoattack sword build for them that dealt 4k per auto, and competed with Warriors, but i recall Nemesis being one of the speakers for Necromancer. Dude was a bit abrasive but i liked some of his guides.

    Anyway, GW2 was always about boonstacking, but back then you spent more time actually blastfinishing and Phalanx Strength-ening your way to the top, and the 4 warriors would keep those stacks up longer. I think Anet went towards the other way where vomiting boons is the core gameplay because they don't want that to become the meta again, and i do see where they're coming from ( altho i do think the other extreme is just as bad ).

  6. On 3/31/2024 at 10:52 AM, Dirame.8521 said:

    The Build originated from the Rifle. I just swapped it out for Shortbow. SB has the advantage of having more sustain and condi cleanse so there are some fights where SB would win out whilst Rifle would faulter. Fights wherein people have a lot of Projectile hate. Shortbow just bypasses that.

    @H K.4057

    At the very least try the build before making sweeping statements. Won many 1v1s and teams fights with that build.

    SB is better in WvW where you can mitigate projectile hate. In SPvP, rifle will always come out better because you NEED the burst damage to actually deal damage since it's actually very easy to either dodge your bunker down damage, or simply mitigate it if you play classes like Warrior, Necro or Guardian.

    The damage simply isn't there. It's passable damage. I want this weapon to be good too, believe me, but it's too much work for mediocre rewards, which is honestly the creed of the Engineer for the past 10 years: playing 3-kit to achieve what a Guardian does with a blink burst combo.

  7. The day Anet buffs/rework kits into something actually decent, besides FT/Grenades, is the day this discussion dies.

    Let's be honest, most people want weaponswap because most kit options are subpar. Fix that issue, and the whole point is moot. Of course, i'm sure it'll come together with the turret rework...in Guild Wars 3.

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  8. 23 hours ago, H K.4057 said:

    What a horrible build. You take Gadgeteer for a single skill. You take power wrench, but don't take the other traits in explosives that buff your dodge. You take a bunch of turrets, but no kits so you have to rely on shortbow for damage. Really, shortbow. I guess you plan is to exist on point, don't do anything, and then respawn talking about how they "unleashed a monster." I'd be embarrassed to play this build in open world, much less in pvp.

    To be fair, the build works, but i agree it's a lot of work to make a weak synergy function. At that point, it's just better to play Rifle and pepper people with strong autos.

    If anything, a Rifle BD build with some turrets to CC overcharge might work better as a burst build.

  9. On 3/15/2024 at 7:48 AM, Mabi black.1824 said:

    Question, but have you ever seen or participated in the game action and deleted a guild group of 30 players in Boomballs formation? And don't say no to me, because it happens all the time in WVW. We continue to write about these immortal groups as if the more we write it, the more true it becomes. But it's not, at least from what my eyes see every day in WVW.

    I also think that groups of players who organize, who train for a long time, who go on vocals, who learn well how to move and how to be more effective to face other players, is a good thing. it would be much worse if it were the other way around.

    Yes, and it was a boonball that defeated another boonball. It's simply how the gameplay is designed right now. If you don't see the issue with a MMO that vomits buffs left and right and creates several effects when those boons are acquired ( like being healed for instance ) thus making every combat a war of attrition to whom can get someone unbuffed first, i don't know what to tell you.

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  10. On 3/21/2024 at 7:09 AM, Dirame.8521 said:

    Your Auto-attacks can literally take 15% of health in 1-hit because of Explosive Entrance and Bunker Down. If you think that's not OP, I guess you must be playing PvE or something.

    Wow, that's almost 1/10th of what a Willbender can do in 2 hits. So strong.

    • Haha 3
  11. Add the Explosion tag to the skills or the reactions so we don't have an entire dead traitline unless we proct Explosive Entrance or Aim-Assisted Rocket. Just that would do wonders to the weapon.

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  12. 10 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    There are individual skills that are bad, weapons that are bad, some traitlines that are bad. Nobody's saying that everything that isn't engineer is fine. I'd say that some professions are even worse off. But an implication that every profession is equally bad is patently untrue.

    Turrets were supposed to be a core part of their identity. They're the spiritual successor to ritualist spirits (if you go back to the Factions marketing, even, ritualist was basically an exercise in making an engineer playstyle in a setting that had a lower tech level). I'm pretty sure no other profession has had a functionality completely abandoned for nearly a full decade now that was a core part of its identity.

    To be fair to Anet, Spirit Weapons and Ranger Spirits were also pretty bad for a long time and took a while to rework into something playable. Ranger Spirits were very feast-or-famine and gimmicky, while Spirit Weapons were just borderline useless. At least Turret sees some lateral play in some builds like Static Discharge anything, or Power Scrapper. Also some insane savants like to use Magnet Pull into Rocket for the burst that Grenades used to have in Barrage.

    But i don't disagree it took them too long to even give us some info about how the Turret Rework would go. Giving them the Spirit Weapon treatment is the way to go imo. It's very rare that an entire subsect of skills are bad, but it does happen. And again, Turrets do see some lateral play.

  13. 16 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

    I dont know about that maybe as dps boon, but heal brand heck no lol

    There's a known burn build for guardian that is Staff/Scepter/Torch for WvW which is specifically for nuking AoEs. I do not understand where people are getting this pov that Guardian Staff does no damage.

    It does. You just need to build for it. Which by the way, is what we're asking for Shortbow here. Literally, just add a Explosion tag to either all skills or all chain reactions and half of the problems of the weapon will vanish because we'll be able to proc Shrapnel, Boomer and Temper. Just Shrapnel will go far into bringing the weapon into real offensive support territory beyond hoping our 1.8k barrier will be enough to help the zerg pushing not get nuked by the 15k+ bursts this game allows others to vomit upon us.

    ( Disclaimer: speaking specifically about WvW here )

    • Like 1
  14. Make the 2 6s cd. Increase chain reaction by around 2s too. Make SB 4 and 5 not be 20+ seconds since both of them are overbearingly long.

    Add a Explosion tag to either the chain reactions, or the skills themselves besides the autoattack, so we can actually do some damage with this weapon or use it as a offensive support weapon with Shrapnel procs, instead of me pretending that 1.5k crits is acceptable damage.

    Add regeneration somewhere in the weapon so we get some interaction with the regeneration trait.

    Give us all that and it'll still be below everything else other classes got. I can't wait to fight pistol-wielding Willbenders. Because they weren't bad enough before.

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  15. 6 hours ago, Drag You Down.2615 said:

    No one ever ask guardian staff to have higher damage, or druid staff. 

    1- They perform fantastically well for dps builds. Guardians actually have a full nuke build with staff/scepter.

    2- Yes, they did? Lol

    Shortbow reminded me of old guardian staff immediately. It's great support, it's also wonky as hell, the damage is wet-noodle levels even if fully built for it, but unlike guardian staff, where the issue with it was that it's autoattack was only good for tagging in wvw or pve open world, Engi's Shortbow is low damage in *every skill*.

    Just adding a explosion tag to all skills would already do wonders by giving us Temper and Big Boomer or Shrapnel procs. It would make it a decent damage/support weapon that helps pushing teams and pokes relatively well. You know, without the issue of our poke kits being eaten by the ungodly ammount of projectile hate this game has. And without us having to twist our fingers by clicking Mortar and Grenade all the time.

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  16. Cooldowns are prohibitive, the chain reaction mechanic is too niche to be useful, the damage is too low to use it as a poke weapon. It *is* a fantastic tag weapon in WvW but at that point, how much are you really helping?

    Also, i'll say the biggest crime of this weapon is not having a single Explosion. The entire Explosives traitline becomes useless with this weapon. Personally, i feel that just adding explosions to the chain reactions or to the skills themselves ( besides the autoattack ) would at least fix the ( very ) low damage the weapon has.

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  17. On 2/20/2024 at 9:41 PM, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    You have to gather that power yourself. Did you think Rome is build in a day!? Our squad evolve all the time, various people contribute to the "40k" power. If you want that power build it yourself. 

    Several WvW players have been watching that "evolution" you speak of crumble every day as the game mode loses more and more players thanks to misguided changes, stale awful metas, boonballs wars and no real changes in sight. The game has been going for ten years, and all that WvW players got were two maps ( one of them abandoned and full of obsolete mechanics and glitches ) that aren't intuitive to navigate, and some ruins and everything else is a showcase of nerfing the classes that counter the boonball meta.

    It's very convenient and "glass-housy" of you to speak like you're the one that is gathering that power. I'm certain most of that effort is done by your betters and the moment they move on, smashed below the weight of the neglect this gamemode suffers, you'll be here complaining too.

    • Confused 1
  18. On 3/27/2023 at 9:00 AM, MrForz.1953 said:

    Isn't that what people wanted? 🤷‍♂️

    I wanted an Asura golem and asura-like animations for pistol/rifles, with beams and shocks and stuff.

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  19. The only acceptable weaponswap i would consider is if they made us choose a kit as our class mechanic as the weaponswap, and shoved the utility belt skills into our utility slots.

    Other than that, no. Weaponswap as a concept is already awful to begin with, and half of the problems this game has could be attributed to it ( i'll argue the other half is the terrible boon/condition system ). I play engineer both for the aesthetics and also to get away from that terrible system.

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  20. 1 hour ago, arazoth.7290 said:

    In WoW the normal bgs are kind of the same as capturing a node, in sense of capturing a flag or delivering to a place (like with delivering orb in gw2).

    The only exciting difference in WoW bgs are the special ones that occasional happen, which is changing the rules of the original. For example there is in a special bg during certain times anti gravity everyone shooting in the air to reposition easier for counter play.

    For the rest it's kind of the same and there is less dynamic combat in WoW, I played 12 years pvp overthere so yea. 


    • Just make in GW2 strongholds 10vs10 mode:

    While they're at it, they can maybe add a new stronghold too and a new conquest one ofc too.

    • Suggestion for at the start of each season or festive:

    Make an unranked mode in general special for 1 week temporarily according at the start of each season or festive.

    This is to bring variation in arena, ranked stays the same for competitive ofcourse !



    Of course you are bored with WoW, since you played it for 12 years. We also are bored with GW2 because we played for 10. GW2 is a different game, thus the dynamic of those BGs would be different. It's the same thing that would happen to WoW if they had an Arena that was 5v5 with 3 objectives instead of the pillarhumping-fest that is their invitational right now.

    It will be fun, because it changes the way the game is played. Having 8v8, 10v10, 12v12 and 15v15 would be great for the game, just as an experiment, even if it's a repetitive thing, it would increase the ammount of options we have for PvP. And on the repetitive side...like, do we really have a ground to stand on here? It's been 10 years of 5v5s.

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