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Posts posted by Shadowpeixera.2918

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Little synergy with traits?!

    • Merciless Hammer
    • Might Makes Right
    • Mending Might
    • Leg Specialist
    • Opportunist
    • Warrior's Sprint

    All work with Rifle and is more than Axe does or Greatsword. Obviously, I left out weapon specific traits and burst traits, but FGS and Axe Mastery have parts that work with all weapons, whereas MH has a part that only works with CCs.

    There is a great deal of synergy, it's just that parts of rifle suck so hard it is difficult to justify taking it despite all the synergies.

    Point taken, to an extent. Leg Specialist and Opportunist improve the weapon to usable status and they are fun traits, so you're right there ( which is why my proposed rework makes Crack Shot double down on dealing more damage to impaired targets, which i think should be a staple of the weapon ). MMR/MM on the slow auto of Rifle i would argue is worse than Axe/GS. The condition of needing to hit a vulnerable target, while mostly irrelevant is still a trade-off that shouldn't exist.  Also, am i missing something here? What's the synergy with Warrior's Sprint? Also, taking WS means you can't get Crack Shot ( not that it's that good ).

    I think numbers wise, you do have synergies, but when you pair the weapons themselves with the traits, the other weapons do more with their synergies. It becomes a issue of quantity vs quality. Like, now that you mentioned, a Rifle with a might sigil and FGS would be fun to play, but i still think that's way less than what you can do with an Axe. The weapon is just not up to par for the synergies to make a difference, so i didn't consider them on my post and that's my bad.

    On the Merciless Hammer synergy, that works but i think it's a really weak synergy. Still, my main point stands: I would rather have Rifle as a Assault weapon that gives us power AoE damage and decent single target, being a better overall weapon with wider application as a trade off to lose a little bit of single target damage. Also, giving a pass to outdated skills like Kill Shot can only benefit us.

    Anyway, thanks for the correction ❤️

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  2. On 11/19/2022 at 6:14 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

    That's what you get in a game without consistent RPG roles. Every class is a melting pot of goop that can do everything, turning the game more and more chaotic.

    And as far as design goes, no. gw2 always had a shoddy design. Their initial "no roles" philosophy bit them hard. gw2 tried to create hacks around this shoddy design (elite specs, "tradeoffs"). However, all that did is powercreep this game to the moon to the point where classes like warrior can barely hit their targets due to most classes having absurd amounts of super-speed and blind. How the hell do you expect a supposed "melee" class to be a melee class then?

    I am completely sympathetic to Anet wanting every class to have access to every role. Their problem was to deny the roles themselves. If they had followed their early ideas of letting every class use every weapon in their way, and if you had the 4 main roles every MMO have ( Tank/Support/Healer/DPS ), this game would be way better simply because you would have 9 classes performing every role, and a lot of the game already allows you to tailor your build to yourself.

  3. I would argue that Warrior's Rifle has little synergy with our traits outside some specific ones. It's a weapon that it's pigeonholed into either a bursty playstyle, requiring use of Kill Shot, and as anyone who plays Sword knows, selfrooting in this powercrept game is a big no-no, or it's a supportive playstyle that is mostly supported by specific traits that are better used with other weapons, and while the Rifle can provide some, it's still clunky. You become this sort of supportive-DPS that defines a kill target. It's fun, but it's really not something the weapon should be forced into.

    A big issue, the way i see, is the need for Signet Mastery since you NEED the unblockable, and the need for Berserker's Power if you're rolling damage, which forces you into spamming Kill Shot. The weapon is also extremely weak for a single target weapon, and Crack Shot is not a good enough trait.

    Here's my proposed rework:

    Apply Crack Shot's 10% damage increase as baseline.

    Kill Shot is usable while moving.

    Rework Volley into "Sweeping Volley": "You sweep the area in front of you with a suppressive barrage of bullets, causing damage." The skill becomes a cone AoE similar to Blunderbuss, but instead as a chanelled 5x times damage to 5 enemies, 900 range skill.

    Make Explosive Shell explode AROUND the target, not behind it.

    Keep Brutal Shot as it is. Make Rifle Butt be a small ( REALLY SMALL ) leap to the target, just to help connect the skill to the enemy.

    Crack Shot now increases the damage you deal to moviment-impaired targets ( Cripple/Immob/Slow/Chill ) by X%. Rifle skills get double the increase.

    These are just ideas i had now. I like the Warrior Rifle's concept as more of a true rifle and not a shotgun ( That's the Engineer's thing ). I think honestly, the Warrior Rifle should be themed/conceptualized into a full blown Assault Rifle. Explosive Shell fits the grenade launch part, rifle butt is a tactical hit using your rifle as a melee, special forces-like, all we need is to make Volley and Kill Shot better.

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/20/2022 at 10:13 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    This effect should be baseline, not part of any trait or Signet.

    Life Force doesn't decay out of combat, so Adrenaline shouldn't decay either.


    "Hey, Warrior! The battle is over! Calm yourself!"


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  5. Dire Condi Berserker works as a LI build for Longbow. You basically sleep on your keyboard while never really dying. You don't output as much damage as the Celestial variant, but it's way less demanding on your fingers and it also solos stuff well.

    Talking about builds that shouldn't work, i've been interested in making a Cleric LI build. I wanted to make it a Hammer or Mace Warrior, but Hammer is too dependant on non-sustainy traits to work, so i might just bite the bullet and go either Axe/X or Spellbreaker Dagger/Dagger. The whole idea would be to abuse passive healing traits and utilities like Adrenal Health, Healing Signet, MMR and maybe Sun and Moon.

    Honestly my entire idea was supposed to be a mace/shield warrior, kinda literally a Cleric, but there's no ammount of class fantasy that will make Mace usable, SPECIALLY with Shield for anything besides breakbar damage and swap.

  6. 17 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    Most of the conversation in this thread had been around Berserker, but I want to point out that I think Bladesworn is pretty close to viable in PvP. It still has good damage, a nice mix of ranged and melee attacks, and really good healing. Sure, the spec has many issues that can and should be redesigned at some future date, but I think it could be at least competitive if they simply put some stability back on it.


    Here's hoping they do something so the spec doesn't stay dead for the next few months until the next patch.

    But that forces you to play Bladesworn and i can think of better fates.

  7. Their lofty achievements blind them to the truth, friend. They wear the same plate as us. They use the same weapons as us. They wield the same battle-hunger as us. BUT THEY ARE NOT US.

    They are zealots, magically imbued, crazed believers. They need the guidance of the martially-inclined, of the tactically-privileged. They need our hand to drive their direction.

    While they were creating blue flames, we were climbing hills. While they rested in meditation, we studied the blade. If a Guardian is a rock, then the Warrior is a MOUNTAIN. Discipline is a virtue, yes, but it's a virtue of soldiers. COMMANDERS don't march. They STOMP the ground. We don't move, we quake the earth beneath our feet. They need our guidance.

    It's time. The unclean, the deceiver, the wizard, the bandit, the savage, the technofetishist, the zealot and the mist-diseased. It's time for them to learn their place in the hierarchy. They'll bow, or they'll be made to bow. And if they refuse to bow, they'll be stepped on by our bootheels, in glorious plated ground stomp.

    The blues will be the support. We will be the vanguard. Their time of indiscipline has ended. Our dawn is at hand. And whoever contest that, may find their throats in our steely grips.

    • Like 3
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  8. 1 hour ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

    World of Warcraft classic Warrior seems a lot more appealing by the day compared to the kitten pile anet has made of it 🤣

    When they get to 60, they become absolute forces of obliteration to the point where they can tank raids with dual wielding if they outgear the raid.

    And on that note, Paladins are on their rightful places: The healing dress or the trashcan. Guardians have had it too good for far too long. Maybe it's time for us to put our big boy plates and demand the blues to provide support only.


    • Thanks 1
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  9. 3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    And go into a knocked down state on the triple jump

    Into a puddle of tears.


    But Arenanet being Arenanet, they'd make us take fall damage after double or triple jumping.

    I'm still impressed we don't take damage when entering Berserk mode.

    • Haha 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    No... they are all beasts; some just have a teeny meow instead of a mighty roar.

    Best character i've met in this game was in the first year, a Charr Warrior named Meowth Is My Warcry.

    • Haha 2
  11. 3 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    There is not just necromancer. I do not deny that spellbreaker's boon hate nerfs are difficult to understand as they are absolutely unwarranted but necromancer stand out just because it's the most efficient one. Mesmer can rip an isane amount of boons if you really want to build for that. Revenant isn't a bad pick either and even thief could surprise people.


    As for your understanding, it is poor because you dare to say thing like "stability has been powercrept". No amount of buff to the current way stability work can bring this boon to the strenght it had in the vanilla game. In the vanilla game zergs in WvW were running with perma unlimited stack of stability. It was making hard CC totally irrelevant in the gamemode while now, at least, hard CCs somehow work. 

    I'm not saying every change they made was non-sensical. Of course Stability is on a better spot than it was before. But access to it was rarer, and that's the point. The reason why you see EVERY WARRIOR IN THIS ANET-FORSAKEN FORUM complaining about not being able to connect damage is because we are by design made to deal damage either by applying CC ( in case of Mace/Hammer ) or by playing off of it ( Axe/GS ).

    The stack change to stability was good. Increasing the avaliability of it was not. There are more ways of making things powercreeped than just buffing them directly. Just having more access to quickness/alacrity and stability ( in WvW ) made the entire game revolve around these specific boons, and particularly made OUR class suffer more because of it's design.

    What i'm getting through here is that: Yes, you are right that the core vanilla game wasn't perfect. I was there. I ran those awful 4/1 Warrior Mesmer CoF P3. I remember the time when the whiny forum was the Necro forum because Necros were seen as absolutely worthless. I remember Nemesis crusade for Necro being a good dps. I remember people finally finding out that Ranger could achieve similar numbers to Warrior, and it was a mess of debate.

    I'm not saying everything back then was perfect. I'm saying some design decisions back then were decent, while some nowadays are also decent: Making Stability a stacking boon? Great design. Making it TOO prevalent? Terrible idea. Making conditions stack? Also glorious design, i remember the mess that condition builds were back then. But allowing builds to achieve like 20 burning stacks while playing a extremely supportive class? Terrible design.

    C'mon buddy, you're a smart person, i'm sure you figured this out. You don't need to directly buff something for it to be powercreeped, it just needs to be directly affected by a specific change that doesn't even need to be related to the thing itself.

    Hell, the only reason why you don't see the forums rioting with the Spellbreaker nerf, is because since Firebrand and Elementalist also got hefty changes, there's a chance that their boon output got reduced and it might be a net gain for us in the end. That's a case of Spellbreaker MAYBE getting buffed from a change that affects other classes.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

    They did a great job reviving hammer. But it does feel like something's missing.

    For me, I've begun to think that they need another trait that goes along with CC. So far, I've only come up with getting barrier or to heal every time you CC something.

    That's all I got.

    I still think the issue is sacrificing 3 traitlines to make the weapon work on somewhat of a par with Axe.

    But you're right. It just feels wrong.

    Anet has done it. They broke our spirits. A worthy weapon, destroyed by our perception. It demands love, yet we have none to give. We are the ones not worthy of it's earth-shattering competence.

    I am tainted. I am lost. I can't love back the Hammer that loves me. Maybe i should play Bladesworn.

  13. Quote

    Do i understand it correctly that you want this skill to apply 9 stacks of bleed, 9 stacks of torment and immobilize, on top of increasing it's power damage coefficient and making you able to move during it and all that on 10 seconds cooldown?

    That sounds a bit excessive, doesn't it?

    No, the torment would be static. My bad for not explaining that, but the idea is that the torment is applied on the initial strike, and the bleeding stacks, so it wouldn't be 9 torment stacks, more like 3/4. That would make the skill still decent if you need to cancel with a dodge, but more rewarding if you hit everything.


    .... 10 stacks of confusion for one auto attack chain? And 3 stacks of torment on top?

    Why always such massive overload? Wouldn't it be a better approach to just speed up the mace auto attack animation and give it some condis? Does anyone actually enjoy how sluggish this weapon feels?

    I'm all for speeding up Mace instead of backloading it with damage. But since it took 10 years and the weapon still struggles in limbo, i'm assuming that Anet likes the concept of the weapon, so i simply fed on it's usability.

    If they go 1/1/3 confusion stacks and speed up the weapon, i'll be more than satisfied. But if we take a whole year to circle around the sun and your third attack is still casting, then yeah, the damage should be there to compensate for the fact that it's easier for man to step on the sun than for that third attack to connect.

    Your solution is the sensical one. I just went a bit into the theme, but i do comment on speeding it. It would be better, it would feel better, and i hope it's the solution they go with. Hell, if they make Body Blows proc confusion too, that would be a enough buff for a sped Mace.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:


    That's where Mending Might helps out ; )

    Remember, you'll be dishing out might to yourself and others whenever you burst thanks to Marching Orders / Soldier's Focus, and I'm pretty sure that for the purpose of self-sustain, you count as an "ally" (this seems to be the case for most "affect ally" skills in the game). So you're not just reliant on shouts for sustain.

    Are you sure that works? I remember having issues with Tactics exactly because MM doesn't proc on yourself. I think some Warriors run Golemancer/Privateer runes so they can buff the pet and get MM synergy.

  15. 1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    @Shadowpeixera.2918I'm sorry to say it but you seem to have a very poor understanding of how the vanilla game used to be.

    As for your wish of bringing the classic "trinity" in the game, it's simply impossible due to how the trait system is built. And, let's be clear, GW1 wasn't much more of a "heal/tank/dps" game than GW2 is. You'd lie to yourself if you were to truly believe that it was the case.

    Nah, i understand it well enough. I'm just saying that the game as it's set up right now isn't really that good, design wise. Anet "solved" some issues by going away from classic design, and shoved a plethora of new ones down our throats.

    Not only that, they keep nerfing the limited ways we can counter their awful boon/condition system by nerfing Spellbreaker and boon-removal in general, while keeping only Necromancer with boon corrupt tools. But sure, it's my understanding that is poor. Anet can do no wrong, as it's proved by the sunshine and rainbows that is the Warrior forums.

    Miss me with that garbage.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    Actually, it was only right until the hit things part.

    We just hit things, but we do not hit them good. And we definitely do not hit them gooder.

    I never said we were actually good at it. We do try to be.

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